



If you’ve looked closely at your camera, you’ve probably noticed a strange circle/line symbol somewhere on it (you can see it above). It’s generally near the viewfinder but could be anywhere on the side.

如果您仔细看了一下相机,可能会注意到它上某处有一个奇怪的圆圈/线符号(您可以在上方看到它)。 它通常在取景器附近,但可以在侧面的任何地方。

What’s most unusual about this symbol is that, unlike most of the other weird things all over your camera, it’s not paired with a button. It just sits there on its own. So what does it mean?

该符号最不寻常的是,与相机上其他所有奇怪的事物不同,它没有与按钮配对。 它只是独自坐在那里。 那是什么意思呢?

The circle/line symbol marks the exact placement of the sensor (or film plane) inside the camera. It’s one of the many throwbacks to old film cameras.

圆圈/线条符号标记了传感器(或胶卷平面)在相机内部的确切位置。 这是对旧胶片相机的众多回扣之一。

Now, just because it’s a throwback doesn’t mean it’s not useful. Knowing the exact sensor location lets you accurately measure the distance between it and the subject. Measuring from the front of the lens is fine if your subject is a dozen feet away, but if they’re close, an inch or two makes a big difference.

现在,仅仅因为它是一个退步并不意味着它没有用。 知道传感器的确切位置后,您便可以准确地测量其与被摄对象之间的距离。 如果您的物体在十英尺外,那么从镜头前部进行测量就可以了,但是如果距离很近,则一两英寸的差异就很大了。

In particular, macro photographers still use the focal plane mark to measure the distance to the subject so they can manually focus accurately and product photographers use it to dial in their lighting set up.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/366302/what-does-the-weird-circleline-symbol-on-your-camera-mean/
