

Whether you are an advanced or novice WordPress user, for many companies and organizations, having an mobile app for your website can be a huge asset for improving overall reach. Unfortunately mobile development typically is a labor intensive field which can cost thousands for even the simplest projects. Fortunately thanks to WordPress’ extensibility, there are mobile development companies which can create an app from your WordPress site by using an API provided by a standard plugin.

对于许多公司和组织来说,无论您是WordPress的高级用户还是初学者,为您的网站提供移动应用程序都是提高整体覆盖率的巨大资产。 不幸的是,移动开发通常是一个劳动密集型领域,即使是最简单的项目也要花费数千美元。 幸运的是,由于WordPress的可扩展性,一些移动开发公司可以使用标准插件提供的API从您的WordPress网站创建应用程序。

AppPresser (AppPresser)


If you’re looking for a seamless way to create an app with ease, AppPresser is one of the fastest solutions on the market which allows you to get your site running on HTML5, iOS, and Android in under 30 minutes by using Phonegap. Unlike many other platforms which limit you to simply creating a front-end for your mobile site, AppPresser allows you to access the WordPress management panel and plugins from within your application.

如果您正在寻找一种无缝的方式轻松创建应用程序,则AppPresser是市场上最快的解决方案之一,它使您可以通过使用Phonegap在30分钟内使您的网站在HTML5,iOS和Android上运行。 与许多其他平台将您限制为只为移动网站创建前端不同,AppPresser允许您从应用程序内部访问WordPress管理面板和插件。

Unlike many conversion services on the market, AppPresser breaks their pricing down into bundles based on user needs. Whether you’re looking for a simple site, a mobile eCommerce site, an app for social networking (using BuddyPress) or something more complex, AppPresser offers solutions to fit virtually any need.

与市场上的许多转换服务不同,AppPresser会根据用户需求将其定价细分为捆绑销售。 无论您是要寻找一个简单的网站,一个移动电子商务网站,一个用于社交网络的应用程序(使用BuddyPress)还是更复杂的应用程序,AppPresser都可以提供满足几乎所有需求的解决方案。

AppPresser has no monthly fees, however you have to host your application yourself. Although hosting the app can be a burden for some, the benefit of this is that you maintain ownership of your code. Pricing for AppPress starts at $199.00 and covers up to five apps while the agency bundle includes 25 apps at $499.00. An annual renewal fee is required however, if you need to keep your application code updated.

AppPresser没有月租费,但是您必须自己托管应用程序。 尽管托管应用程序可能会给某些人造成负担,但这样做的好处是您可以维护代码的所有权。 AppPress的起价为199.00美元,最多可包含5个应用,而该代理商捆绑包中的25个应用的价格为499.00美元。 但是,如果您需要保持应用程序代码的更新,则需要收取年费。

美孚 (Mobiloud)


Mobiloud is a service which allows you to create Android and iOS applications with ease, complete with native code built to standards. As with many other solutions mentioned in this article, customizing your app can be done within WordPress.

Mobiloud是一项服务,可让您轻松创建Android和iOS应用程序,并带有按标准构建的本机代码。 与本文提到的许多其他解决方案一样,可以在WordPress中自定义应用程序。

Key features of Mobiloud include: support for WordPress user accounts; WordPress, Facebook and Disqus comments; category preferences for push notifications; and offline access to your content. The ability to integrate custom JavaScript and HTML5 in your posts also is a helpful feature especially if you’re embedding video and other multimedia content into your posts.

Mobiloud的主要功能包括:支持WordPress用户帐户; WordPress,Facebook和Disqus评论; 推送通知的类别首选项; 和离线访问您的内容。 在您的帖子中集成自定义JavaScript和HTML5的功能也是一项有用的功能,尤其是当您将视频和其他多媒体内容嵌入到您的帖子中时。

Mobiloud is slightly expensive starting at $149/month however if desired, you can purchase a lifetime license starting at $699.00 for either an Android or iOS app, or $1,299 for both. In the lifetime license however, white-labling your app is $399.00 and support for membership sites (protected content) costs $299.00. Depending on your needs these costs can add up, however compared to custom development, the cost is still fairly low.

Mobiloud的价格稍贵,起价为149美元/月,但如果需要,您可以购买终身许可,其中Android或iOS应用程序的起价为699.00美元,或两者都起价的1,299美元。 但是,在终身许可中,对您的应用进行白标价格为399美元,支持会员网站(受保护的内容)的费用为299美元。 根据您的需求,这些成本可能会增加,但是与定制开发相比,成本仍然相当低。

维济阿普 (Wiziapp)


If you’re looking for a somewhat free solution to test the waters for your site, Wiziapp is a service offering both free and paid plans. Using the service is as simple as adding a plugin to WordPress and then using the provided prompts to customize the look and feel of your mobile application. To enhance your application, you can also easily insert ad banners and enable push notifications.

如果您正在寻找一种稍微免费的解决方案来测试您所在站点的水位那么Wiziapp是一项提供免费和付费计划的服务。 使用该服务非常简单,只需将插件添加到WordPress,然后使用提供的提示来自定义移动应用程序的外观即可。 为了增强您的应用程序,您还可以轻松插入广告横幅并启用推送通知。

After deciding on the look and feel of your mobile application, you can create a HTML5 app for free, with native Android and iOS apps costing $149/year and $299/year respectively. By using the free plan, you can create a mobile site for potential customers to visit, however if you already have a responsive website design, this feature likely won’t matter to you.

在决定了移动应用程序的外观后,您可以免费创建HTML5应用程序,本机Android和iOS应用程序的价格分别为149美元/年和299美元/年。 通过使用免费计划,您可以创建一个供潜在客户访问的移动网站,但是,如果您已经具有响应式网站设计,则此功能可能对您而言并不重要。

In addition to the app development services, Wiziapp also offers a collection of mobile friendly WordPress themes for $69/year. For web design/development agencies this might be a worthwhile expense, however if you’re just looking to build a single site and want a uniform look on mobile and desktop devices, you’re probably better off choosing a responsive theme from another vendor.

除了应用程序开发服务外,Wiziapp还提供一系列适用于移动设备的WordPress主题,价格为$ 69 /年。 对于Web设计/开发机构来说,这可能是一笔值得的开支,但是,如果您只是想建立一个站点并希望在移动和桌面设备上具有统一的外观,那么最好从其他供应商那里选择一个响应主题。

次要限制 (Minor Limitations)

Although the previously mentioned solutions can be used to roll out a mobile app with ease, one of the biggest limitations is that they simply port your existing layout to a mobile environment. This is why before using any of these services, you should ensure that you know how to choose a great WordPress design.

尽管可以使用前面提到的解决方案轻松地推出移动应用程序,但是最大的限制之一是它们只是将现有布局移植到移动环境中。 这就是为什么在使用任何这些服务之前,应确保您知道如何选择出色的WordPress设计

Putting that limitation aside, considering that many custom application development projects can cost $5,000 upwards on the low end, and upwards of $20,000 per platform as the average, the solutions mentioned in this article provide a welcome middle ground for the customer who has simple needs.


Also keep in mind that while some services will provide submission to the app store on your behalf, the Google Play and Apple App Store fees are not included. At the time of writing, Google charges $25 while Apple charges $99/year.

另外请记住,尽管某些服务会代表您向应用商店提供提交内容,但不包括Google Play和Apple App Store的费用。 在撰写本文时,Google每年收取25美元,而Apple每年收取99美元。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/easily-convert-wordpress-sites-into-mobile-apps/
