mac os窗口吸附_如何在Mac OS X中轻松地将窗口移动到其他空间

mac os窗口吸附_如何在Mac OS X中轻松地将窗口移动到其他空间

mac os窗口吸附

mac os窗口吸附_如何在Mac OS X中轻松地将窗口移动到其他空间

The Mission Control virtual desktops feature built into OS X is really nice, but the one annoyance is that moving windows to a different Space is a little tedious. You can right-click on the icon in the dock, but that’s hardly a solution. Here’s how to do it the easy way.

OS X内置Mission Control虚拟桌面功能确实很棒,但令人烦恼的是,将窗口移到另一个Space有点繁琐。 您可以右键单击扩展坞中的图标,但这几乎不是解决方案。 这是简单的方法。

Just so we’re all on the same page, normally you would use the three or four finger swipe up on the trackpad to activate Mission Control, and then drag a window to a new desktop.

只是为了使我们都在同一页上,通常您需要使用三指或四指在触控板上向上滑动以**Mission Control,然后将窗口拖动到新的桌面。

But that involves swiping the mouse, and it’s really kinda tedious when you do it a lot.


mac os窗口吸附_如何在Mac OS X中轻松地将窗口移动到其他空间

Luckily, there’s an easier way.


第二种方法,简便方法 (Second Method, the Easy Way)

All you have to do is click on the title bar of any window, and then use CTRL + 1 or 2 or whatever the number of the Space is.

您所要做的就是单击任何窗口的标题栏,然后使用CTRL + 1或2或任何空格键。

mac os窗口吸附_如何在Mac OS X中轻松地将窗口移动到其他空间

There’s no way that we know of to only use the keyboard to move a window, but this definitely helps. If you know of a better method, be sure to let us know in the comments.

我们没有办法使用键盘来移动窗口,但这绝对有帮助。 如果您知道更好的方法,请务必在评论中告知我们。


mac os窗口吸附