如何在PlayStation 4上设置您的在线状态

如何在PlayStation 4上设置您的在线状态

Sometimes, you want the world to watch you play games. Sometimes you want to just play alone. And those times, it seems like no sooner than you get into the main screen of your favorite game, boom: here come the invites, messages, and all the other stuff you don’t want to deal with. You just want to game in peace!

有时,您希望世界观看您玩游戏。 有时您只想一个人玩。 在那些时候,似乎不早进入您喜欢的游戏的主屏幕,繁荣:邀请,消息以及所有您不想处理的所有其他东西都出现了。 您只想安心游戏!

Fortunately, you can easily hide your online status on the PlayStation 4 and Pro so you can game without being bothered. Here’s how to do it.

幸运的是,您可以轻松地在PlayStation 4和Pro上隐藏您的在线状态,因此您无需打扰就可以玩游戏。 这是操作方法。

From the PlayStation’s main screen, scroll over to the Profile icon. This is found in the “options row”—the one just above the list of installed games and apps.

在PlayStation的主屏幕上,滚动到配置文件图标。 可在“选项行”中找到该选项,该行位于已安装游戏和应用程序列表的上方。

如何在PlayStation 4上设置您的在线状态

The top option on your profile, found just below your profile picture, reads “Set Online Status.” This is what you’re looking for.

在个人资料图片正下方的个人资料顶部选项显示为“设置在线状态”。 这就是您要寻找的。

如何在PlayStation 4上设置您的在线状态

There are two simple options here: “online” and “appear offline.” You want the latter, of course. When you select it, a warning will show up letting you know that other players may still see you as online in certain games/situations. This only shows up once, though.

这里有两个简单的选项:“在线”和“离线显示”。 您当然要后者。 当您选择它时,将会出现警告,告知您其他玩家在某些游戏/情况下仍可能将您视为在线。 不过,这仅显示一次。

如何在PlayStation 4上设置您的在线状态

That’s pretty much all there is to it. The little blue icon beside your profile picture will turn to a small red X, letting you know you’re basically invisible—this will also show up in the options bar.

这几乎就是它的全部。 个人资料图片旁边的蓝色小图标将变成红色的小X,让您知道您基本上是不可见的-这也会显示在选项栏中。

如何在PlayStation 4上设置您的在线状态

Lastly, you remain offline until you set yourself back online, so it’s worth keeping that in mind.


Now, go have fun. In peace and quiet.

现在,去玩得开心。 在和平与宁静中。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/295655/how-to-set-your-online-status-on-the-playstation-4/