



Photoshop is an incredibly flexible program. To keep the interface flexible, Photoshop uses “Panels” for each tool or feature.

Photoshop是一个非常灵活的程序。 为了保持界面的灵活性,Photoshop为每个工具或功能使用“面板”。

For example, here’s how I have Photoshop set up. Everything on the right hand side is a different Panel. There are a couple of near-universal panels that you will need to use every time you use Photoshop, like the Layers panel. In every one of my Photoshop tutorials for How-To Geek, like how to add falling snow to your photos, I’ve told you to do something with it. But what happens if you can’t find it?

例如,这是我设置Photoshop的方式。 右侧的所有内容都是一个不同的面板。 每次使用Photoshop时,都需要使用几个接近通用的面板,例如“图层”面板。 在我的How-To Geek的每个Photoshop教程中,例如如何向照片中添加雪花 ,我都告诉过您要使用它做一些事情。 但是,如果找不到该怎么办?

Since Photoshop’s interface is so customizable, it’s very easy to accidentally close or misplace an important panel like the Layers Panel. If you can’t see it, all you have to do is go to the Window menu. All the panels that you currently have on display are marked with a tick. To reveal the Layers Panel, click Layers.

由于Photoshop的界面可自定义 ,因此很容易意外关闭或放错重要的面板(如“图层面板”)。 如果看不到它,那么您要做的就是转到“窗口”菜单。 您当前显示的所有面板上都打勾。 要显示“图层面板”,请单击“图层”。


And just like that, the Layers Panel will appear, ready for you to use it.



It’s the exact same with any other Panel in Photoshop. If you’re ever following a tutorial and you’re told to go to the Channels Panel or Path Panel, if you don’t know where it is, just open the Window menu and select it.

与Photoshop中的其他面板完全相同。 如果您正在学习教程,并被告知要转到“通道面板”或“路径面板”,那么如果不知道它在哪里,只需打开“窗口”菜单并选择它即可。

