



If you use iCloud to sync your Apple devices, you might accumulate a lot of approved devices on your iCloud account over time. If you have a few on the list you don’t own anymore, here’s how to remove those old devices from your account.

如果您使用iCloud同步Apple设备,则随着时间的流逝,您的iCloud帐户上可能会积累许多已批准的设备。 如果列表中没有您不再拥有的设备,请按照以下方法从帐户中删除那些旧设备。

It’s inevitable: you’re going to eventually upgrade your iPhone or Macbook to the newest version, taking advantage of whatever technological advancements Apple has come up with. You’ll add each device to your iCloud account, hoping to sync your notes, reminders, pictures, and all the other things iCloud lets you sync.

这是不可避免的:您将利用Apple带来的任何技术进步最终将iPhone或Macbook升级到最新版本。 您会将每台设备添加到您的iCloud帐户,希望同步您的笔记,提醒,图片以及iCloud允许您同步的所有其他内容

But, even though you’ve stopped using those old devices, they won’t automatically go away. In fact, those devices still remain tied to your iCloud account even if you no longer possess the device. This isn’t normally a problem if you remember to reset your device to its factory defaults. If you do this, then the next person to come along and use the device will set it up to work with their iCloud account.

但是,即使您已停止使用那些旧设备,它们也不会自动消失。 实际上,即使您不再拥有该设备,这些设备仍然与您的iCloud帐户保持联系。 如果您记得将设备重置为其出厂默认设置,通常这不是问题。 如果执行此操作,那么下一个要使用该设备的人将对其进行设置,使其可以使用其iCloud帐户。

If you don’t reset your device to factory defaults however, you could be opening yourself up to a potential privacy risk, especially if you use an Apple TV, which doesn’t use security controls. If you don’t first factory reset your device before you get rid of it, then it will just show up in iCloud devices list the next time it connects to the Internet.

但是,如果您不将设备重置为出厂默认设置,则可能会使自己面临潜在的隐私风险,特别是如果您使用不使用安全控件的Apple TV。 如果您没有在摆脱设备之前先将其恢复出厂设置,则设备将在下次连接到Internet时显示在iCloud设备列表中。

In that case, you will need to reset you iCloud password, which is a slight inconvenience because now you need to change it for every device you own.


如何在Mac上从iCloud删除设备 (How to Remove Devices from iCloud on Your Mac)

To remove devices from your iCloud account, you first need to open up the iCloud settings. To do this on a Mac, open the System Preferences and click on “iCloud”.

要从iCloud帐户中删除设备,您首先需要打开iCloud设置。 要在Mac上执行此操作,请打开系统偏好设置,然后单击“ iCloud”。


Next, in the iCloud system preferences, click on “Account Details”.



You will be required to enter your iCloud password before you can continue.



Once you’re in the Account Details screen, click on the “Devices” tab. Select the device you want to remove and then click “Remove From Account”. If there is a device you don’t recognize, then it may be someone else’s–in which case you should remove it immediately and change your iCloud password.

进入“帐户详细信息”屏幕后,单击“设备”选项卡。 选择要删除的设备,然后单击“从帐户删除”。 如果存在您无法识别的设备,则可能是其他人的设备-在这种情况下,您应立即将其删除并更改iCloud密码。


The next dialog will warn you that if the device you’re removing is still signed in and connects to the Internet, that it will reappear in the devices list.



If you’re selling the device, now would be the time to perform a factory reset as well.


如何在iPhone或iPad上从iCloud删除设备 (How to Remove Devices from iCloud on Your iPhone or iPad)

Removing devices from your iCloud account on your iOS device is similar to how it’s done on the Mac. To begin, open Settings and tap on “iCloud”.

从iOS设备上的iCloud帐户中删除设备与在Mac上执行的操作类似。 首先,打开设置,然后点击“ iCloud”。


In the iCloud settings, tap on your name to access the account details.



Again, you will have to enter your password before you can proceed.



Once you’re in the account details screen, tap on “Devices”.



Just like on your Mac, you can see all the devices that currently associated with your iCloud account.



Tap on any device now to see further details and remove it if you desire. Again, if there is a device you don’t recognize, then you should remove it immediately and change your iCloud password.

现在点击任意设备以查看更多详细信息,并根据需要将其删除。 同样,如果存在您无法识别的设备,则应立即将其删除并更改iCloud密码。


Just like on the Mac, we’ll get the same kind of verification dialog asking us to confirm removal of the iCloud device and a reminder that if it is still signed in, then it will simply reappear once it connects to the Internet.



Now that you know how to remove devices, the only thing left is to make sure you factory reset any that you decide to part with. To reset your iPhone or iPad, you must first open Settings, then tap on “General”, the tap on “Reset”, then “Erase All Content and Settings”.

既然您知道如何卸下设备,剩下的唯一事情就是确保恢复出厂设置,您决定将其中的任何一部分拆下来。 要重置iPhone或iPad ,必须首先打开“设置”,然后点击“常规”,再点击“重置”,然后点击“删除所有内容和设置”。

If you decide you’re going to regift your Apple Watch, then you can wipe it clean by reading our article on how to backup, wipe, and restore it. Finally, if you are upgrading from your old Apple TV or simply have decided to get rid of your current one, you can easily factory reset or reboot it.

如果您决定要重新组装Apple Watch,则可以阅读我们有关如何备份,擦除和还原它的文章,将其擦干净。 最后,如果您要从旧的Apple TV进行升级,或者只是决定放弃当前的Apple TV,则可以轻松地恢复出厂设置或重新启动

Remember, if you do find a device that you don’t recognize, the best course of action is to immediately delete it from the devices list and then change your iCloud password. Otherwise, just make sure you’re taking the safe route and at least logging the device out from your iCloud account, if not wiping it clean.

请记住,如果您找到了您无法识别的设备,最好的做法是立即从设备列表中将其删除,然后更改您的iCloud密码。 否则,只需确保您采取了安全路线,并且至少将设备从iCloud帐户中注销(如果没有将其清除)。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/240710/how-to-remove-devices-from-your-icloud-account/
