
Are you looking for a free WordPress blog theme for your website?


There are thousands of free blog themes for WordPress, making it hard for beginners to choose between all the different options. The best WordPress themes can be tough to find. Your free theme needs to be reliable and easily customizable.

WordPress有成千上万个免费博客主题,使初学者很难在所有不同选项之间进行选择。 最好的WordPress主题可能很难找到。 您的免费主题必须可靠且易于自定义。

In this article, we have hand-picked some of the best free WordPress blog themes that you can use on your site.



WordPress入门 (Getting Started with WordPress)

First, you need to make sure that you are using the best blogging platform.


Self-hosted WordPress.org is the perfect platform to start your blog because it gives you lots of freedom, flexibility, and control. We have a useful guide on the difference between WordPress.org and WordPress.com.

自托管的WordPress.org是启动博客的理想平台,因为它为您提供了许多*,灵活性和控制力。 我们有关于WordPress.org和WordPress.com之间区别的有用指南。

WordPress.org is open source. It comes with support for thousands of free templates (called themes) and extensions (called plugins) that help you grow your blog faster. Take a look at our article on why you should use WordPress to learn more.

WordPress.org是开源的。 它带有对数千个免费模板(称为主题)和扩展(称为插件)的支持,可帮助您更快地发展博客。 看看我们有关为什么应使用WordPress了解更多信息的文章。

You can use our step by step beginner’s guide on how to start a WordPress blog for full instructions on getting started.

您可以使用有关如何启动WordPress博客的分步入门指南, 获取有关入门的完整说明。

Although many WordPress themes are free, you will need to pay for a domain name for your site. This is your site’s address on the internet.

尽管许多WordPress主题都是免费的,但您将需要为您的网站支付域名费用。 这是您网站在互联网上的地址。

You’ll also need WordPress web hosting. This is where your site is built online.

您还需要WordPress虚拟主机 。 这是您的网站在线构建的地方。

The great news is that WPBeginner readers can get a fantastic deal with Bluehost, one of just 3 hosts officially recommended by WordPress.

令人欣慰的是,WPBeginner读者可以与Bluehost达成绝妙的交易, Bluehost是WordPress官方推荐的三位主机之一。

Bluehost offers a free domain name, a free SSL certificate, and a 65% discount on web hosting. Simply go through our link to Bluehost and you’ll get this deal automatically.

Bluehost提供免费域名,免费SSL证书以及Web主机折扣65%。 只需通过我们到Bluehost的链接,您将自动获得此优惠。

Once you are up and running, it’s time to pick a theme for your website. There are lots of excellent premium themes out there. However, there are also some great free themes that will help you minimize the cost of building a WordPress website.

一旦启动并运行,就该为您的网站选择一个主题了。 有很多优秀的高级主题 。 但是,还有一些很棒的免费主题可以帮助您最大程度地减少构建WordPress网站成本

You can choose a theme from our expert selection below and then follow the instructions in our how to install a WordPress theme guide to set it up properly.


Let’s take a look at some of the best free WordPress themes that you can install on your site.


1.阿斯特拉 (1. Astra)

Astra is a fully customizable and free WordPress blog theme. It includes starter sites that are suitable for personal blogs, portfolios, business blogs, and even eCommerce websites. It’s responsive and works perfectly with all the best page builders out there.

Astra是一个完全可定制且免费的WordPress博客主题。 它包括适合个人博客,投资组合,商业博客甚至电子商务网站的入门网站。 它具有响应能力,可以与所有最好的页面构建器完美配合。

It comes with built-in support for WooCommerce to easily add an online store to your blog if needed. It’s also translation-ready and can be used to make blogs in any language.

它具有对WooCommerce的内置支持,可以根据需要轻松地将在线商店添加到您的博客中。 它也可以翻译,可以用来制作任何语言的博客。

Astra is a lightweight theme with tons of colors options and fonts. You can find the theme options in the WordPress live customizer.

Astra是一个轻量级的主题,具有大量的颜色选项和字体。 您可以在WordPress实时定制器中找到主题选项。

2. OceanWP (2. OceanWP)

OceanWP is one of the most popular free WordPress themes. It includes lots of features that you normally only see in premium themes.

OceanWP是最受欢迎的免费WordPress主题之一。 它包含许多您通常只能在高级主题中看到的功能。

OceanWP can be used for any kind of website, including blogs, magazines, business websites, or eCommerce stores.

OceanWP可用于任何类型的网站,包括博客,杂志, 商业网站或电子商务商店。

It includes multiple layout choices, fullwidth pages, 2 navigation menus on the top, custom logo support, multiple sidebar areas, beautiful image galleries, and more. It is super flexible but still very easy to set up. It also has live customizer support.

它包括多种布局选择,全角页面,顶部2个导航菜单,自定义徽标支持,多个侧边栏区域,漂亮的图像库等等。 它非常灵活,但设置起来仍然非常容易。 它还具有实时定制器支持。

3.赫斯提亚 (3. Hestia)

Hestia is a highly flexible and responsive theme for all types of websites. It comes with an easy setup wizard and a companion plugin which adds testimonials and services sections to your website.

Hestia是适用于所有类型网站的高度灵活且响应Swift的主题。 它带有一个简单的安装向导和一个插件,可在您的网站上添加推荐和服务部分。

It can be used with popular page builder plugins and is ready for WooCommerce out of the box. The homepage can be easily set up using the live theme customizer. You can just add sections and rearrange them with drag and drop.

它可以与流行的页面构建器插件一起使用,并且可以直接用于WooCommerce。 使用实时主题定制器可以轻松设置主页。 您可以添加部分并通过拖放来重新排列它们。

4.便当 (4. Bento)

Bento is a powerful multipurpose WordPress blog theme with tons of features. It works really well with most page builder plugins and it’s suitable for use as a business theme.

Bento是一个功能强大的多功能WordPress博客主题,具有大量功能。 它可以与大多数页面构建器插件一起很好地工作,并且适合用作业务主题

For a free WordPress theme, Bento comes packed with great customization options. All of them can be accessed using the WordPress theme customizer. You won’t need to know any CSS code to get your site looking just the way you want.

对于免费的WordPress主题,Bento附带了很棒的自定义选项。 所有这些都可以使用WordPress 主题定制器进行访问。 您无需知道任何CSS代码即可让您的网站看起来像您想要的样子。

5.去 (5. Go)

Go is a blog theme with a minimalist approach to design. It’s a simple WordPress blog theme with a welcome message and call-to-action buttons in the header.

Go是一个博客主题,具有极简设计方法。 这是一个简单的WordPress博客主题,标题中带有欢迎消息和号召性用语按钮。

Designed to improve readability, it uses clean typography and handles featured images really well. Also, you can easily add a contact form using any popular contact form plugin.

为了提高可读性而设计,它使用简洁的字体,并且可以很好地处理特色图像。 另外,您可以使用任何常用的联系表单插件轻松添加联系表单

6.块状 (6. Blocksy)

Blocksy is a fast, lightweight, and richly featured free WordPress theme designed to be fully compatible with the WordPress block editor. It has multiple page types and can be used to create all sorts of websites, including eCommerce sites, restaurant sites, blogs, portfolios, and more.

Blocksy是一个快速,轻巧且功能丰富的免费WordPress主题,旨在与WordPress块编辑器完全兼容。 它具有多种页面类型,可用于创建各种网站,包括电子商务网站, 餐厅网站 ,博客,投资组合等。

It works perfectly with popular page builder plugins like Elementor and also has full WooCommerce integration. There’s a built-in lazy loading system to keep your site as fast as possible. Even better, Blocksy will look great on all devices and is retina ready too.

它可以与Elementor等流行的页面构建器插件完美配合,并且具有完整的WooCommerce集成。 有一个内置的延迟加载系统,可以使您的网站尽可能快。 更好的是,Blocksy在所有设备上看起来都很棒,并且也已经为视网膜做好了准备。

7. SiteOrigin展开 (7. SiteOrigin Unwind)

SiteOrigin Unwind is a free multipurpose WordPress theme with full WooCommerce support. Designed with a minimalist style, Unwind is highly customizable using the SiteOrigin Page Builder plugin.

SiteOrigin Unwind是一个免费的多功能WordPress主题,具有WooCommerce的全面支持。 Unwind的设计风格极简,可使用SiteOrigin Page Builder插件进行高度自定义。

It comes with multiple page layouts, custom header, background, and color support.


8.海明威 (8. Hemingway)

Hemingway is a clean WordPress blog theme featuring a 2-column layout and a full-width header image area with a parallax effect.


It lets you upload your own logo, supports custom widgets, includes page templates, and more. It’s also retina-ready, meaning it’ll look great on high-quality smartphone themes. All the theme options are quick to set up.

它使您可以上载自己的徽标 ,支持自定义窗口小部件,包括页面模板等。 它还支持视网膜,这意味着它将在高质量智能手机主题上看起来很棒。 所有主题选项都可以快速设置。

9.尼芙 (9. Neve)

Neve is a free WordPress blog theme that works really well for business sites and online stores. It’s also a great option for a personal blog. There’s a navigation menu along the top, with a search bar. You’ll also find built-in social sharing buttons and a featured content slider.

Neve是一个免费的WordPress博客主题,非常适合商业网站和在线商店。 对于个人博客来说,这也是一个不错的选择。 顶部有一个导航菜单,带有一个搜索栏。 您还会发现内置的社交共享按钮和精选的内容滑块。

It has a minimalist layout with beautiful colors and typography. You can easily customize Neve. It’s compatible with popular page builder plugins like the Elementor page builder, Divi page builder, and Beaver Builder.

它具有极简主义的布局,并具有漂亮的色彩和版式。 您可以轻松自定义Neve。 它与流行的页面构建器插件(例如Elementor页面构建器,Divi页面构建器和Beaver Builder)兼容。

10.悉尼 (10. Sydney)

Sydney is a powerful WordPress theme that’s suitable for both personal blogs and business websites. It gives you a fullscreen slider, plus the option to upload your logo, set your header image, use a sticky navigation menu, and more.

悉尼是一个强大的WordPress主题,适用于个人博客和商业网站。 它为您提供了全屏滑块,并提供了上载徽标,设置标题图像,使用粘性导航菜单等的选项

Sydney makes it easy for you to create an engaging front page for your site. It’s also compatible with drag and drop page builders, particularly Elementor.

悉尼使您可以轻松地为您的网站创建引人入胜的首页。 它还与拖放页面构建器(尤其是Elementor)兼容。

11.休曼 (11. Hueman)

Hueman is one of the most popular free WordPress themes. It comes with a multi-column layout and can be easily used on any kind of content-rich blog or magazine-style WordPress website. There’s plenty of space on the front page for showcasing your content.

Hueman是最受欢迎的免费WordPress主题之一。 它具有多列布局,可以轻松地在任何类型的内容丰富的博客或杂志风格的WordPress网站上使用。 首页上有足够的空间来展示您的内容。

You also get support for custom headers, 2-column layout, full-width layout, and tons of easy customization options. It’s a fully responsive and mobile-friendly theme, too.

您还将获得对自定义标题,2列布局,全角布局以及大量简单自定义选项的支持。 这也是一个完全响应且对移动设备友好的主题

12.波塞冬 (12. Poseidon)

Poseidon is a free multipurpose theme. It has a spacious layout, a full-width slider, homepage layout, and multiple page templates.

波塞冬是一个免费的多用途主题。 它具有宽敞的布局,全角滑块,主页布局和多个页面模板。

The homepage layout can be easily set up using widgets. It’s a great theme for blogging and could also work well for a magazine-style website.

主页布局可使用小部件轻松设置。 对于博客来说,这是一个很好的主题,对于杂志风格的网站也可以很好地工作。

13.麦克斯韦 (13. Maxwell)

Maxwell is a minimalistic and elegant WordPress theme. It features a clean magazine-style layout with beautiful typography.

Maxwell是一个简约而优雅的WordPress主题。 它采用干净的杂志式布局,并带有漂亮的版式

Maxwell also offers various post layouts, the ability to customize colors, and a gorgeous featured posts slideshow.


14.作家 (14. Writee)

Writee is a free theme suitable for personal WordPress websites, adventure, and travel blogs. It features a large slider at the top that uses featured images from your blog posts.

Writee是一个免费主题,适用于个人WordPress网站,冒险和旅行博客 。 它的顶部有一个大滑块,可使用博客文章中的精选图片。

It also comes with multiple templates and custom widgets among many other features.


15.着迷 (15. Fascinate)

Fascinate is a beautiful WordPress blog theme designed specifically for professional writers, freelancers, personal portfolios, lifestyle blogs, and fashion businesses.


It uses beautiful typography, elegant color schemes, and an eye-catching featured slider. It also has custom post types, including video, audio, gallery, and quote formats.

它使用漂亮的字体,优雅的配色方案和引人注目的特色滑块。 它还具有自定义帖子类型 ,包括视频,音频,画廊和报价格式。

16.现代 (16. Moderne)

Moderne is an elegantly crafted WordPress blog theme. It’s designed with readability in mind and puts your content at the center to make it eye-catching. It could be a good option for a magazine-style blog or even a local newspaper website.

Moderne是一个精心制作的WordPress博客主题。 它的设计考虑了可读性,并将您的内容放在中心以使其引人注目。 对于杂志风格的博客甚至本地报纸网站来说,这可能是一个不错的选择。

It comes with a featured content carousel slider on the homepage and a 2-column layout that shows your content beautifully. You also get lots of customization settings so you can get it to look just how you want.

它在首页上带有精选的内容轮播滑块,并带有2列布局,可以精美地展示您的内容。 您还可以获得许多自定义设置,因此您可以根据自己的需要进行设置。

17.肯特 (17. Kent)

Kent is a modern WordPress blog theme with a 2-column layout. It comes with a collapsible navigation menu, custom logo, custom background, and header support.

Kent是一个现代的WordPress博客主题,具有2列布局。 它带有可折叠的导航菜单, 自定义徽标 ,自定义背景和标题支持。

All the theme options are simple to set up using the live WordPress customizer.


18. Lovecraft (18. Lovecraft)

Lovecraft is a clean and simple free WordPress blogging theme. It features a full-width custom header at the top and uses bold headlines for post titles.

Lovecraft是一个干净简单的免费WordPress博客主题。 它的顶部具有全角自定义标题,并为帖子标题使用粗体标题。

It comes with a left sidebar and one navigation menu at the top. It also includes special widgets for recent posts and recent comments so you can show the post thumbnail images in your sidebar.

它带有左侧边栏和顶部的一个导航菜单。 它还包括用于最新帖子和最新评论的特殊小部件,因此您可以在边栏中显示帖子缩略图。

19.巴斯克维尔 (19. Baskerville)

Baskerville is a modern and stylish WordPress blog theme. It features a large full-width header image followed by your posts presented as a grid on the front page.

Baskerville是现代时尚的WordPress博客主题。 它具有大尺寸的全幅标题图片,后跟您的帖子以网格形式显示在首页上。

Baskerville comes with gorgeous templates for single posts and pages. It has 4 different page templates and works seamlessly with the WordPress block editor.

Baskerville带有用于单个帖子和页面的漂亮模板。 它具有4个不同的页面模板,并且可以与WordPress块编辑器无缝协作

20.海军上将 (20. Admiral)

Admiral is a magazine-style WordPress theme suitable for sports blogs, magazines, and news websites. It features a 3-column layout with a sidebar on each side and the content column in the middle.

Admiral是杂志风格的WordPress主题,适用于体育博客,杂志和新闻网站。 它具有三列布局,每侧都有一个侧边栏,中间是内容列。

It comes with a featured posts slideshow, a magazine homepage template, a widgetized header area, 2 different post layouts, and support for infinite scroll.


21.匀称 (21. Shapely)

Shapely is a great WordPress blog theme with a fullscreen background. It comes in a 1-column layout with several homepage widgets, parallax sections, and call-to-action buttons.

Shapely是一个具有全屏背景的很棒的WordPress博客主题。 它采用1列布局,其中包含几个主页小部件,视差部分和号召性用语按钮。

The theme supports popular WordPress plugins that you need to maximize the functionality of your blog. It’s fully optimized for good WordPress SEO.

该主题支持流行的WordPress插件,您需要这些插件才能最大限度地利用博客的功能。 它已针对最佳WordPress SEO进行了全面优化。

22.阿什 (22. Ashe)

Ashe is a beautiful free blog theme for WordPress. It has a magazine-style layout with a large header image and a featured content slider.

Ashe是WordPress的一个美丽的免费博客主题。 它具有杂志风格的布局,带有较大的标题图像和特色内容滑块。

It integrates with popular page builders like Beaver Builder, Elementor, and more for easy customization.

它与流行的页面构建器(例如Beaver Builder ,Elementor等)集成在一起,可轻松自定义。

23.耶罗 (23. Hiero)

Hiero is a free WordPress blog theme with a magazine layout. It uses bold colors for the header and throughout the whole theme. It features a 2-column layout and has a clear navigation menu on top.

Hiero是一个免费的WordPress博客主题,具有杂志布局。 标头和整个主题使用粗体颜色。 它采用2列布局,顶部具有清晰的导航菜单。

The homepage displays your latest posts with excerpts and featured images.


24.曲目 (24. Tracks)

Tracks is a thoughtfully designed WordPress blog theme for personal, magazines, and photography websites. It includes a logo uploader, social media icons, search bar, widget-ready areas, and crisp typography.

Tracks是为个人,杂志和摄影网站精心设计的WordPress博客主题。 它包括徽标上载器,社交媒体图标,搜索栏,可用于小部件的区域和清晰的版式。

The homepage features a grid layout of your posts with featured images. Your readers won’t have to do lots of scrolling to find posts they want to read.

主页上以带有特色图像的帖子的网格布局为特色。 您的读者无需进行大量滚动即可查找他们想要阅读的帖子。

25.着迷 (25. Mesmerize)

Mesmerize is a colorful WordPress blog theme. It is highly flexible and uses over 30 different content sections to showcase your blog content.

Mesmerize是一个丰富多彩的WordPress博客主题。 它具有高度的灵活性,并使用30多个不同的内容部分来展示您的博客内容。

It supports video backgrounds, slideshow backgrounds, header content types, and a gradient overlay on the homepage. It’s also WooCommerce ready and works well with WooCommerce plugins.

它支持视频背景,幻灯片背景,标题内容类型以及主页上的渐变叠加。 它还支持WooCommerce,并且可以与WooCommerce插件配合使用

26.专栏作家 (26. The Columnist)

The Columnist is a free WordPress blog theme featuring a magazine-style look. It comes with different layout options for homepage, archives, single pages, bbPress, and BuddyPress.

专栏作家是一个免费的WordPress博客主题,具有杂志风格的外观。 它具有用于首页,档案,单页, bbPress和BuddyPress的不同布局选项。

It also includes a responsive customizable slider and four color schemes.


27.悟里 (27. Satori)

Satori is a highly customizable WordPress theme for blogs, personal websites, and small business websites. It would look great for a restaurant or a food blog.

Satori是一个高度可定制的WordPress主题,适用于博客,个人网站和小型企业网站。 对于餐馆或美食博客来说,它看起来很棒。

Satori features a full-width header on the homepage and comes with different page templates. It also has support for WooCommerce, multiple widget-ready areas, and several post formats.

Satori在首页上设有全角标题,并带有不同的页面模板。 它还支持WooCommerce,支持多个窗口小部件的区域以及几种帖子格式。

28.福禄考 (28. Phlox)

Phlox is a highly customizable free WordPress blog theme. It has a beautiful homepage layout with a fullscreen header background image on top and featured content below.

Phlox是一个高度可定制的免费WordPress博客主题。 它具有漂亮的首页布局,顶部有全屏标题背景图片,下面是特色内容。

It comes with multiple widget-ready areas, page templates, custom headers, backgrounds, social icons, and color schemes. Plus, it makes it easy for you to comply with GDPR.

它带有多个可用于小部件的区域,页面模板,自定义标题,背景,社交图标和配色方案。 另外,它使您轻松遵守GDPR

29.病态 (29. Illdy)

Illdy is a multipurpose WordPress theme suitable for business, personal, and magazine websites.


It is built on the Bootstrap theme framework and features large header images, 2-column and full-width layouts, a custom background, and color selection.

它基于Bootstrap 主题框架构建,并具有大标题图像,2列和全角布局,自定义背景和颜色选择。

30.底漆 (30. Primer)

Primer is a simple and clean WordPress blog theme. It features a classic blog layout with a content column and a right sidebar.

Primer是一个简单干净的WordPress博客主题。 它具有经典的博客布局,并带有内容栏和右侧栏。

It has a fullscreen header image with a custom logo, a navigation menu, and a call-to-action button to redirect users to a landing page on your site.


31.博客日记 (31. Blog Diary)

Blog Diary is a multipurpose WordPress blog theme featuring a beautiful black and white layout. It has unlimited color choices, crisp typography, and custom widgets.

Blog Diary是多功能WordPress博客主题,具有漂亮的黑白布局。 它具有无限的颜色选择,清晰的版式和自定义小部件。

The theme fully supports the Gutenberg block editor out of the box.


32.加芬克尔 (32. Garfunkel)

Garfunkel is a stylish WordPress blog theme featuring a grid layout on the homepage.


It supports custom headers, custom backgrounds, six post formats (including a gallery slideshow), six custom widgets, a social menu, and 2 page templates.

它支持自定义标题,自定义背景,六种帖子格式(包括Gallery slideshow ),六个自定义小部件,一个社交菜单和2个页面模板。

33.作者 (33. Author)

Author is a beautiful WordPress blog theme for authors and writers. It features a simple 2-column layout with a sidebar and navigation menu in the left column and content on the right.

作者是作家和作家的美丽WordPress博客主题。 它具有简单的2列布局,左侧栏具有侧边栏和导航菜单,右侧具有内容。

It supports custom colors, backgrounds, and multiple post formats. It is optimized for accessibility and performance.

它支持自定义颜色,背景和多种帖子格式。 它针对可访问性和性能进行了优化。

34.节奏 (34. Tempo)

Tempo is a modern WordPress blogging theme that can be easily used as a business website as well. It features clean crisp typography with a bright breezy layout.

Tempo是现代的WordPress博客主题,也可以轻松用作商业网站。 它具有干净利落的字体和明亮通风的布局。

It gives you lots of customization options. You can change your header, logo, colors, background, and much more. You can also easily add social media links.

它为您提供了许多自定义选项。 您可以更改标题,徽标,颜色,背景等等。 您还可以轻松添加社交媒体链接。

35. iFeature (35. iFeature)

iFeature is a modern and stylish WordPress theme suitable for magazines, business, personal, and portfolio websites. It features a full-width background image and a slider on top followed by your content.

iFeature是一种现代时尚的WordPress主题,适用于杂志,企业,个人和投资组合网站。 它具有全角背景图片,顶部带有滑块,然后是您的内容。

It includes features like sticky headers, author bio boxes, multiple widget areas, and page templates. The theme options can be easily set up using drag and drop in the live customizer.

它包括粘性标头, 作者简介框 ,多个小部件区域和页面模板等功能。 使用实时定制器中的拖放,可以轻松设置主题选项。

36.自然精简版 (36. Natural Lite)

Natural Lite is a simple blogging theme with earthy tones. It uses large featured images and supports custom headers and backgrounds.

Natural Lite是一个具有泥土色调的简单博客主题。 它使用大尺寸的图像,并支持自定义标题和背景。

It comes with multi-column layouts and easy customization options. It’s a particularly good option for green or environmental blogs and websites. If that’s important to you, we also recommend checking out our GreenGeeks coupon for eco-friendly WordPress hosting.

它带有多列布局和简单的自定义选项。 对于绿色或环境博客和网站,这是一个特别好的选择。 如果这对您很重要,我们还建议您查看我们的GreenGeeks优惠券,以获取环保的WordPress托管服务。

37.响应式 (37. Responsive)

Responsive is a beautiful WordPress theme designed for flexibility. It is suitable for authors, personal websites, photography, and even business websites.

响应式是一个美丽的WordPress主题,旨在提供灵活性。 它适用于作者 ,个人网站,摄影甚至商业网站。

It comes with 9 page templates, 11 widget areas, 6 template layouts, 4 menu positions, and more. Responsive is WooCommerce compatible, multilingual ready, and supports all RTL-languages.

它带有9个页面模板,11个小部件区域,6个模板布局,4个菜单位置等等。 响应式是WooCommerce兼容的,支持多种语言,并且支持所有RTL语言。

38.美德 (38. Virtue)

Virtue is a beautiful and free WordPress blog theme. It has a clean layout with 2 navigation menus and a large full-width header image. It supports wide and full-width blocks in the visual editor, and works with useful blocks plugins.

美德是一个美丽而免费的WordPress博客主题。 它的布局干净整洁,带有2个导航菜单和较大的全角标题图像。 它在可视化编辑器中支持宽块和全宽块,并与有用的块插件一起使用

All the theme options are easy to change using the live theme customizer. Virtue also comes with multiple post formats, including video, gallery, audio, chat, aside, and quotes.

使用实时主题定制器可以轻松更改所有主题选项。 Virtue还具有多种帖子格式,包括视频,画廊,音频,聊天,旁听和报价。

39.眼耳镜 (39. Otography)

Otography is a classic WordPress free blog theme. It has a large image slider with social icons, navigation menu, and eye-catching colors.

眼动术是经典的WordPress免费博客主题。 它具有带有社交图标,导航菜单和醒目的颜色的大图像滑块。

It includes typography options and easy theme setup with drag and drop settings in the live customizer. It’s an ideal theme for personal, blog, magazine, photography, and fashion websites.

它包括字体选项和轻松的主题设置,以及实时定制器中的拖放设置。 这是个人,博客,杂志,摄影和时尚网站的理想主题。

40.点燃 (40. Ignite)

Ignite is a stylish free WordPress theme featuring a classic blog look. It comes with a 2-column layout, plus a compact top bar used for navigation menus, site title, and description.

Ignite是一个时尚的免费WordPress主题,具有经典的博客外观。 它具有2列布局,以及用于导航菜单,站点标题和描述的紧凑顶部栏。

It uses medium-sized featured images before post titles and uses crisp typography for a better reading experience on your blog.

它在帖子标题之前使用中等大小的精选图像 ,并使用清晰的字体来在您的博客上提供更好的阅读体验。

41.前卫 (41. Avant)

Avant is a highly customizable and free WordPress theme suitable for all kinds of websites. It is ready for eCommerce with full WooCommerce support and can be easily used to create content-rich websites as well.

Avant是一个高度可定制的免费WordPress主题,适用于各种网站。 它已经为WCommerce提供了全面的WooCommerce支持,并且可以轻松用于创建内容丰富的网站。

It includes 7 header layouts, 5 blog layouts, 3 footer layouts, unlimited color choices, and lots more settings all built into the WordPress customizer. It is tested to work with all popular page builders and other essential WordPress plugins.

它包括7个标题布局,5个博客布局,3个页脚布局,无限的颜色选择以及许多更多的设置,所有这些设置都内置在WordPress定制器中。 经过测试,可以与所有流行的页面构建器和其他必要的WordPress插件配合使用。

42.响应式移动 (42. Responsive Mobile)

As the name suggests, Responsive Mobile is a WordPress theme designed with a mobile-first approach. It looks equally great on all mobile devices, computers, and screen sizes.

顾名思义, 自适应移动是一种采用移动优先方法设计的WordPress主题。 在所有移动设备,计算机和屏幕尺寸上看起来都很棒。

This theme features 9 page templates, meaning you can easily create great-looking pages with a responsive layout. There are also 11 widget areas, 6 template layouts, 4 menu positions, plus a call-out section with a call to action button. It’s very easy to use and can be quickly set up. It’s a good choice for business websites.

该主题具有9个页面模板,这意味着您可以轻松创建具有响应式布局的精美页面。 还有11个小部件区域,6个模板布局,4个菜单位置,以及带有号召性用语按钮的调出部分。 它非常易于使用,可以快速设置。 这是商业网站的不错选择。

43.时尚 (43. Vogue)

Vogue is a stylish WordPress theme designed specifically for fashion, lifestyle, and eCommerce websites. It comes with full WooCommerce support and allows you to set up an online store easily.

Vogue是一种时尚的WordPress主题,专门为时尚,生活方式和电子商务网站设计 。 它具有完整的WooCommerce支持,使您可以轻松地建立在线商店。

It offers multiple header layouts, custom WooCommerce design, multiple footer layouts, multiple blog layouts, and lots of extra layout customization. It has unlimited color settings within the WordPress customizer.

它提供了多个页眉布局,自定义WooCommerce设计,多个页脚布局,多个博客布局以及许多其他的自定义布局。 它在WordPress定制程序中具有无限的颜色设置。

44. Magbook (44. Magbook)

Magbook is a beautifully designed WordPress theme for content-rich websites, including magazines, newspapers, blogs, and more. It features a clean minimalist design with multiple layout choices and a quick 1-click demo installer.

Magbook是设计精美的WordPress主题,适用于内容丰富的网站,包括杂志,报纸,博客等。 它具有简洁的简约设计,多种布局选择和快速的一键式演示安装程序。

It comes with ready-to-use templates for contact us, gallery, and magazine pages. Magbook can also be used to create an online store or a multilingual WordPress site. It’s tested with all popular WordPress plugins.

它带有可联系我们,画廊和杂志页面的现成模板。 Magbook还可以用于创建在线商店或多语言WordPress网站。 经过所有流行的WordPress插件的测试。

45.全景 (45. Panoramic)

Panoramic is another excellent free WordPress theme suitable for all kinds of blogs, websites, and online stores. It comes with flexible customization options and a beautiful homepage slider.

Panoramic是另一个出色的免费WordPress主题,适用于各种博客,网站和在线商店。 它带有灵活的自定义选项和漂亮的主页滑块。

Panoramic is very easy to use even for absolute beginners. You can find the theme options in the live customizer. It also works seamlessly with WPForms, the most popular contact form plugin.

即使对于绝对的初学者,全景视图也非常易于使用。 您可以在实时定制器中找到主题选项。 它还可以与WPForms(最受欢迎的联系表单插件)无缝协作。

46.柯尼卡 (46. Conica)

Conica is a super-flexible WordPress multipurpose theme that can be used to build almost any kind of website. It’s a particularly good option for an eCommerce site or another money-making website.

Conica是超灵活的WordPress多功能主题,可用于构建几乎任何类型的网站。 对于电子商务网站或其他赚钱的网站来说,这是一个特别好的选择。

It includes 2 site layouts, 2 color schemes, 4 header layouts, 5 blog layouts, 3 footer layouts, multiple page templates, and a bunch of theme options to customize your colors and layouts.


47.城市逻辑 (47. CityLogic)

CityLogic is a premium-like free WordPress theme suitable for all kinds of sites, including small business websites. It features a modern design with a large header on the homepage, a transparent navigation menu, a welcome message, and your most important content.

CityLogic是一种类似溢价的免费WordPress主题,适用于各种网站,包括小型企业网站 。 它采用现代设计,主页上带有大标题, 透明的导航菜单 ,欢迎消息以及您最重要的内容。

It also comes with a built-in slider and can be used with other slide plugins as well. It is WooCommerce ready and can be used to create beautiful online stores.

它还带有一个内置滑块,也可以与其他幻灯片插件一起使用。 WooCommerce准备就绪,可用于创建漂亮的在线商店。

48.蜥蜴 (48. Agama)

Agama is a clean and spacious free WordPress theme suitable for all kind of websites. It is super-flexible and comes with simpler theme options allowing you to quickly set it up.

Agama是一个干净宽敞的免费WordPress主题,适用于所有类型的网站。 它超级灵活,并带有更简单的主题选项,可让您快速进行设置。

It is built on Bootstrap with parallax support, responsive design, and a minimalist layout. It is WooCommerce ready and can also be used to create multilingual websites.

它基于具有视差支持,响应式设计和简约布局的 Bootstrap构建。 WooCommerce已经准备就绪,也可以用于创建多语言网站。

49.愤怒 (49. Fury)

Fury is a simple WordPress theme with a minimal design and layout. It works out of the box and has very easy to use theme options. It is built on Bootstrap with responsive design and fast performance.

Fury是一个简单的WordPress主题,具有最小的设计和布局。 它开箱即用,并且具有非常易于使用的主题选项。 它基于具有响应式设计和快速性能的Bootstrap构建。

It includes a sticky header, unlimited colors, a smooth scroll effect, and more. It’s also suitable for use with BuddyPress, which allows you to create your own social network.

它包括一个粘性页眉,无限的颜色,平滑的滚动效果等等。 它还适合与BuddyPress一起使用,从而使您可以创建自己的社交网络。

50.上升 (50. Ascend)

Ascend is a beautiful WordPress multipurpose theme. It fully supports the WordPress block editor plus all popular page builder plugins.

升序是一个美丽的WordPress多用途主题。 它完全支持WordPress块编辑器以及所有流行的页面构建器插件。

Inside, you will find lots of useful options in the theme customizer. Ascend also includes a transparent header, multiple navigation menus, sidebars, color options, and more.

在内部,您将在主题定制器中找到许多有用的选项。 Ascend还包括透明的标题,多个导航菜单, 侧边栏 ,颜色选项等。

51.紫藤 (51. Wisteria)

Wisteria is a simple WordPress blog theme with a focus on beautiful typography and content. It comes with a custom background, custom colors, custom header, and a left sidebar.

紫藤是一个简单的WordPress博客主题,着重于精美的字体和内容。 它带有自定义背景,自定义颜色,自定义标题和左侧边栏。

Wisteria also has a single navigation menu on top and beautiful front page design that shows your posts with custom excerpts and featured images.


52.作家博客 (52. The Writers Blog)

The Writers Blog is a free multipurpose WordPress theme designed specifically for writers, bloggers, journalists, authors, and content-rich blogs. It comes with an image slider that helps your site make a great first impression.

作家博客是一个免费的多功能WordPress主题,专门为作家,博客,记者,作者和内容丰富的博客设计。 它带有一个图像滑块,可帮助您的网站留下良好的第一印象。

The Writers Blog is easy to set up and allows you to select a color scheme of your choice. It’s a responsive and fully customizable WordPress theme. You could even use it to create an online resume.

Writers Blog易于设置,可让您选择所需的配色方案。 这是一个响应Swift且可完全自定义的WordPress主题。 您甚至可以使用它来创建在线简历

53. BlogStart (53. BlogStart)

BlogStart is free to download with a clean and simple layout. It’s a great option if you’re new to blogging and want to get started quickly.

可以免费下载干净整洁的BlogStart布局。 如果您是博客新手,并且想快速入门,这是一个不错的选择。

BlogStart lets you display featured posts alongside the navigation menu. It’s optimized for website speed and performance.

BlogStart使您可以在导航菜单旁边显示特色帖子。 它针对网站的速度和性能进行了优化。

54.创造力 (54. Creativ)

Creativ is a modern free WordPress blog theme. It has a full-width boxed frame layout for the header with an image slider, navigation menu, search bar, and social menu.

Creativ是一个现代的免费WordPress博客主题。 它具有标题的全角框式框架布局,其中包括图像滑块,导航菜单,搜索栏和社交菜单。

This theme features a custom logo in the middle of the header section. It also has blurbs for landing pages on the homepage. Creativ is fully compatible with both the block editor and the classic editor in WordPress.

此主题在标题部分的中间具有自定义徽标。 它还在首页上有用于目标网页的内容简介。 Creativ与WordPress中的块编辑器和经典编辑器完全兼容。

55.博客时代 (55. Blogger Era)

Blogger Era is a free blog theme for WordPress. It’s a good choice for an online magazine, personal blog, news, or portfolio site. It has an about section for you to add an image and excerpt in the sidebar.

Blogger时代是WordPress的免费博客主题。 对于在线杂志, 个人博客 ,新闻或投资组合网站而言,这是一个不错的选择。 它有一个关于部分,供您在侧栏中添加图像和摘录。

Blogger Era offers a centralized layout to post your content. This theme is fully responsive and translation ready to create a multilingual website.

Blogger时代提供了一个集中式布局来发布您的内容。 该主题具有充分的响应能力,可以翻译以创建一个多语言的网站。

56.皇后杂志 (56. Queens Magazine)

Queens Magazine is a user-friendly free WordPress blog theme built for bloggers and online magazines. It has a lot of space for your content. With the 3-column layout, you can display multiple featured posts upfront.

Queens Magazine是一个易于使用的免费WordPress博客主题,专为博客作者和在线杂志而设计。 它为您的内容提供了很大的空间。 使用3列布局,您可以在前面显示多个精选帖子。

It comes with custom settings for your logo and tagline. The Queens Magazine theme offers multiple sidebars and footers so you have lots of options for your site’s layout.

它带有徽标和标语的自定义设置。 《 Queens Magazine》主题提供了多个侧边栏和页脚,因此您可以为网站的布局提供很多选择。

57.平衡的 (57. Balanced)

Balanced is a clean and responsive WordPress blog theme. It has a custom logo with a full-width header background.

平衡是一个干净且响应Swift的WordPress博客主题。 它具有带有全角标题背景的自定义徽标。

The theme has a 2-column layout with an alternating style for posts. You can use any WordPress widgets in the sidebar. It is SEO optimized and supports WPML for translations.

主题采用2列布局,帖子采用交替样式。 您可以在边栏中使用任何WordPress小部件。 它经过SEO优化,并支持WPML进行翻译。

58.无限 (58. Infinity)

Infinity is a minimalist and free blog theme. It has bold colors for borders and the background. It’s well-suited for small businesses, designers, and creative agencies.

Infinity是一个极简主义的免费博客主题。 它具有边框和背景的大胆颜色。 非常适合小型企业, 设计师和创意机构。

The homepage has a navigation menu on top with social icons. It allows you to add a custom logo with a tagline.

主页顶部有一个带有社交图标的导航菜单。 它允许您添加带有标语的自定义徽标。

59.服务器间 (59. Interserver)

Interserver is a beautiful free mommy blogger theme for WordPress. It is fully customizable with lots of options for blog layout and landing pages.

Interserver是WordPress的美丽免费妈妈博客主题。 它是完全可定制的,具有用于博客布局和登录页面的许多选项。

You can add an image slider and categories on the homepage. Interserver has beautiful colors and design features for your entire blog.

您可以在主页上添加图像滑块和类别 。 Interserver具有漂亮的色彩和整个博客的设计功能。

60.日记 (60. Journal)

Journal is a stylish free WordPress blog theme for personal journals and all types of bloggers. It has stunning typography and a striking design.

日记是一种时尚的免费WordPress博客主题,适用于个人日记和所有类型的博客。 它具有令人惊叹的版式和醒目的设计。

It offers a space to add your short bio on the homepage. Journal is a fully responsive and search engine friendly theme.

它提供了一个在首页上添加您的简短简历的空间。 日记是完全响应和对搜索引擎友好的主题。

61.大胆摄影 (61. Bold Photography)

Bold Photography is a modern and free blog theme for photographers, writers, and authors. The homepage has a fullscreen background image slider that you can replace with your most popular or featured photos.

Bold Photography是面向摄影师,作家和作者的现代免费博客主题。 主页上有一个全屏背景图片滑块,您可以将其替换为最受欢迎或精选的照片。

It has custom widgets, color choices, parallax sections, and more. Bold Photography has a fast page load time and lazy load images to keep it as fast as possible. You can also use any popular caching plugin with it to speed up your website further.

它具有自定义小部件,颜色选择,视差部分等。 Bold Photography具有快速的页面加载时间和延迟加载图像以使其保持尽可能快的速度。 您还可以使用任何流行的缓存插件来进一步加快网站速度。

62.火花 (62. Sparker)

Sparker is a lightweight free WordPress blog theme. This theme can also be used to create small business websites and online stores.

Sparker是一个轻量级的免费WordPress博客主题。 此主题还可以用于创建小型企业网站和在线商店。

Sparker features custom widgets, a beautiful slider section, and a featured post column. It also has space to put advertising such as Google AdSense. It is easy to use and optimized for SEO.

Sparker具有自定义窗口小部件,漂亮的滑块部分和特色文章栏。 它还具有放置诸如Google AdSense之类的广告的空间。 它易于使用,并针对SEO进行了优化。

63.记忆 (63. Memory)

Memory is a trendy free WordPress theme with a youthful vibe. It’s SEO friendly and lightweight, so it won’t impact your WordPress site’s speed.

内存是一种时尚的免费WordPress主题,拥有年轻的氛围。 它是SEO友好且轻量级的,因此不会影响WordPress网站的速度。

It’s designed to be easy and straightforward to use, even if you’re new to blogging. It includes a featured image slider, too.

即使您不熟悉Blog ,它的设计也易于使用。 它还包括一个特色图像滑块。

64.八十天精简版 (64. EightyDays Lite)

EightyDays Lite is a great theme for travel bloggers. It has a modern, clear design to help make your travel photos look great.

“八十天精简版”是旅行博主的绝佳主题。 它具有现代,清晰的设计,可帮助您的旅行照片看起来很棒。

It’s also lightweight, fast, and optimized for good WordPress SEO. It will look great on mobiles and computers as it’s a fully responsive WordPress theme. It also has RTL language support.

它也是轻量级的,快速的,并且针对好的WordPress SEO进行了优化。 它是完全响应的WordPress主题,在手机和计算机上看起来都很棒。 它还具有RTL语言支持

We hope this list helped you find the best free WordPress blog themes for your website. We also recommend taking a look at our pick of the best free and premium WordPress plugins for your site.

我们希望此列表可以帮助您找到适合您网站的最佳免费WordPress博客主题。 我们还建议您查看我们为您的网站选择的最佳免费和高级WordPress插件

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress****。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/showcase/best-free-wordpress-blog-themes/