android 视频流控制_如何从多个设备控制Chromecast视频流

android 视频流控制_如何从多个设备控制Chromecast视频流

android 视频流控制

android 视频流控制_如何从多个设备控制Chromecast视频流

The Chromecast is arguably How-to Geek’s streaming stick of choice. It literally allows any device with the Chromecast app installed, to be a remote control.

Chromecast可以说是How-to Geek的流媒体之选 。 从字面上看,它允许任何安装了Chromecast应用的设备作为遥控器。

You’re probably aware by now what the Chromecast can do, which is some really cool stuff like mirror your phone screen, or cast content from any Chrome tab or even the entire desktop. This means you’ve got many options with regard to stuff you can display on your big beautiful HDTV – games, videos, slide shows, presentations – all in a $35-stick about the size of a Zippo.

您现在可能已经知道Chromecast可以做什么,这是一些非常酷的东西,例如镜像手机屏幕 ,或者从任何Chrome标签甚至整个桌面投射内容 。 这意味着您可以选择在漂亮的大型高清电视上播放的东西,包括游戏,视频,幻灯片,演示文稿,所有选择的价格都在35美元左右,仅相当于Zippo的大小。

As we mentioned, any device can potentially be a remote. That’s cool for a variety of reasons. For one, you can control your Chromecast in any room. Furthermore, as long as your devices are all connected to the same access point, you can seamlessly add devices to the same stream, take over a stream from one device to another, and even cast that same stream to a different Chromecast, such as one connected to another TV.

如前所述,任何设备都可能是远程设备。 出于各种原因,这很酷。 您可以在任何房间控制Chromecast。 此外,只要您的设备都连接到同一访问点,就可以将设备无缝添加到同一流中,将流从一台设备转移到另一台设备,甚至可以将同一流投射到不同的Chromecast,例如一个连接到另一台电视。

随机播放设备 (Doing the Device Shuffle)

It’s important to understand how casting works, at least in the way we’re using it in this article. Whenever you cast a movie on Netflix or a song on Pandora, all your device is really doing is telling the Chromecast where to find the stream so it can play it, which it does independently of your device.

重要的是要了解铸造的工作方式,至少在本文中我们将以这种方式使用铸造。 每当您在Netflix上播放电影或在Pandora上播放歌曲时,设备真正要做的就是告诉Chromecast在哪里找到流,以便它可以播放它,而这与设备无关。

At that point, you can control the cast from your device, but even if you quit the app or even turn off your phone, the stream should continue to play. This won’t work if you’re casting your screen or a Chrome tab, just Google Cast Ready apps. When you’re not casting, the cast icon will be empty, such as it is here on our Netflix app.

那时,您可以从设备控制投射,但是即使您退出该应用程序甚至关闭手机,该流也应继续播放。 如果您要投射屏幕或Chrome标签页,而仅支持Google Cast的应用程序 ,则此方法将无效。 当您不投射时,投射图标将为空,例如Netflix应用程序中的图标。

android 视频流控制_如何从多个设备控制Chromecast视频流

If you are casting, the icon will be filled (though not necessarily blue, or any other color).


android 视频流控制_如何从多个设备控制Chromecast视频流

That’s easy enough to understand. If you pick up your phone and connect it to your Chromecast, you can play whatever you choose on it. But, what if you get called into the other room and forget to pause your movie?  Or what if you realize you want to watch it on your tablet in bed, and pick up exactly where you left off?

这很容易理解。 如果拿起手机并将其连接到Chromecast,则可以随心所欲播放。 但是,如果您被叫到另一个房间而忘记暂停电影怎么办? 或者,如果您意识到自己想在床上的平板电脑上观看它,然后从停下来的地方准确取走呢?

Remember, the Chromecast stream isn’t reliant upon any specific device, so you can go from any Chromecast-capable device to another, and acquire your video stream.


In the previous screenshot, we’re casting from our phone, but we’ve got some clothes to fold so we want to watch our program in the laundry room on our tablet. If we were doing this on Netflix (an obvious choice) we’d open the app on our tablet and touch the Cast icon.

在上一个屏幕截图中,我们是从手机投射的,但是我们要折叠一些衣服,因此我们想在平板电脑上的洗衣间观看我们的程序。 如果我们在Netflix上这样做(一个明显的选择),我们将在平板电脑上打开该应用,然后触摸“投射”图标。

android 视频流控制_如何从多个设备控制Chromecast视频流

A selection list will pop up showing your Chromecast(s). Obviously, if you have two or more they will all appear here, so you’d choose the one with the stream you want to assume control over.

将会弹出一个选择列表,显示您的Chromecast。 显然,如果您有两个或多个,它们都将出现在此处,因此您将选择要控制流的一个。

android 视频流控制_如何从多个设备控制Chromecast视频流

Once you’ve connected to the Chromecast, you should see controls applicable to the application appear on your device, so at the very least you should be able to pause or stop, change the stream, and raise/lower the volume. In the case of Netflix, you get quite a few more options.

连接到Chromecast后,您应该会在设备上看到适用于该应用程序的控件,因此至少您应该能够暂停或停止,更改视频流以及提高/降低音量。 就Netflix而言,您还有更多选择。

android 视频流控制_如何从多个设备控制Chromecast视频流

Versus something like the WatchESPN app, which gives you rudimentary control (stop, disconnect, change channels, and volume).


android 视频流控制_如何从多个设备控制Chromecast视频流

Regardless of what app you’re using, once you have assumed control on another device, it is then possible to do any number of other things. In the case of our tablet scenario, we can tap on the cast icon now, and select “this device” to move the stream to it.

无论您使用什么应用程序,一旦您假定对另一台设备具有控制权,就可以执行许多其他操作。 在平板电脑的情况下,我们现在可以点击投射图标,然后选择“此设备”将视频流移到该设备上。

android 视频流控制_如何从多个设备控制Chromecast视频流

Now, we’re watching our Netflix stream on our tablet, which disconnects your other device or devices from the Chromecast. From here, you could watch your stream until it ends or your battery runs out. Alternatively, you could now cast this stream back to the same Chromecast or a different one connected to another TV.

现在,我们正在平板电脑上观看Netflix流,这将使您的其他设备与Chromecast断开连接。 从这里,您可以观看流,直到流结束或电池用完。 或者,您现在可以将此流投射回同一Chromecast或连接到另一台电视的另一流。

Thus, you can imagine the kind of flexibility when every device is potentially a remote. You can take your stream with you wherever you go, any room that you’re in, as long you’re within range of your WiFi signal.

因此,您可以想象每台设备都可能是远程设备时的灵活性。 只要您在WiFi信号范围之内,无论身在何处,都可以随身携带视频流。

We should point out that this appears to work only with video streams, but that said, most of the Google Cast Ready apps appear to be video-specific, with the popular notable exceptions being Pandora and a few others. This method obviously works well with the Netflix and WatchESPN apps, as well as YouTube, and we can assume others.

我们应该指出,这似乎仅适用于视频流,但是, 大多数支持Google Cast的应用似乎都是特定于视频的,流行的著名例外是Pandora和其他一些例外。 这种方法显然适用于Netflix和WatchESPN应用程序以及YouTube,我们可以假设其他方法。

Feel free to test yours out, and if you feel so inclined, tell us about it in our discussion forum.



android 视频流控制