
If you’ve looked at the running processes on your Ubuntu box and wondered why there’s a process named “trackerd” that is overusing the CPU, you are in luck, because that’s exactly the topic we’ll cover today.

如果您已经查看了Ubuntu机器上正在运行的进程,并且想知道为什么有一个名为“ trackerd”的进程过度使用了CPU,那么您很幸运,因为这正是我们今天要讨论的主题。

Tracker is a search tool built into Ubuntu, and by default seems to be configured to maximize CPU while indexing. We can either throttle it down, or just simply uninstall it if you never use it.

Tracker是Ubuntu内置的搜索工具,默认情况下似乎已配置为在编制索引时最大化CPU。 我们可以降低它的速度,或者如果您从不使用它,只需将其卸载即可。


What Exactly Is It?


If you go to Applications \ Accessories, you’ll find the Tracker Search Tool in the list. From here you can do a full-text search against your files, and even refine by category.

如果转到“应用程序\附件”,则会在列表中找到“跟踪器搜索工具”。 在这里,您可以对文件进行全文搜索,甚至可以按类别进行优化。


It’s not a bad search tool, really.


Throttle Indexing Speed


What you can do is configure Tracker to not use as much of your CPU, by going to System \ Preferences \ Indexing Preferences.



From here you can choose to completely turn off indexing by unchecking the “Enable indexing” option.



On the performance tab, you can change the slider for Indexing speed from “Faster” all the way down to “Slower”. Then you can choose to Minimize memory usage as well.

在性能选项卡上,您可以将索引速度的滑块从“更快”更改为“更慢”。 然后,您也可以选择最小化内存使用。


On the Ignored Files tab, you can also add in paths of files to exclude from the indexing. If you’ve got a ton of files sitting around that you know you’ll never need to search through, there’s really no reason to have them in the index.

在“忽略的文件”选项卡上,您还可以添加要从索引中排除的文件路径。 如果周围有很多文件,而且您知道不需要搜索,则实际上没有理由将它们包含在索引中。


At this point you can Close the dialog to apply the changes. Note that if your indexing process is still out of control you might have to kill -9 the process ID, or just reboot if you feel like it.

此时,您可以关闭对话框以应用更改。 请注意,如果索引编制过程仍然不受控制,则可能必须取消-9进程ID,或者如果需要则重新启动。

Uninstall Tracker From the Command Line


If you never use the search screen and would simply like to get rid of it, you can open up a terminal and use the following command to remove this process.


sudo apt-get remove tracker tracker-search-tool tracker-utils

sudo apt-get remove tracker tracker-search-tool tracker-utils

Uninstall Tracker From Synaptic


If you prefer, you can search for “tracker” within Synaptic Package Manager and then just uncheck the tracker options in the list. Once you are done, use the Apply button to actually do the uninstall.

如果愿意,可以在Synaptic Package Manager中搜索“跟踪器”,然后仅取消选中列表中的跟踪器选项。 完成后,使用“应用”按钮实际执行卸载。


Does anybody actually use this search engine?


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/linux/what-is-trackerd-and-why-is-it-running/