Testing your USB Webcam开摄像头

For a USB camera, we need to specify the video device we want to use. If your
computer has an internal camera (as many laptops do), it will likely be on
/dev/video0 while an externally attached USB camera will probably be on

/dev/video1 .

Testing your USB Webcam开摄像头


1、Testing your USB Webcam开摄像头

~/catkin_ws$ roslaunch rbx1_vision usb_cam.launch video_device:=/v/video0

Testing your USB Webcam开摄像头



$ rosrun image_view image_view image:=/camera/rgb/image_raw

NOTE: By default, the usb_cam node publishes the image on the topic
/usb_cam/image_raw . Our launch file usb_cam.launch remaps the topic to
/camera/rgb/image_raw which is the topic used by the openni and freenect launch
files for depth cameras. This way we can use the same code below for either type of