


Have you noticed the internet sometimes feels slower than ever, even as broadband speeds get faster?


There’s a reason for that: websites keep cramming more and more stuff onto pages. Here’s Nick Heer, writing for Pixel Envy:

这是有原因的:网站不断将越来越多的内容塞满页面。 这是Nick Heer, 为Pixel Envy撰写

The average internet connection in the United States is about six times as fast as it was just ten years ago, but instead of making it faster to browse the same types of websites, we’re simply occupying that extra bandwidth with more stuff.


Take that CNN article, for example. Here’s what it contained when I loaded it:

以该CNN文章为例。 这是我加载时包含的内容:

  • Eleven web fonts, totalling 414 KB

    11种网络字体,总计414 KB
  • Four stylesheets, totalling 315 KB

    四个样式表,总计315 KB
  • Twenty frames

  • Twenty-nine XML HTTP requests, totalling about 500 KB

    二十九个XML HTTP请求,总计约500 KB
  • Approximately one hundred scripts, totalling several megabytes—though it’s hard to pin down the number and actual size because some of the scripts are “beacons” that load after the page is technically finished downloading.


And then, after all that, there’s an auto-playing video, which you almost certainly didn’t want to see.


Most of this stuff doesn’t directly benefit you, the person visiting the site. Internet speeds got better, which allowed sites to cram more stuff in every page, which over time leads you to wanting a faster connection. It’s a cycle we’re all stuck in.

访问网站的人不会为您带来直接好处。 Internet的速度越来越好,这使得站点可以在每个页面中塞满更多的内容,随着时间的流逝,您需要更快的连接速度。 我们都陷入了一个循环。

The first PC I owned, back in 2004, had 40 gigabytes of storage space. That seemed obscene at the time, and I couldn’t imagine filling it up. Now I’ve got multiple terabytes of drives around the house, and I’m contemplating getting more.

我在2004年拥有的第一台PC拥有40 GB的存储空间。 当时似乎很淫秽,我无法想象将其填满。 现在我家周围有多个TB的驱动器,并且我正在考虑增加更多的驱动器。

Which is just to say that people find something to do with increased capacity. In this case, it’s the websites you visit that found something to do with your extra bandwidth.

这只是说人们发现与容量增加有关。 在这种情况下,正是您访问的网站与您的额外带宽有关。

You can argue whether this is good, bad, or just one of those inevitable things that no one can do anything about. That’s fine. I just think we should all acknowledge it’s happening.

您可以争论这是好事还是坏事,或者只是任何人无能为力的不可避免的事情之一。 没关系。 我只是认为我们都应该承认它正在发生。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/fyi/the-endless-cycle-websites-keep-getting-heavier-as-internet-speeds-get-better/
