删除火狐书签_在Firefox 3中还原您丢失/删除的智能书签文件夹

删除火狐书签_在Firefox 3中还原您丢失/删除的智能书签文件夹


If you’ve started using the beta of Firefox 3, you’ve probably already seen the new Smart Bookmarks folder that is created by default. This folder can be useful for looking up sites you just visited or bookmarked… but how do you get it back if you accidentally deleted it?

如果您已开始使用Firefox 3 Beta,则可能已经看到默认情况下创建的新Smart Bookmarks文件夹。 该文件夹对于查找刚刚访问过的站点或添加了书签的站点很有用……但是如果不小心删除了该文件夹,又如何找回呢?

Luckily there’s a simple about:config tweak that will restore it, requiring almost no work at all.


In case you aren’t sure what we’re talking about, here’s the default Smart Bookmarks folder, which dynamically shows you the “Most Visited”, “Recently Bookmarked” and “Recent Tags” bookmarks:

如果您不确定我们在说什么,这里是默认的Smart Bookmarks文件夹,该文件夹动态地向您显示“访问量最大”,“最近添加书签”和“最近添加标签”的书签:

删除火狐书签_在Firefox 3中还原您丢失/删除的智能书签文件夹

Type about:config into the address bar, accept the warning message, and then filter by the following:

在地址栏中键入about:config ,接受警告消息,然后按以下内容进行过滤:



删除火狐书签_在Firefox 3中还原您丢失/删除的智能书签文件夹

You should see a single entry in the list with a default value of true. Double-click on it to set the value to false, restart Firefox, and your Smart Bookmarks folder is now back:

您应该在列表中看到一个默认值为true的条目。 双击将其设置为false,重新启动Firefox,现在您的Smart Bookmarks文件夹已返回:

删除火狐书签_在Firefox 3中还原您丢失/删除的智能书签文件夹

Nice and simple, just the way it should be.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/internet/firefox/restore-your-missingdeleted-smart-bookmarks-folder-in-firefox-3/
