
Rackspace Cloud Files provides unlimited online storage for your public and private files. Public files are downloaded over Akamai’s blazing fast content delivery network.

Rackspace Cloud Files为您的公共和私有文件提供无限的在线存储。 公共文件是通过Akamai强大的快速内容交付网络下载的。

Providing a service that includes file storage can be painful: security, disk space, folder structure, backups, etc. A file storage network takes the pain out of hosting files and allows us to focus on our core mission.


With Cloud Files you create a container and store your files in that. You can think of a container as a folder that can store files but not other folders. If you like to separate your images from your stylesheets into separate folders this is a bummer, but it can also help the loading time of your web pages, we’ll explore this further below. You do not incur fees based on how many containers you have but be sure to name them wisely.

使用Cloud Files,您可以创建一个容器并将文件存储在其中。 您可以将容器视为可以存储文件的文件夹,但不能存储其他文件夹。 如果您希望将图像从样式表中分离到单独的文件夹中,这简直太麻烦了,但是它也可以帮助您缩短网页的加载时间,下面我们将对此进行进一步探讨。 您不会根据您拥有的集装箱数量收取费用,但一定要明智地命名它们。

You can signup for a Rackspace Cloud account here. You won’t be billed until you use their service.

您可以在此处注册Rackspace Cloud帐户。 在使用他们的服务之前,不会向您收费。

远程服务器的优势 (The Remote Server Advantage)

Loading your static files off of a remote server offers several advantages. Your browser will usually only load from 4-8 files off a single domain at a time. If you have multiple images, css and javascript files loading from the same domain, they will get queued and not download as quickly. With today’s internet speeds this isn’t a huge problem but it still exists. By pushing some of your static files to Cloud Files your web browser will load 4-8 files from each domain at the same time.

从远程服务器上加载静态文件具有多个优点。 您的浏览器通常一次只能从一个域中加载4-8个文件。 如果您在同一域中加载了多个图像,css和javascript文件,则它们将排入队列,并且下载速度不会很快。 以当今的互联网速度,这不是一个大问题,但仍然存在。 通过将您的一些静态文件推送到“云文件”,您的Web浏览器将同时从每个域加载4-8个文件。

Another good use for Cloud Files would be to upload your video files and play them directly off the public link to the container. This means your server is no longer tied up streaming the video to web browsers. Not only will it stream faster using the Rackspace content delivery network but it will free up those resources on your own server.

Cloud Files的另一个好用法是上传您的视频文件,并直接通过公共链接播放该文件到容器。 这意味着您的服务器不再需要将视频流传输到Web浏览器。 它不仅可以使用Rackspace内容交付网络更快地进行流传输,而且还可以释放您自己服务器上的资源。

价格点 (The Price Point)

Using Cloud Files isn’t expensive either. If that awesome video on your front page used up 50 gigabytes of bandwidth, your cost would be less than $10. Currently it’s $0.15 per gigabyte of storage and $0.18 per gigabyte of bandwidth. On their pricing page they offer a calculator so you can get an estimate.

使用云文件也不昂贵。 如果您首页上的那段精彩视频占用了50 GB带宽,那么您的费用将不到10美元。 目前,每GB的存储空间为0.15美元,每GB的带宽为0.18美元。 在他们的定价页面上,他们提供了一个计算器,您可以估算一下。

畅所欲言 (All Talk, No Walk)

Enough talk about what you can use it for. What about an actual use case. I use Cloud Files for two different reasons.

充分讨论您可以将其用于什么。 实际用例呢? 我使用Cloud Files的原因有两个。

The first is I store a snapshot of my Cloud Server in a private container on Cloud Files. If I need to spin up an identical server, Cloud Servers will launch a new instance using the snapshot saved in Cloud Files.

首先是我将Cloud Server的快照存储在Cloud Files的私有容器中。 如果我需要启动同一台服务器,则云服务器将使用保存在云文件中的快照启动一个新实例。

The second is to store user uploaded images and stylesheets to serve over https via public containers. Each user has their own container so we don’t have to worry about overwriting file names. Working in the e-commerce world, displaying web pages over https is a must. With Cloud Files we are provided with an https URL at no additional cost. There is no need for a separate SSL certificate to serve static files off of another subdomain. It also allows us to stay focus on our mission. Do our customers have to use this? No, but it’s available to them. We have our customers upload the files to us initially. Once that happens the files are put into a queue to be uploaded to the content delivery network. Once the file has been uploaded it is then removed from our server. It was pretty simple to implement and works great for us.

第二种是存储用户上传的图像和样式表,以通过公共容器在https上提供服务。 每个用户都有自己的容器,因此我们不必担心会覆盖文件名。 在电子商务世界中,必须通过https显示网页。 有了Cloud Files,我们免费提供了https URL。 无需单独的SSL证书即可将静态文件提供给另一个子域。 它还使我们能够专注于我们的使命。 我们的客户需要使用吗? 否,但是他们可以使用。 我们有客户最初将文件上传给我们。 一旦发生这种情况,文件就会放入队列中,以上传到内容交付网络。 文件上传后,便会从我们的服务器中删除。 实施起来非常简单,对我们来说非常有用。

几种可用工具 (A Few Available Tools)

There are many tools available to assist using Cloud Files. Here are a few free ones.

有许多工具可帮助您使用云文件。 这里有一些免费的。

云文件控制面板 (Cloud Files Control Panel)


Cloud Files control panel is accessible through your Rackspace Cloud account.

可通过您的Rackspace Cloud帐户访问“云文件”控制面板。

云文件API (Cloud Files API)

Cloud Files API allows you to build custom clients to upload to their network. Clicking here you can find the software development kits along with the API documentation.

Cloud Files API允许您构建自定义客户端以上传到其网络。 单击此处,您可以找到软件开发套件以及API文档。

FireUploader (FireUploader)


FireUploader is an addon for Mozilla Firefox. It works very similar to an FTP client and makes uploading multiple files a synch.

FireUploader是Mozilla Firefox的附加组件。 它的工作原理与FTP客户端非常相似,并且可以同步上传多个文件。

数码鸭 (Cyberduck)


Cyberduck is an FTP client for Windows and Mac that can upload to several cloud providers to include Rackspace CloudFiles and Amazons S3.


Image via zentilia / Shutterstock

图片来自zentilia / Shutterstock

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/rackspace-cloud-files/