在Windows Vista Mail中阻止来自国际发件人的垃圾邮件

I don’t personally use the Windows Mail client that comes with Windows Vista, but while I was researching how to use it to access my Gmail locally, I discovered a nice option in the Junk Email Options pane.

我个人没有使用Windows Vista附带的Windows Mail客户端,但是在研究如何使用它在本地访问我的Gmail时,我在“垃圾邮件选项”窗格中发现了一个不错的选项。

A large amount of the spam that I get consists of mail coming from all sorts of international domains. Since I don’t have many close friends that live in other countries, I really don’t need to see any email from most of those domains, at least not on my personal accounts.

我收到的大量垃圾邮件包含来自各种国际域的邮件。 由于我没有很多其他国家的密友,因此我真的不需要查看来自大多数这些域的任何电子邮件,至少不需要在我的个人帐户上。

To block all of that spam mail from hitting your inbox, open Windows Mail and go to the Tools \ Junk Mail Options item. Click the International tab, and you should see this screen:

要阻止所有垃圾邮件进入您的收件箱,请打开Windows Mail并转到“工具\垃圾邮件选项”项。 单击国际选项卡,您应该看到以下屏幕:

在Windows Vista Mail中阻止来自国际发件人的垃圾邮件

There are two seperate ways that you can block international spam: First, you can block the domains themselves by selecting them here. If you do the Select All option, you should be warned that .US is also in that list.

阻止国际垃圾邮件有两种方法:首先,可以通过在此处选择域来阻止域本身。 如果执行“全选”选项,则应警告您.US也在该列表中。

在Windows Vista Mail中阻止来自国际发件人的垃圾邮件

You can also choose to block message encodings. I blocked all of the asian message encodings, because I definitely can’t read those languages, and about 1/10th of the spam I get these days is encoded in one of those types. Again, be careful about doing the Select All option or you will end up blocking all email from everybody.

您也可以选择阻止消息编码。 我屏蔽了所有亚洲邮件编码,因为我绝对不会读那些语言,而这些天我收到的大约1/10的垃圾邮件都被编码为其中一种。 同样,请谨慎选择“全选”选项,否则最终将阻止所有人的所有电子邮件。

在Windows Vista Mail中阻止来自国际发件人的垃圾邮件

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows-vista/blocking-spam-from-international-senders-in-windows-vista-mail/