macos 加密_macOS制作了加密文件的未加密缩略图

macos 加密_macOS制作了加密文件的未加密缩略图

macos 加密

macos 加密_macOS制作了加密文件的未加密缩略图

Your Mac is always making thumbnails and previews for Quick Look, and those same previews cache information you might prefer to keep secret.


The problem comes when you browse an encrypted disk image, or any encrypted drive, using the Finder. Previews are created every time you press space to preview a file, and in same cases even if you don’t. These previews are cached an unencrypted folder on your computer, meaning at least some information is recoverable without access to the encrypted disk image or drive.

当您使用Finder浏览加密的磁盘映像或任何加密的驱动器时,就会出现问题。 每次您按空格预览文件时都会创建预览,在相同情况下(即使您不这样做也是如此)。 这些预览被缓存在计算机上未加密的文件夹中,这意味着至少一些信息是可恢复的,而无需访问加密的磁盘映像或驱动器。

Wojciech Reguła, writing for Objective-See:

WojciechReguła, 为《目标》写作

However, if an attacker (or law enforcement) has access to the running system, even if the password-protected encrypted containers are unmounted (as thus their contents ‘safe’), this caching ‘feature’ can reveal their contents. In other words, the increased security encrypted containers were thought to provide, may be completely undermined by QuickLook.

但是,如果攻击者(或执法人员)可以访问正在运行的系统,则即使卸载了受密码保护的加密容器(因此其内容“安全”),此缓存“功能”也可以显示其内容。 换句话说,增加安全性的加密容器被认为可以提供,但可能会被QuickLook完全破坏。

The full writeup is well worth checking out, if you’re interested in information security at all. Apple employees, at the very least, should read this and change how caching works for encrypted disk images, because this is a breach that needs patching ASAP.

如果您完全对信息安全感兴趣,那么完整的文章非常值得一试。 至少,Apple员工应阅读此书,并更改缓存对加密磁盘映像的工作方式,因为这是一个漏洞,需要尽快修补。


macos 加密