android 搜索记录_如何在Android上清除您的Google搜索记录

android 搜索记录_如何在Android上清除您的Google搜索记录

android 搜索记录

android 搜索记录_如何在Android上清除您的Google搜索记录

If you’re an Android user, Google is ubiquitous throughout the operating system. You can access Google Now on Tap from pretty much anywhere by long-pressing the home button, jump into Google Now directly from the launcher, or say “OK Google” to use your voice from pretty much anywhere in the OS. But each time you do one of those things, it creates a new search entry in your Google History.

如果您是Android用户,则Google在整个操作系统中无处不在。 您可以通过长按主页按钮从几乎任何地方访问Tap Now上的Google即时,直接从启动器跳入Google即时,或者说“确定Google”以在操作系统的几乎任何地方使用您的声音。 但是,每次您执行其中一项操作时,它都会在Google历史记录中创建一个新的搜索条目。

If you’re searching things you don’t want other people to see—Christmas gifts, for example—then this can be a problem, as the next time you open the search box, the last three items you’ve searched for will show up.


If you want to make sure your search history is your search history, there are a couple of ways to go about cleaning it up. The first method allows you to clear things up one at a time, which is nice if you only want to delete a couple of things. The second will allow you to clean up data on a much wider scale. Let’s go!

如果要确保您的搜索历史记录是您的搜索历史记录,可以使用两种方法清除它。 第一种方法允许您一次清除一个事物,如果您只想删除几个事物,这很好。 第二个允许您更广泛地清理数据。 我们走吧!

如何清除单个搜索项 (How to Clear Individual Search Items)

Clearing individual items from your search history couldn’t be easier. First, open up Google Now by whichever means you normally would: slide in from the home screen if you’re using the Google Now launcher, long-press the home button to open Now on Tap, or any other method that’ll get you to Google Now.

从搜索记录中清除单个项目再简单不过了。 首先,以通常的以下方式打开Goog​​le即时:如果您使用的是Google即时启动器,请从主屏幕滑入,长按主屏幕按钮以打开“点击即用”,或通过其他任何方式获得提示到Google即时。

android 搜索记录_如何在Android上清除您的Google搜索记录

From there, tap the search box—a short list of recently-searched items will pop up.


android 搜索记录_如何在Android上清除您的Google搜索记录

From that list, just long-press the one you’d like to delete. A warning will show up asking if you’d like to permanently remove the search query from your history. Tap “Delete” to make it official.

在该列表中,长按要删除的列表。 将会出现警告,询问您是否要从历史记录中永久删除搜索查询。 点击“删除”使其正式。

android 搜索记录_如何在Android上清除您的Google搜索记录

And that’s that! You can do this for as many search terms as you’d like—older recent searches will show up as you delete the newer ones (in chronological order, of course).

就是这样! 您可以根据需要选择任意数量的搜索词-删除较新的搜索词时,会显示较旧的最近搜索词(当然,按时间顺序)。

如何清除批量搜索结果 (How to Clear Search Results in Bulk)

If you’ve decided that you’ve searched too many things that are for your eyes only and wish to never be reminded of such things (or have someone else stumble across them), you can also delete your search history in bulk.


Open a browser window and navigate to, which will take you to your Google Activity Center. You can also get there by jumping into Google Now > Settings > Accounts & privacy > My Activity. Either way, you’ll likely have to input your password before you can access this page.

打开浏览器窗口,然后导航到 ,它将带您到Google活动中心。 您也可以通过跳到Google即时>设置>帐户和隐私>我的活动来到达那里。 无论哪种方式,您都可能需要输入密码才能访问此页面。

android 搜索记录_如何在Android上清除您的Google搜索记录

From here, tap the three-line menu in the upper left corner, then select “Delete activity by.”


android 搜索记录_如何在Android上清除您的Google搜索记录

This will open a menu that will allow you to delete all sorts of stuff from your Google account, like ad tracking, Assistant commands, image searches, and a lot more. For the sake of this tutorial, however, we’re just going to focus on search history.

这将打开一个菜单,通过该菜单,您可以从Google帐户中删除各种内容,例如广告跟踪,助手命令,图像搜索等等。 但是,出于本教程的考虑,我们将只关注搜索历史记录。

android 搜索记录_如何在Android上清除您的Google搜索记录

First, tap on the drop-down box that reads “All products,” and scroll down till you see “Search.”


android 搜索记录_如何在Android上清除您的Google搜索记录

Once you’ve selected the proper entry, you can choose a date range to delete: today, yesterday, last 7 days, last 30 days, and all time. Pick your poison, then tap the “Delete” button.

选择正确的条目后,您可以选择要删除的日期范围:今天,昨天,过去7天,过去30天以及所有时间。 选择你的毒药,然后点击“删除”按钮。

android 搜索记录_如何在Android上清除您的Google搜索记录

At that point, a warning will show up letting you know that your search history can be important. If you’re still not convinced, tap the “OK” button. You can’t undo what you’re about to do!

届时,系统会显示一条警告,告知您搜索历史很重要。 如果仍然不确定,请点击“确定”按钮。 您无法撤消将要做什么!

android 搜索记录_如何在Android上清除您的Google搜索记录

And with that, your search history for the selected time frame is gone without a trace. Poof!

这样一来,您选择的时间范围内的搜索历史就消失了。 of!

It’s worth keeping in mind that this isn’t just for the search history on that particular device: this covers all of your Google account. It doesn’t matter if you’ve searched on your desktop, laptop, tablet, or phone—these options cover the gamut.

值得注意的是,这不仅是针对特定设备上的搜索历史记录,还包括您所有的Google帐户。 无论您是在台式机,笔记本电脑,平板电脑还是手机上进行搜索都没关系,这些选项涵盖了整个色域。


android 搜索记录