awk 调用echo_如何阻止联系人调用或向您的Amazon Echo发送消息

awk 调用echo_如何阻止联系人调用或向您的Amazon Echo发送消息

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awk 调用echo_如何阻止联系人调用或向您的Amazon Echo发送消息

With the addition of calling and messaging other Alexa users using the Amazon Echo, there might come a time where you want to block a certain someone from contacting you. Here’s how to do it.

随着使用Amazon Echo的其他Alexa用户通话和消息传递功能的加入,您有时可能想阻止某个人与您联系。 这是操作方法。

If you don’t know about the calling and messaging feature with Alexa, check out our guide on how to set it up. Otherwise, read on how to block contacts that you don’t want to hear from over Alexa and your Echo devices.

如果您不了解Alexa的呼叫和消息传递功能,请查看有关如何设置它的指南。 否则,请阅读如何阻止不想从Alexa和Echo设备上听到的联系人。

To start, open up the Alexa app and tap on the Conversations tab at the bottom of the screen.


awk 调用echo_如何阻止联系人调用或向您的Amazon Echo发送消息

Next, tap on the Contacts button up in the top-right corner.


awk 调用echo_如何阻止联系人调用或向您的Amazon Echo发送消息

Scroll down to reveal the small “Block Contacts” button at the bottom and tap on it.


awk 调用echo_如何阻止联系人调用或向您的Amazon Echo发送消息

Tap on the contact that you want to block. In this case, only one contact shows up because I only have one contact in my contact book. Otherwise, all of your contacts will show up here.

点击您要阻止的联系人。 在这种情况下,因为我的通讯录中只有一个联系人,所以只显示一个联系人。 否则,所有联系人都将显示在这里。

awk 调用echo_如何阻止联系人调用或向您的Amazon Echo发送消息

Tap on “Block” when the pop-up confirmation appears.


awk 调用echo_如何阻止联系人调用或向您的Amazon Echo发送消息

When you block someone, they will still appear in your contacts list and you can still call or message them yourself. However, if they decide to call or message you, they’ll be none the wiser, since Alexa won’t tell them that you blocked them, and calls and messages just won’t be sent through all the way.

当您阻止某人时,他们仍会出现在您的联系人列表中,您仍然可以自己给他们打电话或发消息。 但是,如果他们决定打电话给您或向您发送消息,那么他们就再也不明智了,因为Alexa不会告诉他们您阻止了他们,并且电话和消息也不会一直发送出去。

To unblock a contact, tap on the small “Block Contacts” button again and tap on the contact that you want to unblock.


awk 调用echo_如何阻止联系人调用或向您的Amazon Echo发送消息

And don’t forget that you can temporarily “block” all contacts from calling or messaging you by enabling Do Not Disturb, but once you disable it, any messages you received will come through, unlike actual blocking.

并且不要忘记,您可以通过启用“请勿打扰 ”来暂时“阻止”所有联系人呼叫或向您发送消息,但是一旦禁用它,与实际阻止不同,您收到的任何消息都会通过。


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