
安息吧-您的在线遗产将继续Just when you thought you had seen it all, along comes
Legacy Locker. This service securely stores all a user’s online login-in data in case they die or are disabled. The announcement today portrays Legacy Locker as user’s “digital legacy” repository. In reality though, the service simply stores logins and password data so that they can easily be accessed by a person’s heirs or co-workers.

Legacy Locker随之而来。 该服务安全地存储所有用户的在线登录数据,以防他们死亡或被禁用。 今天的公告将Legacy Locker描绘为用户的“数字遗产”存储库。 但实际上,该服务仅存储登录名和密码数据,以便一个人的继承人或同事可以轻松访问它们。

Legacy Locker Co-Founder Jeremy Toeman describes the service as an “online safety deposit box.” Ironically, the service costs as much, and at around $30 per year or $300 for lifetime membership, it seems a little high on cost and low on value to me.

传统储物柜联合创始人杰里米·托曼(Jeremy Toeman)将这项服务描述为“在线保险箱”。 具有讽刺意味的是,这项服务的成本很高,每年约30美元,终身会员约300美元,对我来说似乎有点高成本而低价值。

With so many services out there that already provide more advanced features and tools, one has to wonder at such a development. In the case of passwords and log-ins, logic should point to backup on a flash drive and a real safety deposit box as one of dozens of options. At the worst any resourceful Web person could devise similar utility on their own PC or somewhere on Google I would think.

既然有如此多的服务已经提供了更高级的功能和工具,那么人们一定会对这种发展感到惊讶。 对于密码和登录,逻辑应指向闪存驱动器和真实保险箱上的备份,这是数十种选择之一。 在最糟糕的情况下,任何聪明的Web人士都可以在自己的PC或Google上的某个地方设计类似的实用程序。


Legacy Locker landing page


Legacy Locker does have secure features, and a few useful – if macabre – tools. One such feature, “Legacy Letters”, allows users to send out letters after their demise. Other features are designed to appeal to estate lawyers and address a series of “death or disability” events. As for the audience, the service targets a very special niche of roughly 12.5 million Americans families with children under 18, that have filed wills.

Legacy Locker确实具有安全功能,还有一些有用的工具(如果有的话)。 一种这样的功能,“ Legacy Letters”,使用户可以在消亡后发送信件。 其他功能旨在吸引房地产律师并解决一系列“死亡或残疾”事件。 对于听众,该服务的目标是一个非常特殊的细分市场,大约有1,250万美国18岁以下儿童的家庭,他们已经提出遗嘱。

更好的遗产 (A Better Legacy)

Instead of offering to save people’s passwords for posterity, a startup aimed at a person’s legacy should look more like ThisMoment, which we wrote about earlier. By enabling people to “build” a picture of their legacy through various media, and securing it with 512 bit encryption (like LL claims), something extraordinary could be left behind. I guess the “point of pain” for this startup is that so few have dared to think about doing this.

一家不打算为后代保存人们密码的公司,而是针对某人的遗产的一家初创公司,应该看起来更像我们早些时候写的ThisMoment 。 通过使人们能够通过各种媒体“构建”其遗产的图片,并通过512位加密(如LL声明)对其进行保护,可以留下一些非凡的东西。 我猜这家创业公司的“痛点”在于,很少有人敢于考虑这样做。

启动墓志铭 (Startup Epitaph)

Viability for this startup is tied directly to longevity. Without some guarantee user data will always be available, along with securing more than identities and passwords, the service seems useless in my opinion. Another “the end” service out there is MyWonderfulLife, which allows people to plan their funerals. But, Legacy Locker offers no such organizational ability, and I don’t see millions storing their banking or business passwords there to be honest.

该创业公司的生存能力与寿命直接相关。 如果没有任何保证,用户数据将始终可用,并且除了保护身份和密码之外,还不能保证该服务的有效性。 另一个“终点”服务是MyWonderfulLife ,它使人们可以计划自己的葬礼。 但是,Legacy Locker没有提供这种组织能力,老实说,我看不到有数百万人存储他们的银行或商业密码。

As for Legacy Locker, they sure got some major coverage from Silicon Valley today, especially given they announced they were not doing a big PR push? Given this “surprise” coverage since I started writing from the press release, there is no doubt Legacy Locker will be famous today, but convincing users to pay for it will be another matter.

至于Legacy Locker,他们今天肯定从硅谷获得了一些重要报道 ,特别是考虑到他们宣布自己并没有大力宣传公关? 自从我从新闻稿开始写起以来,这种“惊奇”的报道就毫无疑问,Legacy Locker如今将广为人知,但说服用户付款是另一回事。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/rest-in-peace-your-online-legacy-will-continue/