minis数据集下载_Google的“ Minis”是我们即将获得的与Memoji最接近的东西

minis数据集下载_Google的“ Minis”是我们即将获得的与Memoji最接近的东西


minis数据集下载_Google的“ Minis”是我们即将获得的与Memoji最接近的东西

Emoji have opened new forms of communication—using little faces makes it easier to express sarcasm, sadness, and nearly any other emotion. Having an emoji that looks like you is even better.

表情符号开辟了新的交流方式-张小脸可以更轻松地表达讽刺,悲伤和几乎其他任何情感。 拥有看起来像您的表情符号会更好。

That’s why people love Apple’s Animoji and Memoji, which are available exclusively on the iPhone X. Samsung also has a similar feature named AR Emoji that uses a selfie to create an uncanny (and sometimes eerie) animated emoji based on you.

这就是为什么人们喜欢Apple的Animoji和Memoji(仅在iPhone X上可用)的原因。三星还具有类似的功能,即AR Emoji,该功能使用自拍照根据您的喜好创建奇特的(有时是令人毛骨悚然的)动画表情符号。

minis数据集下载_Google的“ Minis”是我们即将获得的与Memoji最接近的东西
My AR Emoji.

Google now has its own, kind of similar feature with “Minis”—a new type of sticker built directly into Gboard for both iOS and Android. Right now, it’s available for all users of Gboard for iOS. On the Android side it’s currently only available in the Gboard Beta for Android, and even then still isn’t available to everyone. So if you don’t have it yet, sit tight—it’ll get to your phone eventually.

Google现在拥有自己的类似功能,即“ Minis”(Minis)-一种直接内置于Gboard的iOS和Android新型贴纸。 目前,它适用于iOS版Gboard的所有用户。 在Android方面,该功能目前仅在AndroidGboard Beta中可用,即使那样,仍然不是所有人都可以使用。 因此,如果您还没有,请坐好,最终它会进入您的手机。

To get started, download Gboard and run through the setup process. Once it’s up and running, open some sort of window with a chat box—like a text message.

首先,请下载Gboard并运行设置过程。 一旦启动并运行,请打开带有聊天框的某种窗口,例如短信。

Note: I’m using iOS for this tutorial, but the same actions apply across both platforms.


With Gboard open, tap the emoji button at the bottom of the keyboard, then the square face icon (these are stickers).


minis数据集下载_Google的“ Minis”是我们即将获得的与Memoji最接近的东西
minis数据集下载_Google的“ Minis”是我们即将获得的与Memoji最接近的东西

In this menu, you’ll see a handful of options, but you’ll need to tap the button on the far right (with the colorful winking face) and then tap “Create” to set up your Mini.


minis数据集下载_Google的“ Minis”是我们即将获得的与Memoji最接近的东西
minis数据集下载_Google的“ Minis”是我们即将获得的与Memoji最接近的东西

Put on your best face, because the next step is to snap a selfie. Once you capture the perfect you, Gboard analyzes your face and creates two Minis: Bold and Sweet. You can customize either one if they’re not perfect out of the gate.

戴上最好的脸,因为下一步是拍摄自拍照。 一旦捕捉到完美的自己 ,Gboard就会分析您的脸并创建两个Mini:Bold和Sweet。 如果它们并非一帆风顺,您可以自定义其中之一。

minis数据集下载_Google的“ Minis”是我们即将获得的与Memoji最接近的东西
minis数据集下载_Google的“ Minis”是我们即将获得的与Memoji最接近的东西

  Those…don’t really look like me.


You’ll be given the standard options here: face shape, skin color, hairstyle, and a bevy of other choices. I’ll be honest here: you probably won’t get something that looks just like you. AR Emoji and Memoji can be uncanny, but Minis are basically like South Park versions of you (the Bold version, anyway).

您将在此处获得标准选项:脸部形状,肤色,发型和其他选择。 我在这里会很诚实:您可能不会得到看起来像您的东西。 AR Emoji和Memoji可能是不可思议的,但是Mini基本上就像您的South Park版本(无论如何都是Bold版本)。

minis数据集下载_Google的“ Minis”是我们即将获得的与Memoji最接近的东西
minis数据集下载_Google的“ Minis”是我们即将获得的与Memoji最接近的东西

Once you have something you’re happy with, tap the “Save” button. Make sure to customize both versions!

满意后,点击“保存”按钮。 确保自定义两个版本!

minis数据集下载_Google的“ Minis”是我们即将获得的与Memoji最接近的东西
minis数据集下载_Google的“ Minis”是我们即将获得的与Memoji最接近的东西

That’s, um, better? 


Once you’ve perfected your Mini, you’ll get a bunch of options for different situations. Seriously, there are a ton of them.

一旦你完善你的小,你会得到一堆针对不同的情况选择。 认真地说,有很多。

minis数据集下载_Google的“ Minis”是我们即将获得的与Memoji最接近的东西
minis数据集下载_Google的“ Minis”是我们即将获得的与Memoji最接近的东西

So, are these are cool as Memoji, Animoji, or AR Emoji? No, they’re not. In fact, a lot of people don’t really like them. But that’s the nice part: you don’t have to use them. It’s just another way to express yourself—this time using an emoji that at least kind of looks like you.

那么,这些像Memoji,Animoji或AR Emoji一样酷吗? 不,他们不是。 实际上,很多人并不真正喜欢他们。 但这是个不错的部分:您不必使用它们。 这只是另一种方式来表达自己的想法,这一次使用表情符号,至少有一种看起来像你

