如何在PlayStation 4上播放视频时禁用通知

如何在PlayStation 4上播放视频时禁用通知

PlayStation 4 notifications always pop up over whatever you’re doing, which is particularly obnoxious when you’re watching videos over Netflix, YouTube, or your local library. With the PS4’s 5.0 system firmware update, it’s now possible to disable notifications while watching videos in any app.

PlayStation 4通知始终会弹出您正在执行的任何操作,当您通过Netflix,YouTube或本地图书馆观看视频时,这尤其令人讨厌。 随着PS4的5.0系统固件更新,现在可以在任何应用程序中观看视频时禁用通知。

如何在观看视频时禁用弹出通知 (How to Disable Pop-up Notifications While Watching Videos)

To change this setting, head to Settings > Notifications on your PlayStation 4.

要更改此设置,请转到PlayStation 4上的“设置”>“通知”。

You can also access this menu by opening the Notifications screen, pressing the “Options” button on your controller, and selecting “Notification Settings”.


如何在PlayStation 4上播放视频时禁用通知

Check the “Disable Notifications While Playing Video” option. That’s it!

选中“在播放视频时禁用通知”选项。 而已!

如何在PlayStation 4上播放视频时禁用通知

如何一直禁用弹出通知 (How to Disable Pop-up Notifications All the Time)

If you don’t want pop-up notifications appearing on your screen at any point in time—for example, if you don’t want them to appear while you’re playing a game—you can disable pop-up notifications entirely from this screen, too.


To do so, select “Pop-Up Notifications” and uncheck “Display Pop-Up Notifications”. You can also choose to uncheck certain types of pop-up notifications here. For example, you could enable notifications for incoming messages, but disable the notifications that appear when you earn a trophy in a game.

为此,选择“弹出通知”,然后取消选中“显示弹出通知”。 您还可以在此处选择取消选中某些类型的弹出式通知。 例如,您可以启用传入消息的通知,但禁用在游戏中获得奖杯时出现的通知。

如何在PlayStation 4上播放视频时禁用通知

If you’re just worried about sensitive messages appearing on the screen while other people are looking at it, you can uncheck the “Display Message in Notification” option on the main screen. Your PlayStation 4 won’t display the actual text of the message in the pop-up.

如果您只是担心其他人正在查看时屏幕上会显示敏感消息,则可以取消选中主屏幕上的“在通知中显示消息”选项。 您的PlayStation 4不会在弹出窗口中显示消息的实际文本。

如何在PlayStation 4上播放视频时禁用通知

Whatever options you change, you’ll still continue to get notifications. They just won’t pop up on your screen immediately. You can always check your notifications from your PS4’s Notifications screen to see what has happened while you were busy.

无论您更改什么选项,您仍然会继续收到通知。 它们只是不会立即在您的屏幕上弹出。 您随时可以在PS4的“通知”屏幕上查看通知,以查看忙碌时发生的情况。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/328672/how-to-disable-notifications-during-video-playback-on-a-playstation-4/