

If you frequently find yourself with dozens of forgotten open Safari tabs on your iPhone or iPad, then it can be annoying to sort through them or manually close them later. Luckily, Safari can automatically close tabs after a certain period of time. Here’s how to set it up.

如果您经常在iPhone或iPad上发现许多被遗忘的Safari标签,那么对它们进行排序或稍后手动将其关闭可能很烦人。 幸运的是,Safari可以在一段时间后自动关闭标签页。 设置方法如下。

First, open Settings. Scroll down until you see “Safari” and tap it.

首先,打开设置。 向下滚动,直到看到“ Safari”,然后点按它。


In Safari settings, swipe down until you see the “Tabs” section, then tap “Close Tabs.”



One the “Close Tabs” screen, you have the option to set the lifespan of an open Safari browser tab. When set, Safari will close tabs that have not been viewed within the period of time you set, and the options are “Manually,” “After One Day,” “After One Week,” or “After One Month.” This setting applies to Private tabs as well.

在“关闭标签”屏幕中,您可以选择设置一个打开的Safari浏览器标签的寿命。 设置后,Safari将关闭在您设置的时间内未查看的选项卡,选项为“手动”,“一天后”,“一周后”或“一个月后”。 此设置也适用于“专用”选项卡。

Pick the option that suits you best and tap on it.



After that, leave Settings. It’s handy to know that even after Safari automatically closes your older tabs, you can still find them in the hidden “Open Recently Closed Tabs” menu in Safari for iPhone and iPad. You can access it by holding down the “+” (plus) button on the tab management screen in Safari.

之后,离开设置。 方便知道,即使Safari自动关闭了较旧的标签后,您仍然可以在iPhone和iPad的Safari中隐藏的“打开最近关闭的标签”菜单中找到它们。 您可以通过按住Safari中标签管理屏幕上的“ +”(加号)按钮来访问它。

As a potential downside, Safari (as of iOS and iPadOS 13) will also group recently closed Private Browsing tabs in the same “Recently Closed Tabs” area if they are closed automatically. If you want to fully conceal recent browsing activity, it may be best to manually close Private tabs yourself.

作为潜在的弊端,如果自动关闭,Safari(从iOS和iPadOS 13开始)还将最近关闭的“私人浏览”选项卡分组在同一“最近关闭的选项卡”区域中。 如果要完全隐藏最近的浏览活动,最好自己手动关闭“私人”选项卡。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/681314/how-to-automatically-close-safari-tabs-on-iphone-and-ipad/