


Kevin Parrish

If you want to stream content to your TV without an expensive set-top box, Google’s Chromecast is an awesome option! You can even control playback with your iPhone. We’ll walk you through the setup.

如果您想在没有昂贵的机顶盒的情况下将内容流式传输到电视上,那么Google的Chromecast是一个很棒的选择! 您甚至可以使用iPhone控制播放。 我们将引导您完成设置。

Chromecast is a receiver that streams media to your TV. It doesn’t include onboard apps like Apple TV or Roku. Instead, you just tap the Cast button in any supporting app on your iPhone, and Google streams that content to your Chromecast device.

Chromecast是一种将媒体流传输到电视的接收器。 它不包括Apple TV或Roku等板载应用。 取而代之的是,您只需在iPhone上任何支持的应用程序中点击“投射”按钮,Google就会将该内容流式传输到您的Chromecast设备。


The Chromecast resembles a miniature UFO tethered to your TV by a short HDMI cable. The included power supply connects to the micro-USB port on the device. The standard model ($35 at this writing) supports 1080p content at 60 Hz, while the Ultra model is pricier ($69 at this writing) but supports 4K content with a high dynamic range.

Chromecast类似于通过一根短HDMI电缆拴在电视上的微型UFO。 随附的电源连接到设备上的微型USB端口。 标准型号 (在撰写本文时为35美元)在60 Hz时支持1080p内容,而Ultra模型价格较高(在撰写本文时为69美元),但支持具有高动态范围的4K内容。

As part of the installation process, you connect the Chromecast device to Google Assistant. This way, you can use verbal commands to access and stream content. For example, you could say, “Hey, Google. Play the latest episode of Stranger Things on the living room TV.”

在安装过程中,您需要将Chromecast设备连接到Google Assistant 。 这样,您可以使用口头命令来访问和流式传输内容。 例如,您可以说:“嘿,谷歌。 在客厅电视上播放最新一集的《 陌生人事物 》。”

Google Assistant will then cast that episode to the Chromecast device connected to your TV. However, be sure to correctly identify the Chromecast device (“living room TV” in this example), so Google Assistant understands and casts to the correct destination.

然后,Google助理会将该剧集投放到连接到电视的Chromecast设备上。 但是,请确保正确识别Chromecast设备(在此示例中为“客厅电视”),以便Google Assistant可以识别并投射到正确的目的地。

Here are some of the services that are compatible with Google Assistant:

以下是一些与Google Assistant兼容的服务:

  • Music:


    • YouTube Music

    • Google Play Music

      Google Play音乐
    • Pandora

    • Spotify

    • Deezer

    • SiriusXM




  • Streaming Apps, Videos, and Photos:


    • Netflix

    • HBO Now

    • CBS

    • Viki

    • YouTube Kids

    • Starz Direct

      Starz Direct
    • Sling TV

    • Google Photos


    Streaming Apps, Videos, and Photos:


准备设备 (Prepare Your Devices)

Plug the Chromecast dongle into your TV’s HDMI port, and then plug its power supply into an electrical outlet. You’ll see a message on your TV with instructions to get the Google Home app.

将Chromecast加密狗插入电视的HDMI端口,然后将其电源插入电源插座。 您会在电视上看到一条消息,其中包含有关获取Google Home应用的说明。

Download and install the Google Home app from the App Store. Next, open iPhone’s Control Center. If your iPhone has a Home button, you can do this by swiping up from the bottom edge; if you have a newer handset, swipe down from the upper-right corner. Also, make sure Bluetooth is activated (the icon should be blue).

从App Store下载并安装Google Home应用 。 接下来,打开iPhone的控制中心。 如果您的iPhone具有“主页”按钮,则可以通过从底部边缘向上滑动来完成; 如果您有更新的听筒,请从右上角向下滑动。 另外,请确保蓝牙已**(图标应为蓝色)。


If you don’t want to use Bluetooth, tap “No Thanks” when the Chromecast prompts you to enable it. You’ll then need to connect directly to the Chromecast via Wi-Fi. To do so, open the Settings app on your iPhone, tap the Wi-Fi option, and then select your Chromecast device from the list.

如果您不想使用蓝牙,请在Chromecast提示您启用蓝牙时点按“不,谢谢”。 然后,您需要通过Wi-Fi直接连接到Chromecast。 为此,请在iPhone上打开“设置”应用,点击“ Wi-Fi”选项,然后从列表中选择您的Chromecast设备。

设定Chromecast (Set Up Chromecast)

To set up your Chromecast, open the Google Home app on your iPhone. Near the top, you should see a prompt to install one detected device; tap it to continue. If you don’t see a prompt, move to within a few feet of the Chromecast and see if it shows up.

要设置您的Chromecast,请在iPhone上打开Goog​​le Home应用。 在顶部附近,您会看到提示安装一个检测到的设备的提示; 点按以继续。 如果您没有看到提示,请移至Chromecast几英尺内,然后查看它是否出现。

If the prompt still doesn’t appear, double-check that the Chromecast is powered on and showing a message on your television. You can also restart the app or your iPhone and see if that solves the issue.

如果仍然没有出现提示,请仔细检查Chromecast的电源是否打开,并在电视上显示一条消息。 您也可以重新启动应用程序或iPhone,看看是否可以解决问题。


Select a home (or create a new one) on the following screen, and then tap “Next.” The Home will then scan for devices.

在以下屏幕上选择一个房屋(或创建一个新房屋),然后点击“下一步”。 然后家庭将扫描设备。


Select your Chromecast device in the results, and then tap “Next.”



Verify the code you see on your iPhone matches the code displayed on your TV; if it does, tap “Yes.”

确认您在iPhone上看到的代码与电视上显示的代码匹配; 如果是,请点击“是”。


On the following screen, you’re asked if you want to help Google improve the Chromecast experience; tap “Yes, I’m In,” or “No Thanks.” You also have to tap “I Agree” to accept Google’s Device Arbitration Agreement.

在以下屏幕上,询问您是否要帮助Google改善Chromecast体验; 点击“是,我在”或“不,谢谢”。 您还必须点击“我同意”以接受Google的设备仲裁协议。

From there, select the room in which your Chromecast resides, and then tap “Next.” This keeps all your devices organized, especially if you use smart bulbs, locks, speakers, multiple Chromecast devices, and so on in your home.

从那里选择您的Chromecast所在的房间,然后点击“下一步”。 这样可以使您的所有设备井井有条,特别是如果您在家中使用智能灯泡,锁,扬声器,多个Chromecast设备等。

After you select a room, choose the Wi-Fi network to which you want the Chromecast to connect, and then tap “Next.” As Chromecast attempts to connect, you might be asked to type a password. After the device connects, you’re prompted to link the device with your Google account. Tap “Continue” to proceed.

选择房间后,选择您想要Chromecast连接的Wi-Fi网络,然后点击“下一步”。 Chromecast尝试连接时,可能会要求您输入密码。 设备连接后,系统会提示您将设备与您的Google帐户关联。 点击“继续”继续。

The following screens deal with Google Assistant. You’ll initially see information about Google’s partners, services, privacy, guests, and YouTube recommendations. After that, you’re asked to grant Google Assistant access to all the contacts on your linked devices.

以下屏幕处理Google Assistant。 最初,您会看到有关Google合作伙伴,服务,隐私权,来宾和YouTube建议的信息。 之后,系统要求您授予Google助理访问链接设备上所有联系人的权限。

The next step is to add your radio, video, and TV services to Google Assistant. Manually sign in to each service to link them, and then tap “Next.” If you’d rather link these services later, just tap “Not Now.”

下一步是将您的广播,视频和电视服务添加到Google Assistant。 手动登录每个服务以链接它们,然后点击“下一步”。 如果您以后想链接这些服务,只需点击“不立即”。


At the end of the process, you see a summary, including where the Chromecast resides, the associated Wi-Fi network, and your linked services. If everything looks right, tap “Next.” Google Home offers sample tutorial clips, but you can skip these if you want.

在此过程的最后,您会看到一个摘要,包括Chromecast的驻留位置,关联的Wi-Fi网络以及您的链接服务。 如果一切正常,请点击“下一步”。 Google Home提供了示例教程片段,但是您可以根据需要跳过这些片段。

Finally, note the name assigned to your Chromecast device in Google Home. In our example, the app labeled it “Living Room TV” because it’s installed under the “Living Room” group.

最后,记下在Google Home中分配给您的Chromecast设备的名称。 在我们的示例中,该应用将其标记为“客厅电视”,因为它已安装在“客厅”组下。

To create a new name, tap the device in the Google Home app. On the next screen, tap the gear icon in the upper-right corner. Tap the device’s current name on the following screen to rename it.

要创建新名称,请在Google Home应用中点击设备。 在下一个屏幕上,点击右上角的齿轮图标。 在以下屏幕上点击设备的当前名称以将其重命名。

手动添加Chromecast (Manually Add Chromecast)

If you didn’t see a prompt in the Google Home app to add the Chromecast device, tap the plus sign (+) in the top-left corner.

如果您没有在Google Home应用中看到提示添加Chromecast设备,请点按左上角的加号(+)。


On the following screen, tap “Set Up Device” in the “Add to Home” section.



Tap “Set Up New Devices” on the following screen.



On the next screen, select the home in which the device resides and tap “Next.” From here, follow the instructions covered above in the “Set Up Chromecast” section.

在下一个屏幕上,选择设备所在的家庭,然后点击“下一步”。 从这里开始,按照上面“设置Chromecast”部分中介绍的说明进行操作。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/451446/how-to-set-up-a-chromecast-with-your-iphone/
