使用Microsoft Web Apps存储,编辑和共享文档

One of the more exciting features available with the new Office 2010 release from Microsoft is the ability to share and edit documents with their Office Web Apps service. Today we take a look at how it works with Office 2010.

Microsoft的新Office 2010版本提供的更令人兴奋的功能之一是能够与其Office Web Apps服务共享和编辑文档。 今天,我们来看看它如何与Office 2010一起使用。

A while ago we took an overview look at the Office Live Web Apps feature and what you can expect. Here we’re going to take a closer look at it’s features with Office 2010 and what you can can accomplish with the new service.

前一段时间,我们对Office Live Web Apps功能以及您可以期望的内容进行了概述。 在这里,我们将仔细研究Office 2010的功能以及使用新服务可以完成的工作。

Using Microsoft Live Web Apps with Office 2010

在Office 2010中使用Microsoft Live Web Apps

In this example we take a look at sharing MS Office documents and also preparing them for collaboration online. Before sharing a document you can click on the File tab which they call Backstage view. It includes the feature Prepare for Sharing which allows you to inspect the document, check Accessibility, and check compatibility.

在此示例中,我们着眼于共享MS Office文档以及为在线协作做准备。 在共享文档之前,您可以单击“文件”选项卡,他们将其称为“后台”视图。 它包括“ 准备共享 ”功能,该功能使您可以检查文档,检查辅助功能并检查兼容性。

使用Microsoft Web Apps存储,编辑和共享文档

In the Document Inspector, decide which type of content you want to analyze.


使用Microsoft Web Apps存储,编辑和共享文档

It gives you the results and you can click to remove different aspects of the document.


使用Microsoft Web Apps存储,编辑和共享文档

Save to SkyDrive


Click on the Share tab on the left side where it gives you options to share the document on you SkyDrive, SharePoint, publish to your blog, or send as an email.


使用Microsoft Web Apps存储,编辑和共享文档

When you share it to your SkyDrive you’re prompted to log into your Live account.


使用Microsoft Web Apps存储,编辑和共享文档

After logging in you can select which folder on your SkyDrive to save the document in.


使用Microsoft Web Apps存储,编辑和共享文档

It takes a moment for the connection to be established, Explorer opens up showing the files you have in the SkyDrive folder and you can save it like you normally would on your local machine.


使用Microsoft Web Apps存储,编辑和共享文档

While the document is saving you will see a progress bar at the bottom of the document showing it is uploading to the server.


使用Microsoft Web Apps存储,编辑和共享文档

Office 2010 has a feature called Upload Center that allows you to keep track of the documents you upload. From here you can manage the documents you upload to the servers.

Office 2010具有称为“上载中心”的功能,可让您跟踪上载的文档。 在这里,您可以管理上载到服务器的文档。

使用Microsoft Web Apps存储,编辑和共享文档
使用Microsoft Web Apps存储,编辑和共享文档

If the MS servers are unreachable for some reason, the document will be shown as a pending upload in the Backstage section and you can try to upload it again or cancel the changes.


使用Microsoft Web Apps存储,编辑和共享文档

Access and Edit Documents Online


To access and edit the uploaded documents from the web, you’ll need to log into your Windows live account and go into SkyDrive and select the document you want to work on.

要从网*问和编辑上传的文档,您需要登录Windows Live帐户并进入SkyDrive,然后选择要处理的文档。

使用Microsoft Web Apps存储,编辑和共享文档

In the next screen yourself and other collaborators can leave comments on the document.


使用Microsoft Web Apps存储,编辑和共享文档

To share a document with others you’ll need to make sure they have permission to the folder the docs are stored in, then send them the Web address link.


使用Microsoft Web Apps存储,编辑和共享文档

The Web Apps service currently has limited functionality compared to the desktop app, but it does allow basic editing and is a good way to share and collaborate on your documents.

与桌面应用程序相比,Web Apps服务当前功能有限,但是它允许进行基本编辑,并且是共享和协作文档的好方法。

使用Microsoft Web Apps存储,编辑和共享文档

The PowerPoint Web App lets you make quick edits and create new basic presentations. There is no save option as edits to a presentation are automatically saved.

PowerPoint Web App使您可以进行快速编辑并创建新的基本演示文稿。 没有保存选项,因为对演示文稿的编辑会自动保存。

使用Microsoft Web Apps存储,编辑和共享文档

With PowerPoint presentations you can kick off a slide show. This is handy if you want to share a presentation in read only mode to others on the web.

使用PowerPoint演示文稿,您可以开始幻灯片放映。 如果您想以只读模式与网络上的其他人共享演示文稿,这非常方便。

使用Microsoft Web Apps存储,编辑和共享文档

Currently you can only read, print, or open Word Web Apps…there is no ability to edit them online, but according to Microsoft that option is on the way.

当前,您只能阅读,打印或打开Word Web Apps……无法在线编辑它们,但据Microsoft所述,该选项正在开发中。

使用Microsoft Web Apps存储,编辑和共享文档



Office Web Apps is still in technical preview and Office 2010 is in beta testing, but both are available to anyone and you might want to get started now. There are several ways to share and access documents online through Web Apps and also using SharePoint which is great for business. Another cool thing about Web Apps is they will work with browsers other than Internet Explorer. According to the site, it officially supports Internet Explorer 7 & 8, Firefox 3.5, and Safari 4 on Mac, although I have been able to get it to work fairly well in Google Chrome. If you’re looking for easy way to store, edit and share documents online or from a mobile device, Web Apps are an exciting new feature that you can start using now.

Office Web Apps仍处于技术预览中,Office 2010处于beta测试中,但是任何人都可以使用这两个工具,您可能现在就想开始使用。 有几种方法可以通过Web Apps联机共享和访问文档,也可以使用非常适合业务的SharePoint。 Web Apps的另一个很酷的功能是,它们可以与Internet Explorer以外的其他浏览器一起使用。 据该网站称,尽管我已经能够使其在Google Chrome中正常运行,但它正式支持Mac上的Internet Explorer 7和8,Firefox 3.5和Safari 4。 如果您正在寻找在线或通过移动设备存储,编辑和共享文档的简便方法,则Web Apps是一项令人兴奋的新功能,您可以立即使用它。

Microsoft Office Web Apps

Microsoft Office Web应用程序

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/7445/microsoft-web-apps/