



If you’re a salesperson, a marketing specialist, or anyone else who collects a lot of business cards, you’d probably like a better way to store all those cards. Well, it’s time to go paperless and use your iPhone to turn those cards into contacts.

如果您是销售人员,市场营销专家或其他收集大量名片的人,则您可能希望有一种更好的方式来存储所有这些名片。 好了,该是无纸化并使用iPhone将这些卡转换为联系人的时候了。

There’s a app called CamCard Free in the App Store that allows you to scan your business cards directly into the contacts on your iPhone. It scans each card and stores the relevant information in a new contact. I’ll use my own How-To Geek business card to show you how to use CamCard to reduce the amount of paper clutter you have to drag around with you.

App Store中有一个名为CamCard Free的应用程序,可让您将名片直接扫描到iPhone的联系人中。 它扫描每张卡,并将相关信息存储在新联系人中。 我将使用我自己的How-To Geek名片向您展示如何使用CamCard来减少必须随身携带的纸张混乱的数量。

Install CamCard Free from the App Store and then tap the “CamCard” app icon on your Home screen to open the app.

从App Store安装CamCard Free,然后在主屏幕上点击“ CamCard”应用程序图标以打开该应用程序。


The first time you open the app, a helpful message points at the camera button at the bottom of the screen, prompting you to take photos of your business cards. Before taking a picture of a business card, make sure it’s sitting on a surface that provides good contrast from the main color of the card. Then, tap the camera icon.

首次打开该应用程序时,一条有用的消息指向屏幕底部的相机按钮,提示您拍摄名片照片。 在拍摄名片照片之前,请确保其位于可以与名片主色形成良好对比度的表面上。 然后,点击相机图标。


CamCard activates your phone’s camera. Move your phone around a bit to center the business card on the screen. When the image is in focus and the app finds the edges of the card, the picture is automatically taken.

CamCard会**手机的摄像头。 稍微移动手机,以使名片在屏幕上居中。 当图像清晰对焦并且应用程序找到卡的边缘时,将自动拍摄照片。


The Edit Card screen displays with the recognition results. CamCard does a fairly good job of reading the information from the card, but it’s not perfect. The app didn’t get our company name right, so we’ll fix that. To edit any of the information gathered from the card, tap on the field you want to change…

将显示“编辑卡”屏幕,其中包含识别结果。 CamCard在读取卡中的信息方面做得相当不错,但这并不完美。 该应用没有正确使用我们的公司名称,因此我们将对其进行修复。 要编辑从卡中收集的任何信息,请点击要更改的字段...


…and enter the correct information.



You can specify into which accounts the information from the business card is saved. Currently selected accounts are listed under Card saved to. To add or remove any accounts, tap “Card Saved To”.

您可以指定将名片信息保存到哪个帐户中。 当前选择的帐户列在“保存到”卡中。 要添加或删除任何帐户,请点击“卡保存至”。


Select or deselect accounts on the Card saved to screen, depending on your preference, by tapping the circles on the right. Circles with check marks and filled with green indicate accounts to which the business card information will be saved. If you want these to be the default choices every time you save a business card’s information to your contacts list, tap the “Auto save to selected accounts” slider button at the bottom of the screen. Then, tap “Confirm”.

通过点击右侧的圆圈,根据您的喜好选择或取消选择保存到屏幕上的卡上的帐户。 带有复选标记并用绿色填充的圆圈表示将名片信息保存到的帐户。 如果希望每次将名片信息保存到联系人列表时将其作为默认选项,请点击屏幕底部的“自动保存到所选帐户”滑块按钮。 然后,点击“确认”。


When you’re finished editing the information and choosing where to save it, tap “Save” at the top of the screen. If the “Auto save to selected accounts” option (the slider button is NOT blue), the Card saved to screen displays so you can choose where to save the information and confirm your choices.

编辑完信息并选择保存位置后,请点击屏幕顶部的“保存”。 如果“自动保存到选定的帐户”选项(滑块按钮不是蓝色),则会显示“保存到屏幕上的卡”,因此您可以选择将信息保存到何处并确认选择。


If the business card is two-sided, you can store an image of the back of the card as well. To do this, tap the business card in the list on the CardHolder screen.

如果名片是双面的,则也可以存储名片背面的图像。 为此,请在CardHolder屏幕上的列表中点击名片。


The first time you access the information screen in CamCard, a helpful message tells you to pull down to view the card image. So, swipe down from the top of the screen.

首次访问CamCard中的信息屏幕时,一条有用的消息会告诉您下拉查看卡图像。 因此,从屏幕顶部向下滑动。


The front of the business card displays with two lines under it. Currently, the left one is blue indicating the front of the card is displayed. Either tap the gray bar on the right or swipe left on the business card image.

名片的前面显示有两行。 当前,左侧为蓝色,指示显示卡的正面。 点击右侧的灰色条或向左滑动名片图像。


Tap “Add Backside”.



If you already have a picture of the back of the business card on your iPhone, tap “Choose Existing Photo” and select the photo from the Photos app. Otherwise, tap “Take Photo” and line up the back of the business card in the camera lens until the photo is automatically taken.

如果您的iPhone上已经有名片背面的图片,请点击“选择现有照片”,然后从“照片”应用中选择照片。 否则,请点按“拍摄照片”,并将名片背面的镜头对准相机镜头,直到自动拍摄照片为止。


The back of the business card displays in the right spot and the right bar below the photo is blue. To go back to the list of scanned business cards, tap the back arrow as shown in the image below.

名片的背面显示在右侧,照片下方的右侧栏为蓝色。 要返回扫描的名片列表,请点击后箭头,如下图所示。


Once you have multiple business cards scanned into CamCard, there are some sorting options available and an option for selecting multiple cards on which you can perform various actions. To access these options, tap the settings button in the upper-right corner of the screen.

将多张名片扫描到CamCard中后,将有一些可用的排序选项,以及一个用于选择可在其上执行各种操作的多张名片的选项。 要访问这些选项,请点击屏幕右上角的设置按钮。


You can choose to sort the cards by date, name, or company name (default). To select multiple cards, tap “Select”. You are returned to the list of cards, where you can select cards to share through email, send an email or text to, or export as a vCard or to Excel. You can also delete multiple cards at once.

您可以选择按日期,名称或公司名称对卡片进行排序(默认)。 要选择多张卡,请点击“选择”。 您将返回到卡片列表,您可以在其中选择要通过电子邮件共享的卡片,向其发送电子邮件或文本或将其导出为vCard或Excel。 您也可以一次删除多张卡。

Tap the “X” in the upper-right corner of the screen to close the menu without making a selection.

点击屏幕右上角的“ X”以关闭菜单而不进行选择。


To access additional options, tap the menu button in the upper-left corner of the screen.



You can find nearby contacts, add a card manually, import your contacts, create a signature for emails you send through CamCard, and manage groups. Tap the menu button again to close the menu without selecting anything.

您可以找到附近的联系人,手动添加卡,导入联系人,为通过CamCard发送的电子邮件创建签名以及管理群组。 再次点击菜单按钮以关闭菜单而不选择任何内容。


To edit the card, tap the card in the list.



Tap the menu button in the upper-right corner of the screen.



Tap “Edit” on the popup menu. You can also share the card from this menu, as well as save the card or delete it.

在弹出菜单上点击“编辑”。 您也可以从此菜单共享卡,以及保存或删除卡。


Once you’ve scanned in your business cards and saved them to your phone’s contacts list, you can view and edit them there and email, call, or text them from there as well.



Sign up for a free account with CamCard to be able to manage your scanned business cards in a web browser on your PC or Mac. You can also merge duplicate contacts from the web interface.

使用CamCard注册免费帐户,以便能够在PC或Mac上的网络浏览器中管理扫描的名片。 您也可以从Web界面合并重复的联系人。


The free version of CamCard limits the number of cards that you can recognize; while the full version does not have any limit. If you know you’re going to have a lot of business cards to scan, you might want to upgrade to the full version which is currently $.99 as of the time this article was published.

CamCard的免费版本限制了您可以识别的卡数量。 完整版没有任何限制。 如果您知道将要扫描许多名片,则可能需要升级到完整版本,到发布本文时,该完整版本当前为$ 0.99。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/246183/how-to-scan-business-cards-into-your-iphones-contact-list/
