



Snapchat is a chat app and social network that’s super popular with millennials and teens. It’s main feature is that every “Snap” (aka photo or video) is automatically deleted after a certain amount of time.

Snapchat是一个聊天应用程序和社交网络,在千禧一代和青少年中非常受欢迎。 它的主要功能是在一定时间后会自动删除每个“快照”(即照片或视频)。

These Snaps may be deleted from your phone, but are they also deleted from Snapchat’s servers? This is the question on a lot of peoples’ minds. The Federal Trade Commission called Snapchat out in 2013 for “misrepresenting” how private Snaps actually were, so let’s look at what the situation is now.

这些快照可能已从您的手机中删除,但是它们也已从Snapchat的服务器中删除了吗? 这是很多人心目中的问题。 联邦贸易委员会(Federal Trade Commission)在2013年将Snapchat叫出是因为“歪曲了”私人Snaps的实际状况 ,因此让我们看看现在的情况。

RELATED: What Is Snapchat?

相关: 什么是Snapchat?

The simple answer is no: Snapchat doesn’t save your Snaps forever.


The more nuanced answer is that Snapchat doesn’t deliberately store Snaps for longer than they need to run the service, but that does mean they could sit on their server for up to 30 days. From the Snapchat privacy policy:

更为细微的回答是,Snapchat不会故意将Snaps的存储时间长于运行该服务所需的时间,但这确实意味着Snapchat可以在其​​服务器上放置长达30天。 从Snapchat隐私权政策中

Snapchat lets you capture what it’s like to live in the moment. On our end, that means that we automatically delete the content of your Snaps (the photo and video messages that you send your friends) from our servers after we detect that a Snap has been opened by all recipients or has expired.

Snapchat使您可以捕捉当下的生活。 最终,这意味着我们在检测到所有收件人都已打开快照或该快照已过期后,自动从我们的服务器中删除快照的内容(您发送给朋友的照片和视频消息)。

Your Snaps remain on their servers until all recipients have opened them. If one recipient doesn’t open the Snap for a week, the Snap will stay on their servers for that week. If a Snap isn’t opened for 30 days, it expires and is deleted.

您的快照将保留在其服务器上,直到所有收件人都将其打开为止。 如果一个接收者一周未打开Snap,则该Snap将在其服务器上保留一周的时间。 如果快照未打开30天 ,它将过期并被删除。

The safest thing to do is to assume that anything you send on Snapchat is on their servers for a month. All it takes is for one of your friends to lose their phone and not receive your Snap.

最安全的做法是假设您在Snapchat上发送的所有内容都在他们的服务器上存放了一个月。 您要做的只是让您的一位朋友丢掉手机而没有收到您的快照。

One other thing to note is that you can choose to save your Snaps to Snapchat’s servers with Snapchat Memories. If you save a Snap to your Memories, it will be kept on their servers until you delete it.

需要注意的另一件事是,您可以选择使用Snapchat内存将快照保存到Snapchat的服务器。 如果将快照保存到内存中,它将被保留在他们的服务器上,直到将其删除。


When it comes to Snaps sticking around longer than you want, it isn’t Snapchat you have to worry about, but the people you send them to. With some third-party apps, another device, or simply just taking a screenshot, someone else can save your Snap indefinitely. Even if you get a notification telling you it’s been saved, there’s not a lot you can do about it. We’d be more worried about that than what Snapchat is doing.

当Snaps的黏合时间超出您的期望时,您不必担心Snapchat,而是您将它们发送给的人。 使用某些第三方应用程序,另一台设备或仅拍摄屏幕截图,其他人可以无限期保存您的快照。 即使您收到通知它已被保存的通知,也无济于事。 我们会比Snapchat在做什么更担心。

