android 屏幕投射_如何轻松地将本地媒体文件从Android投射到Chromecast

android 屏幕投射_如何轻松地将本地媒体文件从Android投射到Chromecast

android 屏幕投射

android 屏幕投射_如何轻松地将本地媒体文件从Android投射到Chromecast

It’s really easy to cast things like YouTube and Netflix videos from your Android phone to your Chromecast but what about video stored on your phone or even on your home network? Read on as we help a curious reader cast files from his phone to the big screen.

将Android手机上的YouTube和Netflix视频等内容投射到Chromecast上确实很容易,但是存储在手机甚至家庭网络上的视频又如何呢? 请继续阅读,以帮助好奇的读者将​​文件从手机投射到大屏幕上。

Dear How-To Geek,

亲爱的How-To Geek,

I’ve taken to using my Chromecast daily for YouTube and Netflix, but am I limited to specialty media apps that have Chromecast functionality built in? Can I cast anything off my Android phone to my HDTV? I’ve been using various media center hardware packages over the years, but it would be super freaking awesome if I could just kick stuff from my phone or from a network share on my home network right to the Chromecast.

我已经习惯于每天在YouTube和Netflix上使用Chromecast,但是我是否仅限于内置Chromecast功能的专业媒体应用? 我可以将Android手机中的任何内容投射到HDTV吗? 多年来,我一直在使用各种媒体中心硬件套件,但是如果我可以直接从手机或家庭网络中的网络共享中直接播放内容到Chromecast,那就太棒了。

Is there an app that can make this magic happen?




Castin’ Crazy


You certainly picked the right time to want to expand your Chromecast horizons. Our favorite Android file explorer app ES File Explorer just recently updated and released a Chromecast plugin. It’s fantastic as it allows you to not only stream any compatible video/audio file format from your phone (whether it’s located on the internal memory, SD card, or attached storage) but it also allows you to stream any compatible media source that you can access via ES File Explorer (which would include the network shares you’re talking about).

您当然选择了合适的时间来扩展您的Chromecast视野。 我们最喜欢的Android文件浏览器应用程序ES File Explorer最近更新并发布了Chromecast插件。 这很神奇,因为它不仅使您能够从手机流式传输任何兼容的视频/音频文件格式(无论是位于内部存储器,SD卡还是附加存储中),而且还可以流式传输任何兼容的媒体源。通过ES File Explorer(将包括您正在谈论的网络共享)进行访问。

There are other apps, more than a few in fact, in the Play Store that allow you to stream local media from your device to the Chromecast but they’re frequently flaky, from developers that haven’t been around as long as ES Apps, tend to not work well across different hardware platforms, and suffer from a host of other problems. Rather than get used to using a program that may never be updated again (or that often doesn’t work well right out of the gate) we’re pretty happy to use the new plugin for ES File Explorer.

Play商店中还有其他应用程序(实际上不止几个),可让您将本地媒体从设备流式传输到Chromecast,但这些应用程序通常都是不稳定的,其开发者的历史可追溯到ES Apps,往往无法在不同的硬件平台上很好地工作,并遭受许多其他问题的困扰。 我们很高兴为ES File Explorer使用新的插件,而不是习惯使用永远不会再次更新的程序(或者经常无法正常工作)。

Let’s take a quick look at how easy ES File Explorer’s new plugin makes it. If you don’t already have it on your phone, take a moment to download it. If you already have it, update it. Afterward fire it up and navigate via the file explorer interface to a file  you wish to stream to the Chromecast.

让我们快速看一下ES File Explorer的新插件使它变得多么容易。 如果您尚未在手机上安装它,请花点时间下载它 。 如果您已经拥有它,请对其进行更新。 然后启动它,并通过文件资源管理器界面导航到您要流式传输到Chromecast的文件。

Select the file you want to cast to the Chromecast with a long press on the filename and then click the “More” button in the lower corner.


android 屏幕投射_如何轻松地将本地媒体文件从Android投射到Chromecast

Click on the Chromecast option in the More menu. Because this is the first time you’ve called on the Chromecast plugin you’ll be prompted to download it (the download is a tiny file from the Play Store. Click Yes to download it.

点击更多菜单中的Chromecast选项。 由于这是您首次调用Chromecast插件,因此系统会提示您下载该插件(下载的文件是Play商店中的一个小文件。请单击“是”进行下载。

After installation repeat the same process by clicking on More -> Chromecast again. All Chromecasts visible to your device will be visible to you through the ES File Explorer menu like so.

安装后,请再次单击更多-> Chromecast,重复相同的过程。 可以通过ES File Explorer菜单看到设备上所有可见的Chromecast,就像这样。

android 屏幕投射_如何轻松地将本地媒体文件从Android投射到Chromecast

Like you, we’re a bit fond of the Chromecast (fond enough to put one just about everywhere). When you make the selection the ES File Explorer native player will open up but with this message.

像您一样,我们对Chromecast有点喜欢(足够喜欢将它随处可见)。 选择后,将打开ES File Explorer本机播放器,但显示此消息。

android 屏幕投射_如何轻松地将本地媒体文件从Android投射到Chromecast

The file will simultaneously start playing on your Chromecast connected HDTV. The ES File Explorer plugin offers a simple easy to read on-screen display of the file name and the basic back, pause/play, forward, and scrub commands that mirrors what you see on the screen of your Android device.

该文件将同时开始在您的Chromecast连接的高清电视上播放。 ES File Explorer插件提供了一个简单易读的屏幕显示文件名以及基本的后退,暂停/播放,前进和擦洗命令,这些命令可反映您在Android设备屏幕上看到的内容。

That’s all there is too it! Enjoy streaming all the content available via ES File Explorer to your Chromecast!

这就是全部! 享受通过ES File Explorer将所有可用内容流式传输到您的Chromecast!

Have a pressing tech question? Shoot us an email at [email protected] and we’ll do our best to answer it.

有紧迫的技术问题吗? 向我们发送电子邮件至[email protected],我们将尽力答复。


android 屏幕投射