



Most browsers have a default page that displays when you open a new tab. If you don’t want your browser deciding what webpage you see when you open a new tab, you can change it to a custom webpage of your choosing.

大多数浏览器都有一个默认页面,当您打开新标签时会显示该页面。 如果您不希望浏览器决定打开新标签页时看到的网页,则可以将其更改为您选择的自定义网页。

For example, Chrome and Firefox like to show you tiles of webpages you’ve visited recently and Chrome also shows trending stories. Internet Explorer wants you to see MSN every time you open a new tab. You get the idea.

例如,Chrome和Firefox喜欢向您显示您最近访问过的网页磁贴,而Chrome也显示了热门​​新闻。 Internet Explorer希望您每次打开新选项卡时都能看到MSN。 你明白了。

We’ll show you how to open a new tab to a specific webpage you want to see in Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera, and Safari. Because we like to use Google to search the web, and that’s what we often do on a new tab, we’ll set Google Advanced Search as the URL that opens on a new tab in our examples for each of these browsers. You can set your new tab page URL to anything you want. We’ll also show you how to go back to the default new tab page in each browser, should you decide to.

我们将向您展示如何在您想要在Google Chrome,Mozilla Firefox,Internet Explorer,Opera和Safari中看到的特定网页打开新标签。 由于我们喜欢使用Google搜索网络,而这正是我们在新标签上经常执行的操作,因此我们将在每个示例的示例中将Google高级搜索设置为在新标签上打开的URL。 您可以将新的标签页URL设置为所需的任何内容。 如果您决定的话,我们还将向您展示如何返回到每个浏览器中的默认新标签页。

谷歌浏览器 (Google Chrome)

Google Chrome does not have a built-in way to specify the URL that displays when you open a new tab, so we need to install an extension. The simplest one we found that works well is Replace New Tab Page.

Google Chrome浏览器没有内置的方法来指定打开新标签页时显示的URL,因此我们需要安装扩展程序。 我们发现效果最佳的最简单的方法是替换新标签页

Go to the extension’s page and click “Add to Chrome” to install it.



Then, click on the Replace New Tab Page button that’s added to the toolbar and select “Options” from the dropdown menu.



Enter the URL for the webpage you want to display on the New Tab page in the edit box and click “Save”.



The next time you open a new tab…



…a dialog box displays asking if this is the new tab page you were expecting. If it is, click “Keep changes”. If you don’t want the changes, click “Restore settings”. The webpage still opens on a new tab, but the Replace New Tab Page is disabled, so next time you open a new tab, it will open the default New Tab page.

…显示一个对话框,询问这是否是您期望的新标签页。 如果是,请单击“保留更改”。 如果您不想更改,请单击“还原设置”。 该网页仍会在新标签页上打开,但是“替换新标签页”已禁用,因此,下次您打开新标签页时,它将打开默认的“新标签页”。


To manually go back to the default New Tab page in Chrome, disable the extension by going to the Chrome menu and selecting More tools > Extensions and unchecking the “Enable” box to the right of the Replace New Tab Page extension. You can also remove the extension completely by clicking the trash can icon.

要在Chrome中手动返回默认的“新标签页”,请通过以下方法禁用扩展程序:转到Chrome菜单并选择“更多工具”>“扩展程序”,然后取消选中“替换新标签页”扩展程序右侧的“启用”框。 您也可以通过单击垃圾箱图标将其完全删除。


火狐浏览器 (Mozilla Firefox)

Mozilla Firefox has a built-in way to specify a URL for new tabs. However, it’s not in the standard settings—it’s in the Configuration Editor. To access the Configuration Editor, type about:config in the address bar and press Enter.

Mozilla Firefox具有内置的方式来为新标签页指定URL。 但是,它不在标准设置中,而是在配置编辑器中。 要访问配置编辑器,请在地址栏中键入about:config ,然后按Enter。


A page displays saying this might void your warranty and changing any of these advanced settings can be harmful to Firefox. Don’t worry. We’re only going to change one setting that we tested and found to work fine. If you don’t want to see this warning every time you open the Configuration Editor ( about:config page), uncheck the “Show this warning next time”. Click “I’ll be careful, I promise!” to continue.

将显示一个页面,说这可能会使您的保修失效,并且更改任何这些高级设置可能会对Firefox有害。 不用担心我们只会更改一个经过测试并发现可以正常工作的设置。 如果您不想在每次打开配置编辑器( about:config页面)时看到此警告,请取消选中“下次显示此警告”。 单击“我保证,我会小心的!” 接着说。


On the about:config page, type browser.newtab in the Search box at the top of the tab. Results that match what you typed are listed. Double-click on the “browser.newtab.url” item.

在about:config页面上,在选项卡顶部的“搜索”框中键入browser.newtab 。 列出与您键入的内容匹配的结果。 双击“ browser.newtab.url”项。


On the Enter String Value dialog box, enter the URL in the box for the page you want to display when opening a new tab and click “OK”.



Now, when you open a new tab, the page you specified displays.



To go back to using the default New Tab page in Firefox, follow the above steps, but enter the default value, about:newtab, in the box on the Enter string value dialog box.


IE浏览器 (Internet Explorer)

Internet Explorer includes a way to specify a URL to display when you open a new tab, but it’s not quite as direct as in Firefox. Basically, Internet Explorer uses the first homepage URL set to open on a tab when you open the browser as the URL for a new tab. So, to change this, click the gear icon in the upper-right corner of the browser window and select “Internet options”.

Internet Explorer包含一种指定在打开新选项卡时显示的URL的方式,但是它不像Firefox中的直接。 基本上,Internet Explorer在打开浏览器时会使用第一个主页URL集来在选项卡上打开,作为新选项卡的URL。 因此,要更改此设置,请单击浏览器窗口右上角的齿轮图标,然后选择“ Internet选项”。


The Internet Options dialog box displays. In the Home page section of the General tab, make sure the first URL, or the only URL, listed in the box is the URL you want to use for new tabs. Then, click the “Tabs” button in the Tabs section.

显示“ Internet选项”对话框。 在“常规”选项卡的“主页”部分中,确保框中列出的第一个URL或唯一的URL是要用于新选项卡的URL。 然后,点击“标签”部分中的“标签”按钮。


On the Tabbed Browsing Settings dialog box, select “Your first home page” from the dropdown list under “When a new tab is opened, open”, and then click “OK”.



You are returned to the Internet Options dialog box, so, click “OK” to close it.

您将返回到“ Internet选项”对话框,因此,单击“确定”将其关闭。


Now, when you open a new tab, Internet Explorer will open the first (or only) home page URL you specified on the new tab.

现在,当您打开一个新选项卡时,Internet Explorer将打开您在新选项卡上指定的第一个(或唯一)主页URL。


To go back to using the default New Tab page in Internet Explorer, follow the above steps, but select “The new tab page” from the dropdown list under “When a new tab is opened, open” on the Tabbed Browsing Settings dialog box.

要返回使用Internet Explorer中默认的“新选项卡”页面,请按照上述步骤操作,但是请在“选项卡式浏览设置”对话框的“打开新选项卡时,打开”下的下拉列表中选择“新选项卡页面”。

歌剧 (Opera)

Just like Chrome, Opera does not have a built-in way to specify a URL to open when you open a new tab. But, there is an extension, called Custom New Tab Page, that allows you to specify a page to display when you open a new tab. Go to the extension’s page and click “Add to Opera” to install it.

就像Chrome一样,Opera没有内置的方法来指定打开新标签页时要打开的URL。 但是,有一个扩展名为“自定义新标签页”,它允许您指定在打开新标签页时显示的页面。 转到扩展程序页面,然后单击“添加到Opera”进行安装。


Once the extension is installed, click the Opera Menu and go to Extensions > Manage extensions.



Click the “Options” button on the Custom New Tab Page box.



Enter the URL for the webpage you want displayed when you open a new tab in Opera and click “OK”.



Once you set the URL for new tabs, Opera automatically opens a new tab to that page.



To go back to the default New Tab page in Opera, disable the extension by going back to the Extensions page and clicking the “Disable” button on the Custom New Tab Page box. You can also remove the extension by clicking the “X” button that displays in the upper-right corner of the Custom New Tab Page box.

要返回Opera中默认的“新标签”页面,请通过返回“扩展”页面并单击“自定义新标签页面”框上的“禁用”按钮来禁用扩展。 您也可以通过单击“自定义新标签页”框右上角显示的“ X”按钮来删除扩展名。


苹果浏览器 (Safari)

If you’re using Safari on a Mac, there is a way to set a specific URL to open when you create a new tab. But, you have to use the same URL for both your homepage and the page that displays when you create a new tab. To set your homepage and new tab page, open Safari and select “Preferences” from the Safari menu.

如果您在Mac上使用Safari,则可以使用一种方法来设置在创建新标签页时打开的特定URL。 但是,您必须在首页和创建新标签页时显示的页面使用相同的URL。 要设置主页和新标签页,请打开Safari,然后从Safari菜单中选择“首选项”。


On the General screen, enter the URL you want to use as your homepage, and on new tabs, in the “Homepage” box.



Then, select “Homepage” from the New tabs open with dropdown list and click the red close button in the upper-left corner of the Preferences dialog box.



Now, when you create a new tab in Safari, your homepage will open on it.



To go back to using the default New Tab page in Safari, follow the above steps, but select “Favorites” from the New tabs open with dropdown list on the General page on the Preferences dialog box.


You may be wondering why we left out Microsoft Edge. Unfortunately, you cannot select a specific URL to open on a new tab and there are no extensions to do this either. You can only choose to display top sites and suggested content, just top sites, or a blank page by going to the More menu, selecting Settings, and selecting one of these options from the “Open new tabs with” dropdown list on the Settings pane. Hopefully Microsoft will add this feature in the future.

您可能想知道为什么我们忽略了Microsoft Edge。 不幸的是,您无法选择要在新选项卡上打开的特定URL,也没有扩展名可以执行此操作。 通过转到“更多”菜单,选择“设置”,然后从“设置”窗格的“使用以下选项打开新选项卡”下拉列表中选择这些选项之一,您只能选择显示顶部站点和建议内容,仅顶部站点或空白页。 希望微软将来会添加此功能。

