chrome启用插件_如何在Chrome的稳定版和Beta版通道中重新启用非Web Store扩展?

chrome启用插件_如何在Chrome的稳定版和Beta版通道中重新启用非Web Store扩展?


chrome启用插件_如何在Chrome的稳定版和Beta版通道中重新启用非Web Store扩展?

Google recently made a significant change to the stable and beta channels of Chrome, one that disabled any extension that did not come from the Web Store. While this will help improve security for many of Chrome’s users, how does someone with a legitimate non-web store extension get it to work again?

Google最近对Chrome的稳定版和Beta版进行了重大更改,该版本禁用了任何非来自Web Store的扩展。 虽然这将有助于提高许多Chrome用户的安全性,但是拥有合法非网络商店扩展程序的人如何使它重新工作?

Today’s Question & Answer session comes to us courtesy of SuperUser—a subdivision of Stack Exchange, a community-driven grouping of Q&A web sites.

今天的“问答”环节由SuperUser提供,它是Stack Exchange的一个分支,该社区是由社区驱动的Q&A网站分组。

问题 (The Question)

SuperUser reader AardVark71 is looking for a way to re-enable his extensions and scripts in Chrome 35:

超级用户阅读器AardVark71正在寻找一种在Chrome 35中重新启用其扩展程序和脚本的方法:

Does anybody know how to re-enable your own extensions after they were disabled by the Chrome 35 update? It is mainly Greasemonkey scripts in my case, thus simple .js files previously dragged-and-dropped into the extension windows.

在Chrome 35更新停用扩展程序后,有人知道如何重新启用扩展程序吗? 在我的案例中,主要是Greasemonkey脚本,因此,以前将简单的.js文件拖放到了扩展窗口中。

When I started Chrome up today, I got a warning that some non-Chrome Web Store extensions were disabled.

今天启动Chrome时,我收到警告,说某些非Chrome Web Store扩展已被禁用。

More info was giving on this link:




Extensions Disabled by Chrome


You are seeing this notification because one or more of your Chrome extensions have been turned off to make Chrome safer. The extensions did not come from the Chrome Web Store or were installed without your permission.

您看到此通知是因为您的一个或多个Chrome扩展程序已关闭,以使Chrome更加安全。 这些扩展程序不是来自Chrome网上应用店,或者未经您的许可而安装。

For your protection, you can only use Chrome extensions that you get from the Chrome Web Store.


To see a list of your extensions:


1. Click the Chrome menu Chrome menu on the browser toolbar.


2. Select Tools.


3. Select Extensions.


Extensions that have been disabled are grayed out and you will not be able to re-enable them.




I was hoping that I could still enable them by activating developer mode for my extensions, but still no luck. Any tips anyone?

我希望我可以通过为扩展**开发人员模式来启用它们,但是仍然没有运气。 任何提示有人吗?

P.S. This is not a duplicate from Activating a Chrome extension that is not from the Chrome Web Store. This is specifically related to the Chrome 35 update.

PS这与**Chrome扩展程序(不是来自Chrome网上应用店)的复制不是重复的。 这与Chrome 35更新特别相关。

Are there any options that AardVark71 could try in order to re-enable his extensions and scripts?


答案 (The Answer)

SuperUser contributors Fazer87 and Braiam have the answer for us. First up, Fazer87:

超级用户贡献者Fazer87和Braiam为我们提供了答案。 首先,Fazer87:

There are really only a couple of options open to you since the ability to run non-web store extensions has been programmatically disabled. There are no plans to re-enable it (or at least none made public).

由于以编程方式禁用了运行非网络商店扩展程序的功能,因此实际上只有几个选项可供您选择。 没有重新启用它的计划(或至少没有公开的计划)。

You can try installing releases from the Developer or Canary channels which may allow you to continue using these extensions (as mentioned in Google Chrome help forum):

您可以尝试通过Developer或Canary渠道安装发行版,这些发行版可能会让您继续使用这些扩展名(如Google Chrome帮助论坛中所述):



What if I want to run non-web store extensions?


Advanced users can continue to use our Dev & Canary channels to run any extension. Please note that these channels are updated very regularly, and may contain features and bug fixes that are actively being developed.

高级用户可以继续使用我们的Dev&Canary渠道来运行任何扩展程序。 请注意,这些频道会定期更新,并且可能包含正在积极开发的功能和错误修复。



Alternatively, I have heard that quite a few people install the Tampermonkey extension which allows them to run user scripts. Might be worth a look.

另外,我听说很多人安装了Tampermonkey扩展,该扩展允许他们运行用户脚本。 也许值得一瞧。

Followed by the answer from Braiam:


You can not re-enable them. You need to work around this issue using any of the following alternatives (I will list them by grade of difficulty).

您无法重新启用它们。 您需要使用以下任一替代方法来解决此问题(我将按难度等级列出它们)。

Developer Mode Route


1. Download the crx file and unpack the extension using your favorite decompresser. Take note of the directory where you placed it.

1.下载crx文件,然后使用您喜欢的解压缩器解压缩扩展名。 记下放置它的目录。

2. Open the extension page and activate “Developer Mode”.


3. Click “Load unpacked extension…”


4. Search through your directory tree for the location where you unpacked your extension and click OK. If your extension is called “my extension”, then select the “my extension” directory.

4.在目录树中搜索打开扩展包的位置,然后单击“确定”。 如果您的扩展名为“我的扩展”,请选择“我的扩展”目录。

Advantages: You do not have to install anything else.


Disadvantages: Chrome nags you to disable the extension every time you start it up.


Moving from the Release Channel


Install the Developer or Canary channel versions of Chrome. Just go to the corresponding links and install the browser. Note that the Canary version will install a parallel version of Chrome, which will be independent.

安装Chrome的DeveloperCanary通道版本。 只需转到相应的链接并安装浏览器。 请注意,Canary版本将安装独立的Chrome并行版本。

Advantages: No nagging. You get all the newest features earlier.

优点:无需na。 您可以较早获得所有最新功能。

Disadvantages: You also get all the bugs earlier. Installing Canary effectively uses double the disk space versus a single installation of Chrome, and you also have to migrate all your extensions over.

缺点:您还可以较早地获得所有错误。 与单次安装Chrome相比,安装Canary可以有效地使用两倍的磁盘空间,并且还必须迁移所有扩展。

Install a Chromium-Based Browser


Since Chromium is open source, there are several forks of the project. I am not sure if Chromium has the restriction in place, but other projects may not.

由于Chromium是开源的,因此该项目涉及多个分支。 我不确定Chromium是否有限制,但其他项目可能没有。

Moving from Windows Altogether


This restriction is put in place only for Windows due security concerns with the OS. Mac and Linux builds are not affected. You could give any Linux distribution a try.

由于操作系统的安全性考虑,仅对Windows设置了此限制。 Mac和Linux版本不受影响。 您可以尝试任何Linux发行版。

The “Developer Mode Route” is courtesy of capetoide in the AllMangasReader Forum.


While not perfect solutions, these approaches can help you get back to browsing with all of your extensions or scripts intact and working.


Have something to add to the explanation? Sound off in the comments. Want to read more answers from other tech-savvy Stack Exchange users? Check out the full discussion thread here.

有什么补充说明吗? 在评论中听起来不错。 是否想从其他精通Stack Exchange的用户那里获得更多答案? 在此处查看完整的讨论线程

