mac finder_每个Mac用户应该知道的16个Finder快捷方式

mac finder_每个Mac用户应该知道的16个Finder快捷方式

mac finder

mac finder_每个Mac用户应该知道的16个Finder快捷方式

The Finder seems pretty basic, but there are all kinds of things hidden just below the surface. Whether you want to cut and paste files or jump to a particular folder, it’s all about knowing the right keyboard shortcuts.

Finder看起来很基础,但是在表面之下隐藏着各种各样的东西。 无论您是要剪切和粘贴文件,还是要跳转到特定的文件夹,都与了解正确的键盘快捷键有关。

We’ve shown you ways to make the Finder suck less and all sorts of macOS keyboard shortcuts you should be using, but let’s combine those ideas. Here are some keyboard shortcuts that help make Finder suck less.

我们已经向您展示了使Finder不再那么 吸引人的方法以及应该使用的各种macOS键盘快捷键 ,但让我们结合一下这些想法。 以下是一些键盘快捷键,可帮助Finder减少吸力。

使用键盘删除文件 (Delete Files Using The Keyboard)

mac finder_每个Mac用户应该知道的16个Finder快捷方式

Press the “Delete” key when a file is selected and nothing happens: you’ll just hear a sound. If you want to actually delete a file, you need to press Command+Delete. This instantly moves the file to the Trash.

选择文件后什么都没有按,请按“删除”键:您只会听到声音。 如果要实际删除文件,则需要按Command + Delete。 这会立即将文件移到垃圾箱。

And speaking of Trash, you can also empty it pressing Command+Shift+Delete. You’ll be asked if this is what you want; just hit Enter and your Trash is emptied.

说到垃圾桶,您也可以按Command + Shift + Delete将其清空。 您会被问到这是否是您想要的。 只需按Enter即可清空您的垃圾箱。

剪切和粘贴文件,而不是复制粘贴它们 (Cut and Paste Files Instead of Copy Pasting Them)

It’s a common question by new Mac users: how do I cut and paste a file? Right click a file in Finder and you’ll notice there’s no option to Cut. But that doesn’t mean you can’t cut and paste. You just need to know the keyboard shortcut for the job.

Mac新用户经常遇到这样的问题:如何剪切和粘贴文件? 右键单击Finder中的文件,您会注意到没有剪切选项。 但这并不意味着您无法剪切和粘贴。 您只需要知道工作的键盘快捷键即可。

First, copy any file as you normally would—Command+C does the trick. When pasting, however, just using Command+V pastes a copy of the file. To do a cut-and-paste instead, hit Command+Option+V. This moves the file from the source folder to the current folder, instead of copying it.

首先,像往常一样复制任何文件-Command + C可以解决问题。 但是,粘贴时,仅使用Command + V即可粘贴文件的副本。 要进行剪切和粘贴,请按Command + Option + V。 这会将文件从源文件夹移动到当前文件夹,而不是将其复制。

预览任何文件 (Preview Any File)

mac finder_每个Mac用户应该知道的16个Finder快捷方式

Odds are most Mac users already know how to preview a file, but I’m including it to change the lives of people who don’t. Select any file in Finder, and then press Space to see a preview of the file.

奇怪的是,大多数Mac用户已经知道如何预览文件,但我将其包括在内可以改变没有文件的人的生活。 在Finder中选择任何文件,然后按Space键查看该文件的预览。

This trick works for images, documents, and most videos, and you can add support for more filetypes with plugins. It’s one of the Finder’s best features, so take advantage!

此技巧适用于图像,文档和大多数视频,并且您可以使用插件添加对更多文件类型的支持。 这是Finder的最佳功能之一,所以请充分利用!

隐藏和显示侧栏 (Hide and Show the Sidebar)

mac finder_每个Mac用户应该知道的16个Finder快捷方式

Finder’s sidebar shows you your favorite folders and connected drives, but you might not always want to see that sidebar. Just use the keyboard shortcut Command+Option+S to toggle the sidebar on and off.

Finder的侧边栏显示您喜欢的文件夹和连接的驱动器,但您可能并不总是希望看到该侧边栏。 只需使用键盘快捷键Command + Option + S即可打开或关闭侧边栏。

快速查找任何Dock应用程序 (Quickly Find Any Dock Application)

mac finder_每个Mac用户应该知道的16个Finder快捷方式

Want to delete a program on your Dock, but can’t remember where you installed it? Hold the Command key while clicking the program’s Dock icon. Finder opens a new window in the application’s location, with the application itself highlighted.

是否想删除Dock上的程序,但不记得在哪里安装了该程序? 在单击程序的Dock图标时,按住Command键。 Finder在应用程序的位置打开一个新窗口,突出显示应用程序本身。

立即将多个文件放入新文件夹 (Instantly Put Multiple Files in a New Folder)

mac finder_每个Mac用户应该知道的16个Finder快捷方式

Want to move a number of files to a new folder? Select the files by holding the Command key while clicking each file in turn. When you’ve got the files selected, use the keyboard shortcut Command+Control+N to create a new folder and automatically put all those files into it.

是否要将许多文件移到新文件夹? 在依次单击每个文件的同时按住Command键选择文件。 选定文件后,使用键盘快捷键Command + Control + N创建一个新文件夹,并将所有这些文件自动放入其中。

显示隐藏文件 (Show Hidden Files)

We’ve already shown you how to hide and view files in the Finder, but here’s a quick reminder of the keyboard shortcut for the job: Command+Shift+Period. Hit that combo to reveal hidden files (or hide them if they’re already visible).

我们已经向您展示了如何在Finder中隐藏和查看文件 ,但是这里快速提醒了该任务的键盘快捷键:Command + Shift + Period。 点击该组合以显示隐藏的文件(如果已经可见,则将其隐藏)。

跳转到特定文件夹 (Jump to a Specific Folder)

Sometimes you want to quickly jump to a particular folder, and the Finder has specific shortcuts for many of them. Hit these combos to instantly jump to a given folder:

有时您想快速跳转到特定文件夹,并且Finder为其中许多文件夹提供特定的快捷方式。 点击以下组合可立即跳转到给定的文件夹:

Command+Shift+C: top-level system folder

Command + Shift + C:*系统文件夹

Command+Shift+D: Desktop

Command + Shift + D:桌面

Command+Shift+F: All My Files

Command + Shift + F:我的所有文件

Command+Shift+G: Go to Folder

Command + Shift + G:转到文件夹

Command+Shift+H: Home folder

Command + Shift + H:主文件夹

Command+Shift+I: iCloud Drive folder

Command + Shift + I: iCloud驱动器文件夹

Command+Shift+O: Documents folder

Command + Shift + O:“文档”文件夹

Command+Shift+R: AirDrop folder

Command + Shift + R: AirDrop文件夹

Command+Shift+U: Utilities folder

Command + Shift + U:“实用工具”文件夹

Command+Option+L: Downloads folder

Command + Option + L:“下载”文件夹

Memorizing all of these might be a stretch, but memorize the few you use often and it’ll save you time!


Photo credit: Glenn Carstens-Peters via Unsplash

图片来源: Glenn Carstens-Peters通过Unsplash


mac finder