



It can be a little unnerving when your iPhone seems to know your routine, like it has ESP. This is often exhibited as notifications, such as when you get in your car and your phone gives you traffic conditions en route to your destination.

当您的iPhone似乎知道您的例行程序(例如具有ESP)时,可能会有些不安。 这通常以通知形式显示,例如当您上车并且手机向您提供前往目的地的路况时。

The question is, how does your iPhone know where you’re going?
Off to the beach … but how did my iPhone know that?

Similar to Google’s location service, your iPhone tracks where you go and saves that information, which you can view later on a map.

与Google的定位服务类似 ,您的iPhone会跟踪您的去向并保存该信息,您以后可以在地图上查看这些信息。

For example, when you go to work every day, it will keep track of that. Thus, after a time, when you get in your car and head out in the morning, it lets you know how long it will take to get there. Similarly, at the end of the day, it will tell you how long it will take to get home.

例如,当您每天上班时,它都会对此进行跟踪。 因此,过一段时间后,当您上车并早上出发时,它会告诉您到达那里需要多长时间。 同样,一天结束时,它会告诉您回家需要多长时间。

This feature has pretty apparent usefulness. It’s very convenient to know ahead of time what your route is like. Then again, it can also seem a little creepy and invasive, which is why you may want to disable it. If you don’t want your iPhone tracking your every move, it only takes a few seconds to turn the feature off.

此功能非常有用。 提前知道您的路线是很方便的。 再说一次,它似乎也有些令人毛骨悚然和侵入性,这就是为什么您可能要禁用它。 如果您不想让iPhone跟踪您的一举一动,只需几秒钟即可关闭该功能。

 To do this, first open the Settings on your iPhone and then tap open “Privacy”.

In the Privacy settings, tap on “Location Services”, then tap “System Services”.



In System Services, tap open “Frequent Locations”.



Here, you have the option of turning Frequent Locations off. Under the History heading, you will see all the places your iPhone has recorded.

在这里,您可以选择关闭“频繁位置”。 在“历史记录”标题下,您将看到iPhone记录的所有位置。

If you want, you can just tap Frequent Locations off and be done with it.

If you tap a location, it will show frequent locations for a particular geographical area on a map. Go ahead and tap on a location at the bottom of the map.

如果点击某个位置,它将在地图上显示特定地理区域的频繁位置。 继续,然后点击地图底部的位置。


Now you can see where you were, on what days, and at what times.



Maybe that’s a little too much information and you want to clear everything. No problem, just tap the “Clear History” button at the bottom of System Services settings page. A confirmation will pop up and you can tap “Clear History” to delete it or “Cancel” if you change your mind.

也许这是太多信息,您想清除所有内容。 没问题,只需点击系统服务设置页面底部的“清除历史记录”按钮。 将会弹出确认,您可以点击“清除历史记录”将其删除,或者如果您改变主意,则可以点击“取消”。


As far as we know, the information is kept locally and not reported back to Apple, unlike Google’s, which reports everything to their servers.


Nevertheless, it’s not essential to your iPhone’s operation, and turning it off won’t cripple other features. You will still be able to use Maps and navigate. Moreover, because the information is apparently stored locally, no one else should be able to access it.

不过,这对于您的iPhone的操作并非必需,并且将其关闭不会削弱其他功能。 您仍然可以使用地图和导航。 此外,由于信息显然存储在本地,因此任何人都不能访问它。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/243956/how-to-stop-your-iphone-from-recording-your-frequent-locations/
