tumblr_使用Google Analytics(分析)获取有关您的Tumblr博客的详细统计信息

tumblr_使用Google Analytics(分析)获取有关您的Tumblr博客的详细统计信息


Want to find out how many people are visiting your Tumblr blog, and who’s linking to your posts?  Here’s how you can get all the inside info on your Tumblr blog with Google Analytics.

是否想知道有多少人正在访问您的Tumblr博客,以及谁链接到您的帖子? 您可以通过以下方法使用Google Analytics(分析)在Tumblr博客上获取所有内部信息。

If you’ve migrated from WordPress.com to Tumblr, or used to have a self-hosted WordPress blog with the WordPress.com stats enabled, you may have missed the handy stats gadget on your dashboard.  Perhaps it’s just an ego inflator, but it is nice to see how many people are visiting your site and it can even help focus your posts by seeing which posts are the most popular.

如果您已从WordPress.com迁移到Tumblr,或者曾经拥有启用了WordPress.com统计信息的自托管WordPress博客,则可能会错过仪表板上方便的统计信息小工具。 也许这只是一个自我充气机,但很高兴看到有多少人访问您的网站,它甚至可以通过查看最受欢迎的帖子来帮助您集中帖子。

tumblr_使用Google Analytics(分析)获取有关您的Tumblr博客的详细统计信息

Many professional websites, on the other hand, rely on Google Analytics for free and detailed statistics about their sites.  Tumblr users may not have the easy, integrated WordPress.com stats, but they can use the more advanced Google Analytics directly with their Tumblr blog.  You’ll have to go to the Analytics site to see your blog’s statistics, but you’ll get far more details too.  Here’s how you do it.

另一方面,许多专业网站都依赖Google Analytics(分析)免费提供有关其网站的详细统计信息。 Tumblr用户可能没有简单,集成的WordPress.com统计信息,但是他们可以直接在其Tumblr博客中使用更高级的Google Analytics(分析)。 您必须转到Google Analytics(分析)网站才能查看博客的统计信息,但您还将获得更多详细信息。 这是您的操作方式。

Register for Google Analytics

注册Google Analytics(分析)

Before you can add Google Analytics to your Tumblr blog, you’ll need to sign up for the Analytics service.  Head over to the Google Analytics site (link below), and click the Sign Up Now link.

您必须先注册Google Analytics(分析)服务,然后才能将Google Analytics(分析)添加到您的Tumblr博客。 转到Google Analytics(分析)网站( 下面的链接 ),然后单击立即注册链接。

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Sign in with your Google account when prompted.


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Click the Sign Up button again to start registering your site.

再次单击“ 注册”按钮以开始注册您的站点。

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Enter your Tumblr blog’s address; you can either enter yourblog.tumblr.com, or if you’ve added a custom domain to your Tumblr, enter that address instead.  Click Continue when you’ve entered all the needed info.

输入您的Tumblr博客地址; 您可以输入yourblog.tumblr.com ,或者如果您已经向Tumblr添加了自定义域,请输入该地址。 输入所有必需的信息后,单击继续

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Enter your name and location, and click Continue.


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Read over the license agreement, then check the box to agree with the license.  Click Create New Account when you’re finished.

阅读许可协议,然后选中复选框以同意许可。 完成后,单击“ 创建新帐户”

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Finally, Google Analytics will show you code to paste into your site.  To add Google Analytics to Tumblr, you’ll usually only need the Tracking ID itself, so you can just select the ID as highlighted below, which should be a number similar to UA-12345678-9.  Copy this, and then proceed to add Analytics to your Tumblr.

最后,Google Analytics(分析)将向您显示粘贴到您网站中的代码。 要将Google Analytics(分析)添加到Tumblr,通常只需要跟踪ID本身,因此您只需选择下面突出显示的ID即可,该ID应该类似于UA-12345678-9 。 复制它,然后继续将Analytics添加到您的Tumblr。

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Add Google Analytics to Your Tumblr

将Google Analytics(分析)添加到您的Tumblr

Most Tumblr themes make it very easy to add Analytics.  Once you’ve copied your Tracking ID number, head over to your Tumblr’s Customize page (link below) or click Customize in your dashboard.

大多数Tumblr主题使添加Analytics(分析)变得非常容易。 复制跟踪ID号后,转到Tumblr的“自定义”页面( 下面的链接 ),或在信息中心中单击“ 自定义”

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Select the Appearance tab, and find the Google Analytics field.  Paste your code in this text box.

选择外观标签,然后找到Google Analytics(分析)字段。 将您的代码粘贴到此文本框中。

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Click Save+ Close on the top right, and now Google Analytics is integrated with your Tumblr blog.  There’s nothing else you need to do!

点击右上角的保存+关闭 ,现在Google Analytics(分析)已与您的Tumblr博客集成。 您无需执行其他任何操作!

tumblr_使用Google Analytics(分析)获取有关您的Tumblr博客的详细统计信息

Add Google Analytics Manually to Your Tumblr Theme

将Google Analytics(分析)手动添加到您的Tumblr主题

If your Appearance tab doesn’t have a Google Analytics option, don’t despair!  We’ve loaded the Astronaut theme here, which doesn’t include Google Analytics integration in the Appearance tab, so we’ll need to add Analytics to the code.

如果您的外观标签没有Google Analytics(分析)选项,请不要失望! 我们已在此处加载了宇航员主题,该主题在“ 外观”选项卡中未包括Google Analytics(分析)集成,因此我们需要将Analytics(分析)添加到代码中。

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To do this, open your Theme tab and select Use custom HTML.

为此,请打开“ 主题”标签,然后选择“ 使用自定义HTML”

tumblr_使用Google Analytics(分析)获取有关您的Tumblr博客的详细统计信息

Now, go back to the Analytics page and copy all of the code given rather than just your site’s ID.  If you’ve already closed the page with your Analytics code, you can easily find it again by following our directions on How to Find Your Google Analytics Tracking Code.

现在,返回到Google Analytics(分析)页面并复制给出的所有代码,而不仅仅是您网站的ID。 如果您已经关闭了包含Google Analytics(分析)代码的页面,则可以按照我们有关如何查找Google Analytics(分析)跟踪代码的说明轻松地再次找到它。

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Once you’ve got the code, head back to your Tumblr Customize page with the Theme tab open to the site’s code.  Press Ctrl+F in your browser, and search for </head>.  Paste your code directly above it.

获取代码后,返回“ Tumblr自定义”页面,其中“主题”选项卡打开到站点的代码。 在浏览器中按Ctrl + F,然后搜索</ head> 。 将您的代码直接粘贴在其上方。

tumblr_使用Google Analytics(分析)获取有关您的Tumblr博客的详细统计信息

Click Close and Save, and now Google Analytics is integrated with your Tumblr blog even though it wasn’t included in the theme by default!

点击关闭并保存 ,现在Google Analytics(分析)已与您的Tumblr博客集成在一起,即使默认情况下主题中未包含它也是如此!

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View Your Stats


Once everything’s integrated, you can start viewing stats about your site’s traffic.  It may take some time before data’s available, but you’ll usually start seeing stats within a day or so.  Browse to the Analytics page, and click Access Analytics as before.

整合所有内容后,您可以开始查看有关网站流量的统计信息。 数据可能需要一些时间,但是通常您会在一天左右的时间内开始查看统计信息。 浏览到“分析”页面,然后像以前一样单击“ 访问分析 ”。

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This time, click your site’s name in the Accounts list to see more info about it, or just glance at the quick visits stats on the front page.

这次,在“ 帐户”列表中单击您站点的名称以查看有关此站点的更多信息,或者只是浏览首页上的快速访问统计信息。

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Now click View report on the profile page.


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This will give you some nice graphs about your site, including a large, interactive graph of visits over time, as well as smaller sparklines-style graphs of visits, pageviews, average time on site, and more.


tumblr_使用Google Analytics(分析)获取有关您的Tumblr博客的详细统计信息

Check out the Map Overview to see where your visitors are coming from, or check the Content Overview to see which posts are most popular.  There’s tons here to explore; keep clicking and you’ll get more info about each item.

查看地图概述以查看您的访客来自哪里,或查看内容概述以查看哪些帖子最受欢迎。 这里有很多东西可以探索; 持续单击,您将获得有关每个项目的更多信息。

tumblr_使用Google Analytics(分析)获取有关您的Tumblr博客的详细统计信息

Another one of the cool features you will like is having your analytics reports sent to your email which is available under Custom Reporting. You can schedule them to arrive daily, weekly, monthly, or quarterly.

您还会喜欢的另一个很酷的功能是将分析报告发送到电子邮件,该报告可在“自定义报告”下找到。 您可以安排它们每天,每周,每月或每季度到达。

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You can schedule them to arrive daily, weekly, monthly, or quarterly in a variety of file formats. This will help you keep on top of the type of the traffic you’re getting without having to log into the Analytics site.

您可以安排它们以各种文件格式每天,每周,每月或每季度到达。 这将帮助您掌握所获得的流量类型,而无需登录Analytics(分析)网站。

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Although Tumblr doesn’t include built-in stats on your blog’s visits, it’s easy to add Google Analytics and get more stats power than WordPress.com offers.  Even though it seems like a less sophisticated service at first, Tumblr has everything you’d want for a great blogging platform.  Keep blogging, and let Analytics tell you what posts kept your visitors coming back for more!

尽管Tumblr在您的博客访问中未包含内置统计信息,但是与WordPress.com相比,添加Google Analytics(分析)并获得更多统计信息功能很容易。 尽管起初看起来似乎不太复杂,但Tumblr拥有您想要的出色博客平台所需的一切。 继续写博客,让Analytics(分析)告诉您哪些帖子使您的访客回头更多!

If you’d like more info about Google Analytics, check out some previous articles from The Geek about it:

如果您想了解有关Google Analytics(分析)的更多信息,请查阅The Geek先前的一些文章:

Don’t forget, if you haven’t setup your Tumblr blog yet, our tutorial makes it easy!




Sign up for and Access Google Analytics

注册并访问Google Analytics(分析)

Customize Your Tumblr Blog


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/22598/use-google-analytics-to-get-detailed-stats-about-your-tumblr-blog/
