

These days, an author biography is so much more than an online trend, especially on multi-author websites. In fact, in researching this article, I couldn’t find a single example of resistance to author bios. Apparently, having solid author bio on your WordPress website is a must.

如今,作者传记已不仅仅是在线趋势,尤其是在多作者网站上。 实际上,在研究本文时,我找不到对作者BIOS的抵抗力的单个例子。 显然,必须在WordPress网站上拥有可靠的作者简介。

Regardless of what industry you’re in, an author bio establishes reputation and builds trust; it demonstrates to your readers who you are, what you do, why you do it, and what qualifies you as an expert. All of this just isn’t obvious when all you know is an author’s name. As an author, you need to give a little of yourself to connect with your audience. Including a bio goes a long towards this, making the reading experience much more personal. At the end of the day, every transaction (every the transfer of knowledge via an online article) is simply an interaction between two human beings.

无论您从事哪个行业,作者传记都可以建立声誉并建立信任; 它向您的读者展示您的身份,从事的工作,做事的理由以及使您具备专家资格的条件。 当您只知道作者的名字时,所有这些都不是很明显。 作为作者,您需要花点时间与听众保持联系。 包括个人简介对这一点很有意义,使阅读体验更加个人化。 归根结底,每笔交易(每次通过在线文章进行的知识转移)都只是两个人之间的互动。

An author bio box should be eye catching and attractive. It should complement the theme of your website, using similar fonts and colours and layout. After all, even if you include an author bio box at the end of each and every post, it won’t make any difference if no one notices or reads it.

作者简历箱应引人注目且具有吸引力。 它应该使用相似的字体,颜色和布局来补充您网站的主题。 毕竟,即使您在每篇文章的末尾都包括了一个作者简介框,但如果没有人注意或阅读,它不会有任何不同。

The easiest way to create and display an author bio box for many of us is to use a plugin. So, today, I showcase eleven of the best WordPress author bio plugins.

对于我们许多人来说,创建和显示作者简介框的最简单方法是使用插件。 因此,今天,我展示了十一个最佳的WordPress作者bio插件。

Themato Soup的杰出作家作坊 (Fancier Author Box by Themato Soup)

With claims that Fancier Author Box is ‘the only author bio plugin you’ll ever need’, Themato Soup peaked my interest with their plugin. This free, relatively light author bio plugin has been downloaded 115,000 times and has been rewarded with a 4.7 star rating.

宣称Fancier Author Box是“您唯一需要的作者生物插件”, Themato Soup引起了我对他们插件的兴趣。 这个免费的,相对轻巧的作者生物插件已下载115,000次,并获得4.7星评级。


The features of Fancier Author Box include the ability to integrate all the major social media networks (Twitter, Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, Instagram, Flickr, Pinterest, Tumblr, YouTube and Vimeo). You can add a short bio description, a job title, company, company URL, and social media icons. It will automatically pull in, and display, your gravatar image, as well as all your recent posts.

Fancier Author Box的功能包括集成所有主要社交媒体网络(Twitter,Facebook,Google +,LinkedIn,Instagram,Flickr,Pinterest,Tumblr,YouTube和Vimeo)的功能。 您可以添加简短的个人简介,职务,公司,公司URL和社交媒体图标。 它将自动拉入并显示您的头像图像以及您最近的所有帖子。

Unlike some of the other author bio plugins, Fancier Author Box gives you the ability to choose where the author bio will appear on your website. You can nominate that your author bio appear on posts, pages, and in custom post types, and even have the option of nominating whereabouts it appears (above or below your post or page, both, or even not at all). You can change the colours of just about every element of the author bio box, including the tabs, borders, and backgrounds. This author box plugin is fully responsive, and designed to work with responsive WordPress themes.

与某些其他作者简介插件不同,Fancier Author Box使您能够选择作者简介将出现在网站上的位置。 您可以指定作者的简历出现在帖子,页面和自定义帖子类型中,甚至可以选择声明其行踪(在帖子或页面的上方或下方,两者都显示,甚至根本不显示)。 您可以更改作者简介框的每个元素的颜色,包括选项卡,边框和背景。 该作者框插件具有完全响应能力,旨在与响应WordPress主题配合使用。

*的作者信箱 (Fanciest Author Box)

I must admit, I was a little surprised when I came across the Fanciest Author Box plugin: Themato Soup had already proclaimed that Fancier Author Box is ‘the only author box plugin you’ll ever need’. And yet, here was a premium, paid version of their plugin. I was intrigued…

我必须承认,当我遇到Fanciest Author Box插件时,我感到有些惊讶:Themato Soup已经宣称Fancier Author Box是“您唯一需要的作者Box插件”。 然而,这是他们插件的付费版本。 我很感兴趣...

For $17, you can purchase Fanciest Author Box, giving you more control over your author bio, and a longer list of handy features, including: retina ready display, co-author plugin support, random author options, and lazy load for improved page speed.

只需$ 17,您就可以购买Fanciest Author Box,让您可以更好地控制作者的简历,并提供一长串方便的功能,包括:视网膜就绪显示,共同作者插件支持,随机作者选项以及延迟加载,以提高页面速度。

However, in my mind, there were two fanciest features, that really stood out from the rest. Using Fanciest Author Box, you can load an author bio as a widget. This means that you can literally place your author bios anywhere on your website, rather than being limited to areas within your page or post.

但是,在我看来,有两个出色的功能确实与众不同。 使用Fanciest作者框,您可以将作者简介加载为小部件。 这意味着您可以从字面上将您的作者简历放在网站上的任何位置,而不必局限于页面或帖子中的区域。


The other fanciest feature of this particular author box plugin is its lazy loading social tabs. These maximise your page loading speed, while still allowing your readers to connect with your authors via social media. Each of the social tabs loads the most recent posts by your author, giving your readers a quick snapshot of the content they have recently shared, encouraging social media engagement.

该特定作者盒插件的另一个最奇特的功能是它的延迟加载社交标签。 这些可以最大程度地提高页面加载速度,同时仍然允许读者通过社交媒体与您的作者联系。 每个社交标签都会加载您作者的最新帖子,为读者提供他们最近分享的内容的快速快照,从而鼓励社交媒体参与。


性感的作者传记 (Sexy Author Bio)

While this particular plugin has only been downloaded 3,000 times, I just couldn’t resist taking a sneak peak (maybe that old saying really is true: sex does sell!).


I was pleasantly surprised. Unlike quite a few of the other author box plugins on the market, this plugin is compatible with the current version of WordPress (version 4.0). The look and feel of the author box is slick, sleek, and professional, and a number of the design elements can be easily customised, including the gravatar size, font sizes and colours, background and highlight colours, and border style and colours. There is also shortcode available for the plugin, so you can place your author bio box anywhere on your website.

我感到惊喜。 与市场上许多其他作者盒插件不同,该插件与WordPress的当前版本(版本4.0)兼容。 作者框的外观光滑,时尚,专业,可以轻松自定义许多设计元素,包括图形字体大小,字体大小和颜色,背景和突出显示颜色以及边框样式和颜色。 该插件还提供了短代码,因此您可以将您的作者简介框放在网站上的任何位置。


Starbox –人类的作者盒子 (Starbox – the Author Box for Humans)

As its name suggests, this particular author box plugin is very much focused on creating positive outcomes for humans (as opposed to search engines and software). So, Starbox’s main claim to fame is generating author boxes that are gorgeous to look at, and are therefore more likely to make your readers click all the way through, and get to know your authors better. I have to admit; Starbox author bios do look quite nice, particularly the social media icon display on the right.

顾名思义,这个特定的作者框插件非常注重为人类(与搜索引擎和软件相反)创造积极的成果。 因此,Starbox声名s起的主要目的是生成美观的作者框,因此更有可能使您的读者从头到尾单击,并更好地了解您的作者。 我必须承认; Starbox作者的简历看上去确实不错,尤其是右侧的社交媒体图标显示。


Starbox may be the author bio plugin for you, if you’re looking to create different author boxes across your WordPress site. It offers a wide range of customisable settings for individual authors. You can set different themes and colours for different authors. Or, you can choose not to display a bio at all for particular authors. You can upload your own images or headshots, so you aren’t limited to using your gravatar image.

如果您要在WordPress网站上创建其他作者框,则Starbox可能是您的作者生物插件。 它为单个作者提供了广泛的可自定义设置。 您可以为不同的作者设置不同的主题和颜色。 或者,您可以选择完全不显示特定作者的简历。 您可以上传自己的图像或头像,因此您不仅可以使用图形图像。

Humans are, again, the number one priority when it comes to usability and set up, with Starbox going so far as to offer a ‘For Humans’ guarantee. There is no coding required, and the menus are quite user-friendly and intuitive. It takes only a matter of minutes to set up each author bio, and the look and feel of the back-end of the plugin is quite polished.

在可用性和设置方面,人类再次成为第一要务,而Starbox甚至提供了“为人类服务”的保证。 无需编码,菜单非常用户友好和直观。 只需花费几分钟即可设置每个作者的简历,并且插件后端的外观非常优美。


There is also a premium, paid version of Starbox, usually priced at $39.99. The premium version of this plugin allows you to remove the ‘Powdered by Starbox’ tag, links and subscription forms, and offers priority support.

还有一个高级付费版本的Starbox,通常价格为39.99美元。 此插件的高级版本使您可以删除“由Starbox粉末化”的标签,链接和订阅表格,并提供优先支持。

WP关于作者 (WP About Author)

With 54,000 downloads, Jon Bishop’s author box plugin is very simple, straightforward, and easy to use. It is the perfect author bio plugin if you’re looking for one without too many bells and whistles.

乔恩·毕晓普(Jon Bishop)的作者盒插件具有54,000次下载,非常简单,直接且易于使用。 如果您正在寻找一个没有太多风吹草动的插件,则它是理想的作者简历。

That’s not to say that WP About Author is without nifty features. In fact, this plugin offers a range of customisation, allowing you to change the background colour and border style of your author box, as well as the size and shape of your gravatar. You can even choose whether to display social media profiles, or simple text links.

这并不是说WP About Author没有漂亮的功能。 实际上,此插件提供了一系列自定义功能,可让您更改作者框的背景颜色和边框样式,以及图形化字体的大小和形状。 您甚至可以选择显示社交媒体资料还是简单的文本链接。


WP传记 (WP Biographia)

This plugin offers quite a remarkable array of features. You can add customisable author bios to posts and pages, as well as RSS feeds, archives, widgets, and even custom post types. Your author box can be hidden globally, or selectively for certain posts, pages, and even categories, and it can be displayed either above or below your content.

该插件提供了相当多的功能。 您可以将可自定义的作者简历以及RSS feed,档案,小部件甚至自定义帖子类型添加到帖子和页面。 您的作者框可以全局隐藏,也可以针对某些帖子,页面甚至类别有选择地隐藏,并且可以显示在您内容的上方或下方。

You can alter the look and feel of your WP Biographia author box in a number of ways, with options to change the border and background, the size of your gravatar and the length of your bio. The plugin integrates with all major social media platforms, as well as Yahoo! Messenger, AIM, Windows Live Messenger and Jabber/Google Talk instant messaging profiles.

您可以通过多种方式来更改WP Biographia作者框的外观,并提供更改边框和背景,图像大小和简历长度的选项。 该插件与所有主要的社交媒体平台以及Yahoo!集成。 Messenger,AIM,Windows Live Messenger和Jabber / Google Talk即时消息配置文件。

I do have a teeny caution on this plugin. The back end of this plugin is not quite as user friendly as many of the others. It has seven different menu tabs, all of which include multiple settings and options that must be configured. So, if you’re a novice WordPress user, this may not be the author box plugin for you.

我确实对此插件有小小的警告。 该插件的后端不像其他许多插件那样易于使用。 它具有七个不同的菜单选项卡,所有这些选项卡都包含必须配置的多个设置和选项。 因此,如果您是WordPress新手,那么它可能不是您的作者框插件。


简单作者框 (Simple Author Box)

This plugin is definitely up there when it comes to generating the most polished, modern looking author box. In fact, the author box that this plugin generates looks as though it was devised by a team of graphic designers, briefed to create a funky, minimalist design.

当涉及到生成最优美,最现代的作者框时,该插件肯定在那里。 实际上,此插件生成的作者框看起来像是由一组图形设计师设计的,简而言之就是要创建一个时髦,简约的设计。


Best of all, Simple Author Box is mobile responsive, and it supports up to 30 different social media profiles, which can be set to have a rotate effect when readers hover over them. You can program Simple Author Box to display your authors’ name, gravatar, and short biography. It is also fully customisable (including the colour, size, fonts, and styles) so that you can quickly and easily match your author box with your website’s theme.

最重要的是,Simple Author Box具有移动响应能力,它支持多达30种不同的社交媒体配置文件,可以将其设置为在读者将鼠标悬停在它们上方时具有旋转效果。 您可以对“简单作者框”进行编程,以显示作者的姓名,头像和简短的传记。 它也是完全可定制的(包括颜色,大小,字体和样式),因此您可以快速轻松地将作者框与网站主题进行匹配。

There is one drawback to the Simple Author Box plugin: you can only insert the author box at the end of a post (not at the beginning, or in a widget).


作者箱已重新加载 (Author Box Reloaded)

This plugin is somewhat more restrictive than many of the other author box plugins. It only allows you to add an author box at the end of a single page or post (not at the beginning, or in a widget, or even globally across a particular category or post type).

这个插件比许多其他作者盒插件更具限制性。 它仅允许您在单个页面或帖子的末尾添加作者框(而不是在开头,控件,或在特定类别或帖子类型中全局添加)。

However, it does enable you to link to (and include an icon for) a number of external websites that the other author box plugins fail to offer, including WordPress.org and the Drupal Association. So, this plugin might be the way to go if you particularly want to highlight the WordPress and Drupal connections of your authors.

但是,它确实使您可以链接到其他作者框插件无法提供的许多外部网站(并为它们提供图标),包括WordPress.org和Drupal协会。 因此,如果您特别希望突出显示作者的WordPress和Drupal连接,则可以使用此插件。


自定义作者简介 (Custom About Author)

With more than 35,000 downloads, this author box plugin is perfect if your website has multiple authors, who do not each have their own user account. By using Custom About Author, you can create multiple author profiles, and then specify which profile should display for each of your posts. As with all the other author box plugins, you can easily customise your author profiles, and you can include links to all of the major social media platforms and websites.

如果您的网站上有多个作者,而每个作者都没有自己的用户帐户,那么该作者盒插件可进行35,000多次下载,非常适合。 通过使用“关于作者的自定义”,可以创建多个作者个人资料,然后指定应该为每个帖子显示哪个个人资料。 与所有其他作者盒插件一样,您可以轻松自定义您的作者个人资料,还可以包括指向所有主要社交媒体平台和网站的链接。


具有不同描述的作者盒插件 (Author Box Plugin with Different Description)

Just like all the other author box plugins, this adds an author box to all your website posts, which includes the authors name, gravatar, social media accounts, website URL, and previous posts. You can even nominate where you want the author box to appear (before or after your post).

就像所有其他作者框插件一样,这会在您的所有网站帖子中添加一个作者框,其中包括作者姓名,头像,社交媒体帐户,网站URL和以前的帖子。 您甚至可以指定您希望作者框出现的位置(帖子之前或之后)。

But, what this plugin has to offer that none of the rest do, is the ability to add a different description for the same author, depending on which post the author box is displayed. So, if your website offers advice on a number of different topics (just like SitePoint does), you may have the same author writing articles on multiple topics (for example, in the case of SitePoint, the same author might write for the WordPress and the Mobile channels). So, you might want two different bios (one that highlights the author’s experience in WordPress, and the other in Mobile). This plugin allows you to do exactly that.

但是,此插件必须提供的功能是,根据显示的作者框的不同,可以为同一位作者添加不同的描述,而其他插件所不能提供的。 因此,如果您的网站提供有关多个不同主题的建议(就像SitePoint一样),您可能会让同一位作者撰写有关多个主题的文章(例如,对于SitePoint,同一位作者可能会为WordPress和移动渠道)。 因此,您可能需要两个不同的个人简历(一个突出显示作者在WordPress中的使用经验,另一个突出在Mobile中的书写)。 这个插件可以让你做到这一点。


合著者加 (Co-Authors Plus)

Last, but by no means least, we come to Co-Authors Plus. If you have multiple authors penning the same post, page or custom post type, then look no further. Co-Authors Plus is a free plugin (that has been downloaded almost 100,000 times) that allows you to credit multiple authors for the same post without even having to create a WordPress account for them. While this is technically not an author box plugin, it can definitely come in handy.

最后,但绝非最不重要,我们来参加Co-Authors Plus。 如果您有多位作者撰写相同的帖子,页面或自定义帖子类型,则别无所求。 Co-Authors Plus是一个免费插件(已下载近100,000次),使您无需为他们创建WordPress帐户就可以将同一条帖子的多位作者归功于他们。 虽然从技术上讲这不是作者盒插件,但绝对可以派上用场。


适用于每种情况的WordPress作者盒插件 (A WordPress Author Box Plugin for Every Occasion)

WordPress author box plugins share many of the same standard features. They all allow you to include a gravatar, a short biography, a website URL, and links to all the major social media networks. The majority of these plugins also allow some degree of customisation; fonts, colours, backgrounds, and even gravatar image sizes can all be altered to better suit the look and feel of your website.

WordPress作者盒插件共享许多相同的标准功能。 它们全都允许您添加图形表达,简短的传记,网站URL以及指向所有主要社交媒体网络的链接。 这些插件中的大多数还允许一定程度的自定义。 字体,颜色,背景,甚至图像的图像大小都可以更改,以更好地适合您网站的外观。

Where author box plugins really stand out is in their little, added features. So, Fanciest Author Box offers lazy loading social media tabs; Starbox is extremely easy to use, with an interface that everyone should be able to understand; Simple Author Box has a design that it is sleek, polished, and professional; and Author Box Plugin with Different Description allows you to set different bios for the same author, depending on the contents of each post.

作者框插件真正脱颖而出的地方是它们的小巧附加功能。 因此,Fanciest Author Box提供了延迟加载社交媒体选项卡的功能; Starbox非常易于使用,其界面每个人都应该能够理解。 Simple Author Box的设计时尚,光滑,专业。 和具有不同描述的作者框插件允许您根据每个帖子的内容为同一作者设置不同的个人简历。

So, before you decide upon an author box plugin, think about exactly what your objective is, and what you are hoping to achieve with your author boxes. Once you’ve got that nailed down, there is bound to be a plugin on the market that offers the added features you need.

因此,在决定作者盒插件之前,请仔细考虑您的目标是什么,以及您希望通过作者盒实现什么。 一旦确定下来,市场上肯定会有一个插件,可以提供您所需的附加功能。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/11-of-the-best-wordpress-author-bio-plugins/
