

本文为芬兰赫尔辛基应用科学大学(作者:Ibn Azad Muhammad Razin)的学士论文,共51页。


In the wireless communication field,multiple antennas are gaining increased interests because of their dramaticincrease in capacity and speed of data transmissions. The purpose of this thesisis to give a brief look into multiple antenna techniques with the main focus onMIMO (Multiple-Input Multiple-Output). Basic principles of the entire popularmultiple antenna techniques are briefly discussed here. For betterunderstanding of multiple antennas, basic parameters and antenna mechanisms arealso discussed here. Being a hot topic for upcoming mobile generations,different settings of multiple antennas and their differences and theirimplications are also analyzed. Throughout this thesis, the benefits ofmultiple antennas are discussed. Current uses of multiple antennas are alsobriefly focused on. However, the purpose is also to explain why MIMO will beused in a broader range in the near future. As no experiments or developmentswere done during this project, this thesis is purely based on theoretical works.

1 引言
2 MIMO背景
3 天线基础知识
4 多天线技术
5 多输入多输出技术
6 多天线技术的应用
7 多天线技术的未来展望
8 结论


