


Denys Prykhodov/Shutterstock.com Denys Prykhodov / Shutterstock.com

Imagine using your iPhone or Apple Watch to start your car, eliminating the need to carry a keyfob. Apple is working on a “CarKey” feature in the iOS 13.4 beta, which will let you add car keys to the Wallet app.

想象一下使用iPhone或Apple Watch来启动汽车,而无需携带钥匙扣。 Apple正在开发iOS 13.4 Beta中的“ CarKey”功能,该功能可让您将汽车钥匙添加到Wallet应用中。

This feature may come to Android phones, too. Apple is part of the “Car Connectivity Consortium,” which created a digital key standard. Aside from Apple and car manufacturers, the consortium’s members also include Samsung and LG Electronics.

此功能可能也适用于Android手机。 苹果公司是“汽车连接联盟”的一部分,该联盟创建了数字**标准 。 除了苹果和汽车制造商外,该财团的成员还包括三星和LG电子。

标准化已经存在的可能性 (Standardizing What’s Already Possible)

Using your phone to unlock and start your car isn’t a new idea. It’s not even a new technology: You can buy cars that support “digital keys” today.

使用手机解锁并启动汽车并不是一个新主意。 甚至还不是一项新技术:您现在可以购买支持“数字钥匙”的汽车。

For example, if you have a Tesla, the Tesla app will let you unlock and start your car from your phone. Audi offers its own app that will let you unlock your car with your phone. Depending on your car manufacturer, the setup process can be confusing. The system is fragmented, and car manufacturers have to develop this feature for their cars on their own.

例如,如果您有特斯拉,则特斯拉应用程序可让您通过手机解锁并启动汽车。 奥迪提供了自己的应用程序,可让您使用手机解锁汽车。 根据您的汽车制造商的不同,设置过程可能会令人困惑 。 该系统是零散的,汽车制造商必须自己为自己的汽车开发此功能。

Enter Apple’s CarKey feature, which will implement this in an easy-to-setup, standardized way. You could even share your car key with someone else with an iPhone.

输入Apple的CarKey功能,它将以易于设置的标准化方式实现此功能。 您甚至可以使用iPhone与他人共享您的汽车钥匙。

CarKey如何运作 (How CarKey Will Work)

As 9to5Mac points out, the latest iOS 13.4 betas reference a “CarKey” API that car manufacturers can plug into. If your car supports CarKey and has an NFC reader, you’ll be able to unlock and start your car just by bringing your phone near the vehicle. Using near field communication (NFC), there’s no network connection required.

正如9to5Mac指出的那样,最新的iOS 13.4 Betas引用了汽车制造商可以插入的“ CarKey” API 。 如果您的汽车支持CarKey并具有NFC读卡器,则只需将手机靠近汽车即可解锁并启动汽车。 使用近场通信(NFC) ,不需要网络连接。

You won’t need to unlock your phone to unlock your car by default. But, for extra security, you can configure it to require Face ID.

默认情况下,您无需解锁手机即可解锁汽车。 但是,为了提高安全性,您可以将其配置为需要Face ID。

The pairing process sounds like it will be simple. You will still need your car manufacturer’s app installed. If it’s compatible with CarKey, you can then open the Wallet app and go through the pairing process. You’ll place the iPhone on top of the NFC reader in your car. Your car key will be available for use in the Wallet app on your iPhone, and then you can add it to your Apple Watch—if you want.

配对过程听起来很简单。 您仍然需要安装汽车制造商的应用程序。 如果与CarKey兼容,则可以打开电子钱包应用程序并完成配对过程。 您将把iPhone放在车内NFC读取器的顶部。 您的车钥匙将可以在iPhone上的电子钱包应用程序中使用,然后您可以根据需要将其添加到Apple Watch。

CarKey also looks like it will let you share your keys with other people. From your Wallet, you can share the key with someone else with an iPhone. They’ll be able to unlock, lock, and start your car, and you won’t even have to hand over your keyfob.

CarKey看起来还可以让您与他人共享**。 在电子钱包中,您可以使用iPhone与他人共享**。 他们将能够解锁,锁定和启动您的汽车,您甚至不必交出钥匙扣。

RELATED: What is NFC (Near Field Communication), and What Can I Use It For?

相关文章: 什么是NFC(近场通信),该如何使用?

您何时会获得CarKey? (When Will You Get CarKey?)

A work-in-progress CarKey feature appears to be part of iOS 13.4. Apple released the first developer beta of this update on February 5, 2020. Based on previous release cycles, we’d expect to see a stable version of iOS 13.4 in the next few months. Expect it before mid-2020.

正在进行的CarKey功能似乎是iOS 13.4的一部分。 苹果于2020年2月5日发布了此更新的第一个开发人员beta。基于以前的发布周期,我们预计在接下来的几个月中会看到稳定的iOS 13.4版本。 预计在2020年中之前。

It’s possible that CarKey won’t be part of the final iOS 13.4 update, of course. If it needs more time in the oven, it should still arrive by iOS 14, which will be the next major update. Based on Apple’s release schedules, we expect Apple to release iOS 14 in September 2020.

当然,CarKey可能不会成为iOS 13.4最终更新的一部分。 如果需要更多时间,它将在iOS 14之前到达,这将是下一个主要更新。 根据苹果的发布时间表,我们预计苹果将于2020年9月发布iOS 14。

CarKey won’t necessarily require new hardware. If a car has NFC hardware built-in, it should be possible for car manufacturers to update their apps to support CarKey. Apple hasn’t officially announced CarKey yet, but it’s possible that many existing cars will get this feature.

CarKey不一定需要新的硬件。 如果汽车内置了NFC硬件,则汽车制造商应该可以更新其应用程序以支持CarKey。 苹果尚未正式宣布CarKey,但有可能许多现有汽车都将具有此功能。

Expect an official announcement about CarKey and the car manufacturers that will be supporting it sometime in 2020.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/641631/how-your-iphone-may-soon-replace-your-car-keys/
