


Have you ever wanted someone to send you a file that was too big to email?  Here’s how you can turn your Dropbox into a way for others to send you files without any hassle.

您是否曾经希望有人发送给您的文件太大而无法通过电子邮件发送? 通过这种方式,您可以将Dropbox变成一种让其他人轻松地向您发送文件的方式。

Dropbox is one of the best file sync services available, and we use it all the time to share files and folders with friends, family, and colleagues.  However, sometimes you’ll need to get files from someone who can’t figure out how to use Dropbox, or who you don’t want to share a folder with all the time.  For these occasions and more, it can be helpful to have a way for someone to send you a file one time via Dropbox.  There are two great services that make it easy to get files uploaded to your Dropbox, so keep reading and see which is best for your needs.

Dropbox是目前可用的最佳文件同步服务之一,我们一直使用它来与朋友,家人和同事共享文件和文件夹 。 但是,有时您需要从无法弄清楚如何使用Dropbox或不想一直共享文件夹的人那里获取文件。 在这些情况下以及其他情况下,让某人通过Dropbox一次向您发送文件可能会有所帮助。 有两项出色的服务可让您轻松将文件上传到Dropbox,因此请继续阅读并查看最适合您的需求。

通过电子邮件请求Dropbox的文件 (Request Files for Dropbox via Email)

Have you ever struggled with emails filled with 8Mb Tiff files from colleagues that didn’t know about Dropbox?  When you need files from someone who only understands email, or just want a quick way for anyone to send you a file you need via Dropbox, AirDropper is a great service that can bridge the gap.  It lets you request files via email and then lets others send them to you securely via Dropbox.  To get started, browse to the AirDropper site (link below), and click Start.

您是否曾经对不了解Dropbox的同事充斥8Mb Tiff文件的电子邮件感到困惑? 当您需要只懂电子邮件的人的文件,或者只想让任何人通过Dropbox向您发送您需要的文件的快速方法时,AirDropper是一项出色的服务,可以弥合差距。 它使您可以通过电子邮件请求文件,然后让其他人通过Dropbox安全地将其发送给您。 首先,浏览到AirDropper网站( 下面的链接 ),然后单击开始


This will send you to your Dropbox account, so click Allow to approve it connecting to your Dropbox.

这会将您发送到您的Dropbox帐户,因此请单击“ 允许”批准该帐户连接到您的Dropbox。


Back at AirDropper, you can now enter a request for files from your friend.  Enter your email address, up to 10 address of people you’re asking for files, then enter a request name and message asking for the files, and press Send.

回到AirDropper,您现在可以输入朋友的文件请求。 输入您的电子邮件地址,最多10个您要文件的人员的地址,然后输入请求名称和询问文件的消息,然后按发送


Moments later, your recipients will see an email from AirDropper with a secure link to send you the files.



This will bring them to a special AirDropper page where they can add all the files you requested to your Dropbox.



Once they’ve added files, they’ll be able to see the file names and whether the files are small, medium, or large.  Once everything’s selected, they’ll press Send to zip the files to your Dropbox.

添加文件后,他们将能够查看文件名以及文件的大小,大小。 选中所有内容后,他们将按Send(发送)将文件压缩到您的Dropbox。


As the files are uploading, they’ll be able to see the progress on the file names.



AirDropper will let them know when the files have been sent, and you’ll immediately see them popping up in your Dropbox.  Now you can easily get even the largest files sent to you without having to make sure others have Dropbox installed and setup.  And you’ll get to do it with a cute webapp, too!

AirDropper会在文件发送后通知他们,然后您会立即在Dropbox中看到它们的弹出窗口。 现在,您甚至可以轻松获取发送给您的最大文件,而无需确保其他人已安装和设置了Dropbox。 而且,您也可以使用可爱的Webapp来完成它!


创建用于保管箱上传的安全页面 (Create a Secure Page For Dropbox Uploading)

Another way you can get files sent to your easily via Dropbox is with DROPitTOme.  This free service lets you create a password protected website where anyone can upload files to your Dropbox anytime.  Whether you’d like to have a Submit button on your blog for reader submissions, or you just want an easy way for your friends to send you pictures, this is a great way to let people send files to your Dropbox.  To get started, browse to their website (link below), and click Register.

通过Dropbox轻松将文件发送到您的另一种方法是使用DROP it TOme。 这项免费服务使您可以创建一个受密码保护的网站,任何人都可以随时将文件上传到您的Dropbox。 无论您是想在博客上使用“ 提交”按钮来提交读者,还是只想让朋友们为您发送图片的简便方法,这都是让人们将文件发送到您的Dropbox的一种好方法。 首先,浏览到他们的网站( 下面的链接 ),然后点击注册


This will direct you your Dropbox account.  Click Approve to let DropitToMe connect to your Dropbox account.

这将指导您您的Dropbox帐户。 单击批准以允许DropitToMe连接到您的Dropbox帐户。


You’ll now be sent back to the DropitToMe signup page.  Enter a username, email, and password, but use different ones from your default Dropbox password and username to keep your account info safe.  Then, in the last box, enter a password for others to enter when they’re going to upload files to you.  Click Register when you’re done.

现在,您将返回到DropitToMe注册页面。 输入用户名,电子邮件和密码,但使用与默认Dropbox密码和用户名不同的名称,以确保您的帐户信息安全。 然后,在最后一个框中,输入密码,供其他人将文件上传到您时输入。 完成后,单击注册


When you need someone to send you files, just send them the link to your DropitToMe account, which is http://dropittome.com/your_username.  They’ll have to enter the password you set and then click Login to send you a file.

当您需要某人向您发送文件时,只需向他们发送指向您的DropitToMe帐户的链接,该帐户即http://dropittome.com/ your_username。 他们必须输入您设置的密码,然后单击“ 登录”向您发送文件。


Now they can just click Choose File and select any file up to 75Mb large on their computer to send to you.

现在,他们只需单击“选择文件” ,然后选择计算机上最大为75Mb的任何文件即可发送给您。


Seconds later, you’ll have the file in your Dropbox.  You can keep using this as long as you like, so anytime you need someone to send you a file, just send them the link to your DropitToMe account and the upload password, and then

几秒钟后,您将在Dropbox中保存文件。 您可以一直使用它,因此,只要您需要有人向您发送文件,只需向他们发送指向您的DropitToMe帐户的链接和上载密码,然后


If for some reason you decide you don’t want to use DropitToMe anymore, you can remove its access to your Dropbox account.  Just login to your Dropbox dashboard, open your account settings, select the My Apps tab, and then click the x button beside DropitToMe.

如果由于某种原因您决定不再使用DropitToMe,则可以删除其对Dropbox帐户的访问权限。 只需登录到Dropbox仪表板,打开您的帐户设置,选择“ 我的应用”标签,然后单击DropitToMe旁边的x按钮即可。


Alternately, if you have a hosting account and would like to run your own personal Dropbox uploader, you can download a PHP script, along with a CSS file and images ready to make your own custom Dropbox upload page.  Just substitute your Dropbox account info in the PHP file, then upload all the files to your server and you’ll be ready to go.  If that sounds too complicated, DropitToMe is a great alternative that works just as good.

或者,如果您有托管帐户,并且想要运行自己的个人Dropbox上传器,则可以下载PHP脚本以及CSS文件和图像,以创建自己的自定义Dropbox上传页面。 只需将您的Dropbox帐户信息替换为PHP文件,然后将所有文件上传到您的服务器即可开始使用。 如果听起来太复杂,DropitToMe是一个很好的替代方案,而且效果很好。


With these options, getting files from friends, family, or just people reading your blog is easier than ever before.  If you’d rather be able to always share files directly, make sure to check out our article on setting up folder sharing in Dropbox.  Dropbox is an amazing service, so if you’re just getting started with it, you might want to check out some of our other articles about Dropbox as well.

使用这些选项,从朋友,家人或只是阅读您的博客的人那里获取文件比以往任何时候都更加容易。 如果您希望始终直接共享文件,请确保查看我们有关在Dropbox中设置文件夹共享的文章 。 Dropbox是一项了不起的服务,因此,如果您刚开始使用它,则可能还需要查看我们有关Dropbox的其他文章

Signup for AirDropper


Signup for DROPitTOme


Download the Dropbox Uploader Script [via Addictive Tips]

下载Dropbox Uploader脚本[通过上瘾技巧]

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/33115/get-files-sent-to-your-dropbox-via-email-or-a-webpage/
