



Modern smartphones and cloud photo services want to automatically upload every single photo you take to the cloud. This ensures all those photos you take are safely backed up somewhere, but it isn’t ideal for every single photo. Unfortunately, companies like Apple and Google haven’t gotten that message. Here’s how to control which photos get uploaded, and to where.

现代智能手机和云照片服务希望将您拍摄的每张照片自动上传到云中。 这样可以确保将您拍摄的所有照片安全地备份到某处,但这并不是每张照片的理想选择。 不幸的是,像苹果和谷歌这样的公司还没有得到这个信息。 这是控制上传哪些照片以及上传到哪里的方法。

选择是否要自动上传照片 (Choose Whether You Want to Automatically Upload Photos or Not)

Depending on the apps you’ve installed and configured, you may have several apps uploading your photos to different locations: the built-in iCloud Photos on iOS, the built-in Photos app on Android, or even Dropbox, also has an auto-upload feature on both iOS and Android. You can start by configuring each of these.

根据您已安装和配置的应用程序,您可能有多个应用程序将您的照片上传到不同的位置:iOS上的内置iCloud照片,Android上的内置照片应用程序甚至Dropbox都具有自动将照片上传到其他位置的功能。 iOS和Android上的上传功能。 您可以通过配置每个步骤开始。

iCloud照片库 (iCloud Photo Library)

iPhones and iPads have automatic photo upload through iCloud Photo Library. If you’ve enabled iCloud, there’s a good chance you enabled the photo library feature which uploads the photos you take to your iCloud storage. There are no limitations on how many photos can be stored in iCloud–you can store as many as you like, as long as you have free space available.

iPhone和iPad具有通过iCloud照片库自动上传照片的功能 。 如果您启用了iCloud,则很有可能启用了照片库功能,该功能会将您拍摄的照片上传到iCloud存储中。 iCloud中可以存储多少照片没有限制-只要您有可用空间 ,就可以存储任意数量的照片

Open the Settings app, tap the iCloud category, and tap Photos. Use the options here to control whether your iPhone or iPad uploads the photos you take to iCloud.

打开“设置”应用,点击“ iCloud”类别,然后点击“照片”。 使用此处的选项控制您的iPhone或iPad是否将您拍摄的照片上传到iCloud。


Google相簿 (Google Photos)

Android devices have automatic photo upload through in the “Auto Backup” feature in the Photos app, which stores your photos on the web at photos.google.com. Once upon a time this was a feature of the Google+ app, but it was a bit confusing on what was public and what wasn’t, so Google has since separated the services for simplicity.

Android设备通过“照片”应用程序的“自动备份”功能自动上传照片 ,该功能将您的照片存储在photos.google.com上的网络上。 曾几何时,这是Google+应用程序的功能,但在公开和未公开之间有些混淆,因此Google为了简化服务而分离了这些服务。

Google has an interesting way of counting storage: you can upload original quality (read: non-compressed) versions of your photos, but you’re limited by the amount of storage on your Google account. Alternatively, you can allow the Photos app to compress the photo but retain a high level of quality, and have unlimited storage. The latter is the default option, and honestly it’s probably the best for most users. Like with most things, there are exceptions to this rule: owners of Google’s new Pixel phone have full-quality uploads with zero restrictions.

Google有一种有趣的计数存储方式:您可以上传照片的原始质量(读取:未压缩)版本,但受到Google帐户存储量的限制。 另外,您可以允许“照片”应用压缩照片,但保持高质量,并具有无限的存储空间。 后者是默认选项,老实说,它可能是大多数用户的最佳选择。 与大多数情况一样,该规则也有例外:Google新款Pixel手机的所有者可以上传完整质量的文件,且限制为零。


To access your auto-upload settings, launch the Photos app on your Android phone or tablet, swipe in from the right side to open the menu, then scroll down to Settings. The first option in the menu is “Back up & sync,” which is where all of your sync settings are stored. Use the options here to control whether your Android device uploads your photos to your Google account.

要访问您的自动上传设置,请在Android手机或平板电脑上启动“照片”应用,从右侧向内轻扫以打开菜单,然后向下滚动至“设置”。 菜单中的第一个选项是“备份和同步”,这是存储所有同步设置的位置。 使用此处的选项控制您的Android设备是否将照片上传到您的Google帐户。


Dropbox和其他云存储应用 (Dropbox and Other Cloud Storage Apps)

Whether your’e using an iPhone or Android phone, cloud storage apps like Google Photos, Dropbox, Microsoft OneDrive, and Flickr can automatically upload your photos to the cloud if you’ve installed the app and enabled this feature. On Windows Phone, the built-in photo upload feature uploads your photos to OneDrive.

无论您使用的是iPhone还是Android手机,如果您已安装了该应用程序并启用了此功能,则Google相册,Dropbox,Microsoft OneDrive和Flickr等云存储应用程序都可以将照片自动上传到云中。 在Windows Phone上,内置照片上传功能将您的照片上传到OneDrive。

So, check any cloud file storage or photo uploading apps you’ve installed and make sure photo uploads are disabled if you don’t want to use them. For example, in Dropbox, you’ll find this option under Settings > Camera Upload on both OSes.

因此,请检查您已安装的所有云文件存储或照片上传应用程序,如果不想使用它们,请确保已禁用照片上传。 例如,在Dropbox中,您将在两个OS的“设置”>“相机上传”下找到此选项。


查看您已上传的照片,并删除您不想保留的照片 (View Photos You’ve Uploaded, and Delete Ones You Don’t Want to Keep)

If you take a sensitive photo—or just a photo you don’t want to keep forever—you can’t just delete it on your smartphone to get rid of it, at least in most cases. You’ll still have a copy saved online. So to delete it for good, you have to go into the photo uploading service itself and delete the photo from their servers, too. (The one exception to this rule is Google Photos–when you delete a photo in the Photos app, it will also remove it from your cloud photos.)

如果您拍了张敏感的照片(或只是一张不想永久保存的照片),则至少在大多数情况下,您不能仅仅删除智能手机上的照片就可以摆脱它。 您仍然会在线保存副本。 因此,要永久删除它,您必须进入照片上传服务本身,并从其服务器中删除照片。 (此规则的一个例外是Google相册-当您在“照片”应用中删除照片时,也会将其从云照片中删除。)

For Apple’s iCloud, you can currently access these photos in the Photos app on an iOS device, in iPhoto on a Mac, or via the Photos sync feature in the iCloud control panel for Windows. Delete any photos you don’t want to see in the cloud.

对于Apple的iCloud,当前可以在iOS设备上的“照片”应用中,在Mac上的iPhoto中或通过Windows的iCloud控制面板 “照片同步”功能访问这些照片。 删除您不想在云中看到的任何照片。


For Google Photos, you can also control them on the web. Head over to photos.google.com to see all of your backed up content–clicking the check mark in the top-left corner will allow you to select multiple photos for mass deletion.

对于Google相册,您还可以在网络上对其进行控制。 转到photos.google.com ,查看所有备份内容-单击左上角的复选标记,可以选择多张照片进行批量删除。


For Dropbox and OneDrive, you’ll just find your photos uploaded as files in your cloud storage account. For example, in Dropbox you’ll find them under the Photos view or under the Camera Upload folder in your list of files. You can access these on your desktop with the Dropbox sync client, on the Dropbox website, or in the Dropbox mobile app.

对于Dropbox和OneDrive,您只会在云存储帐户中找到作为文件上传的照片。 例如,在Dropbox中,您可以在“照片”视图下或文件列表中的“相机上传”文件夹下找到它们。 您可以使用Dropbox同步客户端,Dropbox网站或Dropbox移动应用在桌面*问这些文件。


For other services like Flickr, it works like you’d expect—they’ll be available as photos in your Flickr account, for example.


拍照并保持私密性 (Take Photos and Keep Them Private)

So what if you have these features on, but want to take a photo without having it uploaded to the cloud? Heck, maybe you’re taking photos of important legal or financial documents to scan them. You probably don’t want copies of those sensitive documents stored in Google Photos, iCloud, or Dropbox.

那么,如果您具有这些功能,但又想在不将照片上传到云端的情况下拍照呢? 哎呀,也许您正在拍摄重要的法律或财务文件的照片以进行扫描 。 您可能不希望将这些敏感文档的副本存储在Google相册,iCloud或Dropbox中。

Avoiding the automatic photo upload is actually a bit tough. There’s no way to put the built-in Camera app on iOS or Android into a “please-don’t-upload-these-photos” mode. Every photo you take will be uploaded as long as the feature is enabled. If you want to remove them, you’ll have to delete them from the online storage service later. If you don’t want them to upload, you’ll have to preemptively disable the photo uploading features before taking that photo. Even then, if you enable the photo uploading feature afterwards, it’ll upload those photos if you haven’t deleted them yet. It’s really a lose-lose situation.

避免自动上传照片实际上有点困难。 无法将iOS或Android上内置的Camera应用程序置于“请不要上传这些照片”模式。 只要启用该功能,您拍摄的每张照片都会上传。 如果要删除它们,则稍后必须将其从联机存储服务中删除。 如果您不希望他们上传照片,则必须先禁用照片上传功能,然后再拍摄照片。 即使那样,如果您之后启用了照片上传功能,如果您还没有删除照片,它将上传那些照片。 这确实是一个输球的情况。

Some third party “private camera”-type apps, however, allow you to take photos without storing them in the system-wide Camera Roll on iOS or Photos on Android. The key here is that the “private camera” app takes photos and keeps them within the app itself, preventing the system-wide photo storage from accessing and then automatically uploading them. This isn’t an ideal solution, but keeping the photos separate from the system-wide photos feature is the only way to ensure they’re not uploaded.

但是,某些第三方“私人相机”类型的应用程序允许您拍摄照片而无需将其存储在iOS上的系统范围的Camera Roll或Android上的Photos中。 此处的关键是“专用相机”应用程序会拍摄照片并将其保留在应用程序本身中,从而阻止访问系统范围的照片存储,然后自动上传它们。 这不是理想的解决方案,但是将照片与系统范围的照片功能分开是确保未上传照片的唯一方法。


You could also disable photo uploads permanently or just allow them to upload and delete them from the cloud storage later. But, if they’re sensitive, be sure you’ve cleared your trash afterwards!

您还可以永久禁用照片上传,或者只允许它们稍后上传并从云存储中删除。 但是,如果他们敏感,请确保您之后清除了垃圾桶!

You don’t have to use automatic photo uploads. You could always just manually upload the photos you like to your cloud storage service of choice, or even connect your phone to your computer to transfer your photos off and manage them the old fashioned way. Of course, if you forget to do this for a while and something catastrophic happens to your phone…well, you know how terrible that could be.

您无需使用自动照片上传功能。 您始终可以手动将所需的照片手动上传到所选的云存储服务,甚至可以将手机连接到计算机以转移照片并以老式方式对其进行管理。 当然,如果您暂时忘记执行此操作,并且手机发生了灾难性的变化……那么,您知道那将是多么可怕。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/208687/take-control-of-your-smartphone’s-automatic-photo-uploads/
