android 位置共享_如何与Android的受信任联系人共享您的位置

android 位置共享_如何与Android的受信任联系人共享您的位置

android 位置共享

android 位置共享_如何与Android的受信任联系人共享您的位置

Feeling safe is important, but in this day and age it can sometimes be difficult. Fortunately, we’re surrounded with brilliant technology that can be put to good use. Google’s Trusted Contacts does just that by allowing you to share your location with, well, people you trust. Whether you’re walking home alone after work, lost in the woods, or caught in natural disaster, this app can help you (or your loved ones) stay safe.

感到安全很重要,但是在当今时代,这有时会很困难。 幸运的是,我们周围有可以运用的出色技术。 Google的“ 受信任的联系人 ”正是通过允许您与您信任的人共享位置来做到这一点的。 无论您是下班后独自回家,迷路在树林中还是天灾人祸,此应用都可以帮助您(或您的亲人)保持安全。

Basically, the gist of the app is simple: you add people you trust to the app, then share your location with them whenever you choose. Similarly, you can also request their location. It works regardless of where you are or what you’re doing—even if your phone is disconnected from the internet or dead, in which case it’ll share your last known location. Let’s break down an example as to why you’d want this.

基本上,该应用程序的要旨很简单:将您信任的人添加到该应用程序中,然后在您选择时与他们共享位置。 同样,您也可以请求其位置。 无论您身在何处或在做什么,它都可以正常工作-即使您的电话已断开与互联网的连接或死机,在这种情况下,它也会共享您的最后一个已知位置。 让我们分解一个为什么要这样做的例子。

Say your 12 year old son is going to stay the night at a friend’s house who lives three blocks away. It’s around 7:00 PM at night and it’s already dark outside, but he’s going to walk over. Instead of the ol’ “text me as soon as you get there!” line, you can simply tell him to share his location with you, then watch as he makes his way to his buddy’s house.

假设您12岁的儿子要在一个住在三个街区之外的朋友家过夜。 晚上大约晚上7:00,外面已经很黑了,但他要走过去。 而不是“到那里后立即给我发短信!” 行时,您可以简单地告诉他与您分享他的位置,然后看着他去他的伙伴家的路上。

So what happens if he forgets to share his location with you? No big deal, you can also request his location. It’s worth noting that he has to approve this request before it’ll share, so he can reject it. The good news is that if he hasn’t addressed the request within five minutes, it’ll be automatically approved—an excellent feature if something has gone awry.

那么,如果他忘记与您分享他的位置了怎么办? 没什么大不了的,您也可以要求他的位置。 值得注意的是,他必须先批准此请求才能将其共享,因此他可以拒绝该请求。 好消息是,如果他在五分钟内仍未解决该请求,则该请求将被自动批准-如果出现问题,这是一项出色的功能。

At the current time, the only downside to Trusted Contacts is that it’s only available for Android. Google has a page set up so users can be notified when the app comes to iOS, however, so at least it’s in the works.

目前,受信任的联系人的唯一缺点是仅适用于Android。 Google设置了一个页面,以便在应用程序进入iOS时可以通知用户,但是至少它在起作用。

如何建立信任的联络人 (How to Set up Trusted Contacts)

Setting up Trusted Contacts is incredibly simple. Go ahead and head over here to install the app, then we’ll take a closer look at how to use it.

设置可信联系人非常简单。 继续并前往此处安装该应用程序,然后我们将仔细研究如何使用它。

With the app installed, fire it up. It’ll start off with a short description of what the app is and what it does, then you’ll have to give it permission to access your location. It’s also worth noting that your location is not visible to anyone else until you share it, so don’t worry about that.

安装该应用程序后,将其启动。 首先会简要说明该应用程序的用途及其用途,然后您必须授予该应用程序访问您的位置的权限。 另外值得一提的是,直到你分享你的位置不是其他人才能看到,所以不要担心。

android 位置共享_如何与Android的受信任联系人共享您的位置
android 位置共享_如何与Android的受信任联系人共享您的位置

Once you’ve given it permission, you start selecting which contacts you’d like to add as trusted sources—the one’s you’re going to want to share your location with.


android 位置共享_如何与Android的受信任联系人共享您的位置
android 位置共享_如何与Android的受信任联系人共享您的位置

Go ahead and select whomever you’d like here—even if they don’t have the Trusted Contacts app installed, they’ll get an email to let them know you’ve added them as a trusted contact. You’ll also get an email to let you know that you’ve changed your trusted contact list.

继续并选择您想要的任何人-即使他们没有安装“受信任的联系人”应用程序,他们也会收到一封电子邮件,告知他们您已将他们添加为受信任的联系人。 您还会收到一封电子邮件,通知您已更改了受信任的联系人列表。

With your contacts selected, you’re pretty much finished. Naturally, you’re going to want to get a feel for the app, though. here’s a quick rundown of what to expect and what you can do.

选择联系人后,您几乎完成了。 当然,您将想要体验一下该应用程序。 这是您可以期待和可以做的事情的简要清单。

受信任的联系人可以做什么 (What You Can Do with Trusted Contacts)

To share your location with a specific contact, just tap on their entry on the app’s home screen. You’ll get two options here: “Ask for contact’s location” and “Share your location.”

要与特定联系人共享您的位置,只需在应用程序的主屏幕上点击他们的条目即可。 您将在此处获得两个选项:“询问联系人的位置”和“分享您的位置”。

android 位置共享_如何与Android的受信任联系人共享您的位置

Choosing the latter will obviously share your location with that contact—they’ll get an email and a notification within the app.


android 位置共享_如何与Android的受信任联系人共享您的位置

Similarly, if you’d like you request a contact’s location, choose the first option from the list. It’s worth mentioning here that they will have to accept your request as a trusted contact before you can request their location. Makes sense, really.

同样,如果您想请求联系人的位置,请从列表中选择第一个选项。 在这里值得一提的是,在您请求其位置之前,他们将必须接受您的请求作为可信任的联系人。 确实有道理。

android 位置共享_如何与Android的受信任联系人共享您的位置

There’s also one very important feature worth talking about on Trusted Contacts’ home screen: that big orange location button in the top right. Basically, you can think of this as an “I’m in some real trouble here” kind of button—with one tap, it will send your current location to all of your trusted contacts (alternatively, you can select specific contacts here). So if you’re lost in the woods, being held hostage, kidnapped, or caught up in a natural disaster, this is your button.

值得信赖的联系人的主屏幕上还有一个非常重要的功能值得讨论:右上角的橙色大位置按钮。 基本上,您可以将其视为“我在这里遇到一些实际麻烦”类型的按钮-只需轻按一下,它将把您的当前位置发送到所有受信任的联系人(或者,您可以在此处选择特定的联系人)。 因此,如果您迷路在树林中,被劫持为人质,被绑架或陷于自然灾害中,这就是您的选择。

android 位置共享_如何与Android的受信任联系人共享您的位置
android 位置共享_如何与Android的受信任联系人共享您的位置

如何从列表中删除联系人或调整共享的内容 (How to Remove Contacts from Your List or Adjust What Is Shared)

I actually had to dig around a little bit to figure out how to remove someone from the list of trusted contacts—the verbiage here is a little weird, so it’s not as straightforward as I thought it would be.


Basically, I was looking for an option that explicitly reads “Remove,” but that ain’t happenin’ here. Instead, you have to sort of read between the lines.

基本上,我正在寻找一个选项,该选项显式显示为“ Remove”,但在这里不会发生。 相反,您必须在两行之间进行阅读。

First, tap the three-dot overflow button next to the contact’s name, then choose “Settings.”


android 位置共享_如何与Android的受信任联系人共享您的位置

There are two options here: “Allow contact to ask for my location and see my activity,” and “See updates from contact.”  If a contact hasn’t yet added you back, however, only the first option shows up.

这里有两个选项:“允许联系人询问我的位置并查看我的活动”和“查看联系人的最新动态”。 但是,如果联系人尚未将您添加回去,则只会显示第一个选项。

android 位置共享_如何与Android的受信任联系人共享您的位置

To completely remove a contact, de-select both options, then tap “Update.” They should disappear from your list.

完全删除联系人,请取消选择两个选项,然后点击“更新”。 它们应该从您的列表中消失。

android 位置共享_如何与Android的受信任联系人共享您的位置

If you’d like for the relationship to be a little more one-sided, however, you can do that here, too.


To allow someone too see your status and request your location, but not share theirs with you, deselect the second option, then tap “Update.”


android 位置共享_如何与Android的受信任联系人共享您的位置

To allow someone to share their location with you, but not see or request yours, deselect the first option, then tap “Update.”


android 位置共享_如何与Android的受信任联系人共享您的位置

Like I said, the verbiage here is a little weird, but hopefully you get the idea.


If you’re an Android user and have Android-using friends or family, there’s no reason not to have Trusted Contacts installed and set up: it’s free and potentially very useful. Don’t wait until you actually need it to try and get it ready—do it now!

如果您是Android用户并且有使用Android的朋友或家人,那么没有理由安装和设置“受信任的联系人”:它是免费的,而且可能非常有用。 不要等到您真正需要它来尝试并准​​备好它—立即执行!


android 位置共享