



Most of the time, it is pretty simple to figure out what the various ports and the printed symbols next to them on our computers are for, but every so often, some new or different symbol pops up. With that in mind, today’s SuperUser Q&A post has the answer to a curious reader’s question.

在大多数情况下,弄清楚计算机上各个端口和端口旁边的印刷符号是很简单的,但是每隔一段时间,就会弹出一些新的或不同的符号。 考虑到这一点,今天的SuperUser Q&A帖子回答了一个好奇的读者的问题。

Today’s Question & Answer session comes to us courtesy of SuperUser—a subdivision of Stack Exchange, a community-driven grouping of Q&A web sites.

今天的“问答”环节由SuperUser提供,它是Stack Exchange的一个分支,该社区是由社区驱动的Q&A网站分组。

问题 (The Question)

SuperUser reader BloodPhilia wants to know what the D-shaped icon next to a USB-C port means:


There is a small D-shaped icon next to my USB-C port that looks like two “Ds” or a “P and D” (a smaller “P” placed inside a larger “D”). I have tried looking for it online, but I cannot seem to find it anywhere. What does it stand for and what does its functionality entail?

USB-C端口旁边有一个小D形图标,看起来像两个“ D”或一个“ P和D”(一个较小的“ P”放在一个较大的“ D”中)。 我尝试过在网上寻找它,但似乎找不到任何地方。 它代表什么,其功能意味着什么?

At first, I thought it stood for power delivery, but I could not find any matching symbols related to the “standard” on Google. Also, my laptop has a separate power input for charging.

起初,我以为它代表着动力传输,但是我在Google上找不到与“标准”相关的任何匹配符号。 另外,我的笔记本电脑有一个单独的电源输入用于充电。


What does the D-shaped icon next to a USB-C port mean?


答案 (The Answer)

SuperUser contributors Journeyman Geek and chx have the answer for us. First up, Journeyman Geek:

超级用户贡献者Journeyman Geek和chx为我们找到了答案。 首先,《 Journeyman Geek》:


is a DisplayPort icon, which indicates that the port supports an Alternate Mode, and a simple passive USB-C to DP cable (or a monitor that does a USB-C connection in DP mode) would work. Not all USB-C connectors support DisplayPort, so it is a very helpful marking to see “printed” on a device.

DisplayPort图标,表示该端口支持“ 备用模式” ,并且可以使用简单的无源USB-C到DP电缆(或在DP模式下进行USB-C连接的显示器)。 并非所有USB-C连接器都支持DisplayPort,因此在设备上查看“已打印”是非常有用的标记。

Followed by the answer from chx:


The other answer is fully correct, but let me elaborate on why it is necessary. The USB-C connector is the biggest mess I have seen in computing connectors. I have been a columnist/editor for a computer magazine in the nineties, so I have seen a lot of connectors, trust me.

另一个答案是完全正确的,但让我详细说明为什么有必要。 USB-C连接器是我在计算连接器中看到的最大混乱。 九十年代,我曾是一家计算机杂志的专栏作家/编辑,所以我看到了很多连接器,请相信我。

USB-C has four high speed lanes that can carry a wide variety of signals, which is really nice, but the problem is there are no requirements to show or indicate to the user what the capabilities are using colors or icons. Traditionally, the mess was somewhat the other way around, with the same signal, but a lot of different connectors (SCSI, both parallel and serial, is notorious for this).

USB-C具有四个可以传输各种信号的高速通道,这确实不错,但问题是没有要求向用户显示或指示使用颜色或图标的功能。 传统上,混乱情况是相反的,具有相同的信号,但是有许多不同的连接器(并行和串行的SCSI对此臭名昭著)。

You needed adapters then as well, but at least you had a really good idea what it could be just by looking at a connector (outside of the mess with EGA and CGA starting in 1984 before VGA killed both of them off in 1987, something that affected far fewer people). The hope is that this time (eventually), you will not need adapters and everything will just work.

您也需要适配器,但是至少您真的很清楚,只是看一下连接器就可以了(除了从1984年开始与EGA和CGA混在一起,然后在1987年VGA杀死了这两个适配器之前,受影响的人要少得多)。 希望这次(最终)您将不需要适配器,并且一切都将正常进行。

Here are a few things it might or might not be capable of, but only one at a time:


  • Charging the device itself with 20V / 3A.

    用20V / 3A给设备本身充电。
  • Charging a connected device with 20V / 3A.

    用20V / 3A为连接的设备充电。
  • Providing a DisplayPort 1.4 signal (you will need a passive adapter). The icon mentioned is the DisplayPort logo, so it is used correctly to help clarify a little bit of the chaos that USB-C is (but you still cannot tell whether the port is 1.3 or 1.4 capable though).

    提供DisplayPort 1.4信号(您将需要一个无源适配器)。 提到的图标是DisplayPort徽标,因此可以正确使用它来帮助澄清USB-C的混乱情况(但是您仍然无法确定端口是否支持1.3或1.4)。
  • Providing an HDMI 1.4b signal (you will need a passive adapter). Perhaps the HDMI logo will be used, but then again, it may not.

    提供HDMI 1.4b信号(您将需要一个无源适配器)。 也许会使用HDMI徽标,但是再一次,可能不会使用。
  • Providing a Thunderbolt 3.0 signal, which is PCI Express, DisplayPort 1.2, USB 3.1 (Generation 2), and USB Power delivery multiplexed into a signal served over the same connector using more expensive active cables. Typically, a Lightning Bolt port is used, but guess what? That is not a requirement.

    提供Thunderbolt 3.0信号,该信号是PCI Express,DisplayPort 1.2,USB 3.1(第2代)和USB Power传输,使用更昂贵的有源电缆多路复用为通过同一连接器提供的信号。 通常,使用闪电端口,但是您猜怎么着? 这不是必需的。
  • Providing USB 3.1 (Generation 2, a.k.a. 10 Gbit/s speed USB). Some motherboards will give you USB-C connectors carrying USB 3.1 (Generation 1), formerly known as USB 3.0 signals, at 5 Gbit/s just to have more variety, because clearly, there is not enough of that.

    提供USB 3.1(第2代,即10 Gbit / s速度的USB)。 某些主板会为您提供USB-C连接器,以5 Gbit / s的速度传输USB 3.1(第1代)(以前称为USB 3.0信号),只是为了提供更多种类,因为显然不够。
  • There is MHL too.


All in all, be very glad that you have at least some indication of what your port is capable of. You do not always have that luxury:

总而言之,很高兴您至少对港口的功能有所了解。 您并不总是那么奢侈:


It is literally anyone’s guess what are these ports are capable of. They really should have provided some way to clarify this mess, but they did not. If a good variety of colors and icons versus the space constraints are not viable, then provide a standard way for software to display a capability list for users. A diagnostics tool that you could plug into a USB-C port and have it give you a list of what it is capable of would also be very helpful (i.e. this port can provide signals A, B, C, and accepts inputs D, E, F).

几乎每个人都在猜测这些端口的功能。 他们确实应该提供一些方法来弄清这种混乱,但是他们没有提供。 如果各种颜色和图标以及空间限制都不可行,则可以为软件提供一种标准的方式来为用户显示功能列表。 您可以将其插入USB-C端口并提供其功能列表的诊断工具也将非常有帮助(即,该端口可以提供信号A,B,C并接受输入D,E , F)。

Because the “just work” dream is clearly off, if you plug a USB-C cable into a monitor, you do not really have any idea whether it will work or not. The monitor might require a Thunderbolt signal, a DisplayPort signal may be enough, or just USB may be enough because it is using DisplayLink technology, in which case, the host device needs a proprietary driver.

因为“正当工作”的梦想显然已经过去,所以如果您将USB-C电缆插入显示器,您实际上并不知道它是否会起作用。 显示器可能需要一个Thunderbolt信号,一个DisplayPort信号可能就足够了,或者仅仅USB就足够了,因为它正在使用DisplayLink技术,在这种情况下,主机设备需要专用的驱动程序。

Further, even if the right Alternate Modes are present, sometimes they just do not work well. A Google engineer has tested a lot of USB-C cables on Amazon and most were out of spec. Demanding 10 Gbit/s from such a thin cable combined with the complexity of the whole thing makes it totally unsurprising that theoretically compatible devices have problems.

此外,即使存在正确的备用模式,有时它们也无法正常工作 。 一位Google工程师已经在亚马逊上测试了许多USB-C电缆,其中大多数都不合规格。 如此细的电缆要求10 Gbit / s的速度,再加上整个设备的复杂性,使得理论上兼容的设备出现问题完全不足为奇。

For the past 10-15 years, everyone has grown accustomed to the fact that you just plugged in a USB device and it worked (perhaps after installing a driver). USB-C, however, is a brave new world.

在过去的10到15年中,每个人都已经习惯了您仅插入USB设备即可工作的情况(也许在安装驱动程序之后)。 然而,USB-C是一个崭新的世界。

Have something to add to the explanation? Sound off in the comments. Want to read more answers from other tech-savvy Stack Exchange users? Check out the full discussion thread here.

有什么补充说明吗? 在评论中听起来不错。 是否想从其他精通Stack Exchange的用户那里获得更多答案? 在此处查看完整的讨论线程

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