chromecast 协议_Chromecast和Android TV有什么区别?

chromecast 协议_Chromecast和Android TV有什么区别?

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chromecast 协议_Chromecast和Android TV有什么区别?

Google isn’t particularly known for its clear branding. This is certainly the case when it comes to Chromecast, Google Cast, and Android TV. These platforms have some overlapping features, but they’re also quite different. Let’s take a look at all of them, so you can figure out which one is right for you.

Google并不是以其清晰的品牌而闻名。 当涉及Chromecast,Google Cast和Android TV时,确实是这种情况。 这些平台具有一些重叠的功能,但也有很大的不同。 让我们看一下所有这些,以便您找出哪一个适合您。

什么是Chromecast? (What Is Chromecast?)

chromecast 协议_Chromecast和Android TV有什么区别?
A Google Chromecast dongle.
Google Chromecast加密狗。

Chromecast is Google’s branding for its line of streaming media dongles. These devices are small, affordable, and don’t require a physical remote for operation. They connect to TVs via HDMI and act as receivers when you cast content from other devices.

Chromecast是Google的流媒体软件加密狗品牌。 这些设备体积小,价格适中,并且不需要物理遥控器即可操作。 它们通过HDMI连接到电视,并在您从其他设备投射内容时充当接收器。

The latter is what really makes a Chromecast a Chromecast. When you plug a Chromecast dongle into your television, there’s no “home screen” or any sort of traditional interface. It’s a blank canvas waiting to receive content.

后者才真正使Chromecast成为Chromecast。 将Chromecast加密狗插入电视时,就没有“主屏幕”或任何传统界面。 这是一块等待接收内容的空白画布。

The remote for a Chromecast is your iPhone or Android device, tablet, or a computer with the Chrome browser. Any time you see the Chromecast icon (shown below) in an app or on a website, just tap it. Select the device you want to cast to, and your content will appear.

Chromecast的遥控器是您的iPhone或Android设备,平板电脑或装有Chrome浏览器的计算机。 每当您在应用程序或网站上看到Chromecast图标(如下所示)时,只需点按即可。 选择要投射到的设备,您的内容将出现。

chromecast 协议_Chromecast和Android TV有什么区别?

You can cast videos, slideshows, music, or even mirror a screen. Casting is enabled by a protocol called Google Cast. Not only can Google Cast send streaming video to a Chromecast dongle connected to a TV, but this is also what sends music to a Google Nest speaker.

您可以投射视频,幻灯片,音乐,甚至镜像屏幕。 投射由称为Google Cast的协议启用。 Google Cast不仅可以将流视频发送到连接到电视的Chromecast加密狗,而且还可以将音乐发送到Google Nest扬声器。

Google Cast is where things get a little complicated. This merely refers to the protocol (devices with the feature will say “Chromecast built-in”). Google Cast doesn’t matter for Chromecast devices, but it does come into play for an Android TV.

Google Cast使事情变得有些复杂。 这仅指协议(具有此功能的设备将说“内置Chromecast”)。 Google Cast对Chromecast设备并不重要,但对于Android TV确实可以使用。

The important thing to remember is a Chromecast is a small device that acts solely as a receiver for content from phones, tablets, and browsers.


什么是Android TV? (What Is Android TV?)

Android TV is a version of the Android operating system for media devices. It’s usually found on set-top devices, like the Nvidia Shield, which are larger than a Chromecast. However, Android TV can also be found in smaller Chromecast-like dongles or built-in on some televisions.

Android TV是用于媒体设备的Android操作系统的版本。 通常在大于Chromecast的机顶设备(例如Nvidia Shield)上可以找到它。 但是,Android TV也可以在较小的类似Chromecast的加密狗中找到,或者内置在某些电视中。

Unlike Chromecast, Android TV devices come with physical remotes. This is because Android TV has a traditional home screen, from which you can launch apps and games. It’s similar to what you see on a Roku, Amazon Fire TV, or smart TV.

与Chromecast不同,Android TV设备带有物理遥控器。 这是因为Android TV具有传统的主屏幕 ,您可以从中启动应用程序和游戏。 它类似于您在Roku,Amazon Fire TV或智能电视上看到的内容。

chromecast 协议_Chromecast和Android TV有什么区别?
The Home screen on an Android TV.
Android TV上的主屏幕。

The easiest way to understand Android TV is to think of a smartphone. It has an app store, where you can download apps and games, a Home screen for shortcuts, and a Settings menu.

了解Android TV的最简单方法是考虑智能手机。 它有一个应用程序商店,您可以在其中下载应用程序和游戏,快捷方式的主屏幕以及“设置”菜单。

Just like Android phones and tablets, Android TVs also include the Google Play Store. This allows you to easily install apps specifically made for Android TV set-top boxes. You can even install some high-end games you can play with a controller.

与Android手机和平板电脑一样,Android电视也包括Google Play商店。 这使您可以轻松安装专门为Android TV机顶盒制作的应用程序。 您甚至可以安装一些可以使用控制器玩的高端游戏。

chromecast 协议_Chromecast和Android TV有什么区别?

The “Chromecast built-in” feature we mentioned previously is what you’ll find on your Android TV. While the primary method of interaction will be the remote control and Home screen, you can also “cast” content to an Android TV. just like you can with a Chromecast.

前面提到的“内置Chromecast”功能是您在Android TV上可以找到的功能。 交互的主要方法是遥控器和主屏幕,但您也可以将内容“广播”到Android TV。 就像使用Chromecast一样。

It’s entirely possible to use an Android TV exactly as you would a Chromecast. Anything you can cast to a Chromecast, you can also cast to an Android TV. It can get a little strange, though.

完全可以像使用Chromecast一样使用Android电视。 您可以投射到Chromecast的任何内容,也可以投射到Android TV。 不过,它可能会有些奇怪。

For example, when you cast a YouTube video, the YouTube app won’t actually open, but it will function exactly the same as it does in a Chromecast.


Even the Android TV backdrop (aka screen saver) is the same one you see on a Chromecast. The main difference is an Android TV has a full-fledged operating system behind the casting functionality, which makes it a more powerful media device.

即使是Android TV背景幕(又名屏幕保护程序)也与您在Chromecast上看到的背景幕相同。 主要区别在于Android TV在投射功能后面具有完整的操作系统,这使其成为功能更强大的媒体设备。

什么不是Android TV? (What Isn’t Android TV?)

chromecast 协议_Chromecast和Android TV有什么区别?
This isn’t what you want.

One thing to keep in mind is there’s a big difference between Android TV and plain old Android. There are some cheap set-top boxes on the market with the same version of Android that’s run on phones.

要记住的一件事是,Android TV和普通的旧版Android之间有很大的区别。 市场上有一些便宜的机顶盒,它们与在手机上运行的Android版本相同。

That version hasn’t been customized for a TV interface. Avoid these devices if you want a clean, no-fuss experience.

该版本尚未针对电视界面进行定制。 如果您想要干净无忧的体验,请避免使用这些设备。

哪个最适合您? (Which Is Best for You?)

Now that we’ve covered each option, you might be wondering which one is the best choice for you. This depends on several factors, including how much you interact with your TV, what you like to watch, and your budget.

既然我们已经介绍了每个选项,您可能想知道哪个是最适合您的选择。 这取决于几个因素,包括与电视互动的次数,喜欢看的节目以及预算。

Chromecasts are great for casual entertainment purposes, like watching YouTube videos, streaming Netflix or photo slideshows, and so on. Many people use a Chromecast as the secondary input on their TV. If you primarily watch TV via cable, a Chromecast is a cheap, easy way to add “smart” capabilities.

Chromecast非常适合用于休闲娱乐目的,例如观看YouTube视频,流式Netflix或照片幻灯片等等。 许多人将Chromecast用作电视上的辅助输入。 如果您主要是通过电缆看电视,则Chromecast是添加“智能”功能的廉价,简便方法。

Another benefit of Chromecast is group watching. Anyone connected to the same Wi-Fi network as the Chromecast will be able to cast content to it. Apps like YouTube even include a “Queue,” so multiple people can add videos to a group list and watch them together.

Chromecast的另一个好处是团体观看。 与Chromecast连接到同一Wi-Fi网络的任何人都可以向其中投射内容。 YouTube之类的应用甚至都包含“队列”,因此多个人可以将视频添加到组列表中,然后一起观看。

chromecast 协议_Chromecast和Android TV有什么区别?
Syafiq Adnan/Shutterstock Syafiq Adnan / Shutterstock

All of that also applies to Android TV. However, in addition to the Chromecast built-in features, Android TV is a full-fledged operating system with its own interface. You won’t need to rely on a phone or tablet to use Android TV.

所有这些也适用于Android TV。 但是,除了Chromecast内置功能外,Android TV是具有自己的界面的成熟操作系统。 您无需依靠手机或平板电脑即可使用Android TV。

Android TV is also ideal for more relaxed viewing because you can easily browse content with the remote. This also makes Android TV better for streaming TV shows and movies. It’s just much easier to navigate a channel guide on a TV screen with a remote.

Android TV还是更轻松观看的理想选择,因为您可以使用遥控器轻松浏览内容。 这也使Android TV更适合流式传输电视节目和电影。 使用遥控器在电视屏幕上导航频道指南要容易得多。

Generally, Android TV devices are more powerful and feature-rich. You can connect a controller and use it as a gaming console, connect an antenna and watch live over-the-air channels, sideload apps, customize the screen saver, and much more.

通常,Android TV设备功能更强大且功能更丰富。 您可以连接控制器并将其用作游戏机,连接天线并观看直播的无线频道, 侧载应用程序 ,自定义屏幕保护程序等等。

The final thing to consider is pricing. Chromecasts are pretty affordable. A basic model will cost you around $30, while a high-end version with 4K support runs around $70.

最后要考虑的是定价。 Chromecast价格合理。 基本型号的价格约为30美元 ,而支持4K 的高端型号价格约为70美元。

Android TV prices vary. There are some options for around $50, but the majority are top-of-the-line models that will cost you around $200 or more. However, it’s worth the money if you want a more complete “smart TV” experience.

Android TV价格各不相同。 有一些价格约为50美元的选择 ,但大多数都是*型号, 价格约为200美元或更高。 但是,如果您想要更完整的“智能电视”体验,那就值得。

Chromecasts, on the other hand, are better if you just need it for secondary use. It depends on your current setup and what you want from your internet-connected TV.

另一方面,如果您仅需要Chromecast作二次使用,则Chromecast会更好。 这取决于您当前的设置以及从连接互联网的电视中获取的内容。


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