谷歌chrome xp_在Google Chrome中创建“稍后阅读列表”

谷歌chrome xp_在Google Chrome中创建“稍后阅读列表”

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Have you been waiting for that “Read It Later” extension goodness in Google Chrome? Now you can create “Read Later Lists” with the Local Read Later extension.

您是否一直在等待Google Chrome中的“稍后阅读”扩展名? 现在,您可以使用“本地稍后读取”扩展名创建“稍后读取列表”。



Adding the extension is quick and easy but you will need to confirm the installation before you can finish adding Local Read Later to Chrome.

添加扩展程序非常简单快捷,但是您需要先确认安装,然后才能将Local Read Later添加到Chrome。

谷歌chrome xp_在Google Chrome中创建“稍后阅读列表”

As soon as the installation has finished you will see your new “Toolbar Button” and a brief extension management message. At this point you will need to go into the options to decide how “Saved Websites” are handled after you click on them in the drop-down list.

安装完成后,您将看到新的“工具栏按钮”和简短的扩展管理消息。 此时,在下拉列表中单击后,您需要进入选项来决定如何处理“保存的网站”。

谷歌chrome xp_在Google Chrome中创建“稍后阅读列表”

The only way to access the “Options” is through the “Chrome Extensions Page”…

访问“选项”的唯一方法是通过“ Chrome扩展程序页面”…

谷歌chrome xp_在Google Chrome中创建“稍后阅读列表”

These are the options for Local Read Later. At the top is the option that will have a large effect on how the extension works for you. If you leave it enabled (default setting) then each “Saved Website” that you click on in the drop-down list is automatically deleted. That is good if you no longer need the link but if you accidentally click on it…ouch.

这些是“本地稍后读取”的选项。 最上方的选项将对扩展程序的工作方式产生重大影响。 如果将其保留为启用状态(默认设置),则在下拉列表中单击的每个“保存的网站”都会自动删除。 如果您不再需要该链接,但是如果您不小心单击它,那很好。

Disabling the option will leave all websites in the list even if you click on them. How do you get rid of them then you may ask? That is what the “Pages to read (JSON)” text area is for. You can manually delete individual drop-down list entries (or all of them automatically by clicking on “Reset All”). The list can also be copied, saved externally, and restored at a later time if needed (definitely nice).

禁用该选项会将所有网站保留在列表中,即使您单击它们。 您可能会问,您如何摆脱它们? 这就是“要读取的页面(JSON)”文本区域的用途。 您可以手动删除单个下拉列表条目(或通过单击“全部重置”自动删除所有下拉列表条目)。 该列表也可以复制,保存到外部,并在以后需要时恢复(绝对不错)。

谷歌chrome xp_在Google Chrome中创建“稍后阅读列表”

Local Read Later in Action


Ok, so you have found a website that you want to read later…how do you add it to the list? Use the keyboard shortcut “Ctrl + Alt + R” and the website is instantly added to the list. You will see a small red blinking box with the text “NEW” in it for a couple of seconds before it transforms into a modified count “box”.

好的,所以您找到了一个以后要阅读的网站……如何将其添加到列表中? 使用键盘快捷键“ Ctrl + Alt + R”,该网站即刻添加到列表中。 您将看到一个红色的小闪烁框,其中带有文本“ NEW”(新),并持续了几秒钟,然后才转变为修改后的计数“框”。

谷歌chrome xp_在Google Chrome中创建“稍后阅读列表”

A closer look at the “Toolbar Button” and “Saved Website Count”.


谷歌chrome xp_在Google Chrome中创建“稍后阅读列表”

Another website, another “Ctrl + Alt + R” to add it to the list…

另一个网站,另一个“ Ctrl + Alt + R”将其添加到列表中…

谷歌chrome xp_在Google Chrome中创建“稍后阅读列表”

Here is our example list now that we are starting to fill it up a little bit.


谷歌chrome xp_在Google Chrome中创建“稍后阅读列表”

Curious about how the “Pages to read (JSON)” text area looks now? Here it is with our two websites added to it…

对“要读取的页面(JSON)”文本区域现在的外观感到好奇吗? 这是我们添加了两个网站的地方…

谷歌chrome xp_在Google Chrome中创建“稍后阅读列表”

Time to try the saved links out. Open the drop-down list and click on the listing that you would like to view…

是时候尝试保存的链接了。 打开下拉列表,然后单击您要查看的列表...

谷歌chrome xp_在Google Chrome中创建“稍后阅读列表”

The webpage will be opened in a new tab and the listing will be gone from the drop-down list (unless you disabled the removal feature).


谷歌chrome xp_在Google Chrome中创建“稍后阅读列表”



This extension is still in the early stages of development but if you have been waiting for “Read It Later” functionality in Chrome then you should definitely give Local Read Later a try.




Download the Local Read Later extension (Google Chrome Extensions

下载“本地稍后读取”扩展程序(Google Chrome扩展程序


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