

Your Echo Show is a device for the whole family to share, which means you’ll want to make sure everyone can both see and hear it. Here’s how to adjust the brightness settings, disable adaptive brightness, and change the volume of your alarms.

您的Echo Show是供全家人共享的设备,这意味着您需要确保每个人都可以看到和听到它。 以下是调整亮度设置,禁用自适应亮度以及更改警报音量的方法。

改变亮度 (Change the Brightness)

Changing the brightness on the Echo Show is the simplest. Swipe down from the top of the screen to see a collection of quick shortcuts. Swipe the brightness slider left and right to adjust the brightness level.

在Echo Show上更改亮度是最简单的。 从屏幕顶部向下滑动即可查看快速快捷键的集合。 左右滑动亮度滑块以调整亮度级别。


The Echo Show will also automatically adjust its own brightness based on the lighting in the room. This feature is called “adaptive brightness.” Essentially, when you adjust the brightness, the Echo Show will try to maintain that brightness level relative to the light in the room, even if that changes how bright the screen actually is. Most modern smartphones use the same feature. It’s helpful so you don’t have to manually adjust the brightness when the sun goes down.

Echo Show还将根据房间的灯光自动调整自己的亮度。 此功能称为“自适应亮度”。 从本质上讲,当您调整亮度时,即使改变了屏幕的实际亮度,Echo Show也会尝试保持相对于室内光线的亮度水平。 大多数现代智能手机都使用相同的功能。 这很有用,因此您不必在太阳下山时手动调整亮度。

However, your Echo Show lives indoors, so you might not want it to change its brightness just because you turn on a lamp. If you want to turn adaptive brightness off, swipe down from the top of the screen and tap Settings.

但是,您的Echo Show居住在室内,因此您可能不希望仅仅因为打开灯而改变它的亮度。 如果要关闭自适应亮度,请从屏幕顶部向下滑动并点按“设置”。


Scroll down in the list and tap Display.



Scroll to the bottom of the screen and tap the Adaptive Brightness toggle. Now, the Echo Show will stay at the same brightness level even if the lighting in the room changes.

滚动到屏幕底部,然后点击自适应亮度切换。 现在,即使房间内的照明发生变化,回声秀仍将保持相同的亮度。


调整音量 (Adjust the Volume)

Next, we’ll take a look at how to change the volume levels. There are two types of volume levels on the Echo Show. One for media, like movie trailers or YouTube videos, and another for timers, alarms, and notifications. The volume buttons along the top of the Echo Show will adjust the media volume, but you can dive into the Settings menu to adjust each one individually.

接下来,我们将看一下如何更改音量。 Echo Show有两种类型的音量。 一种用于媒体,例如电影预告片或YouTube视频,另一种用于计时器,警报和通知。 Echo Show顶部的音量按钮将调整媒体音量,但是您可以进入“设置”菜单来分别调整每个音量。

To do this, open the Settings menu again, scroll down and tap Sounds.



On this page, you’ll see a slider for each volume. Slide the one labeled “Alarm, Timer, and Notification Volume” to turn this volume up or down. You can also adjust the media volume while you’re here.

在此页面上,您将看到每个卷的滑块。 滑动标有“警报,计时器和通知音量”的音量,以调高或调低该音量。 您也可以在这里调整媒体音量。


Since the volume buttons along the top only change the media volume, you’ll have to come back here any time you want to change the alarm volume.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/315153/how-to-change-the-brightness-and-alarm-volume-on-your-echo-show/