
Do you want to add a notification bar on your website? A floating bar or “hello bar” can be an effective and non-intrusive way to alert users about a sale or coupon.

您是否要在网站上添加通知栏? 浮动条或“ hello条”可以是一种有效且非侵入性的方式来提醒用户有关销售或优惠券的信息。

However, it could also get annoying if it’s not setup properly. For instance, a notification bar that takes half the screen on mobile is not a good user experience.

但是,如果安装不正确,它也会变得很烦人。 例如,在移动设备上占据一半屏幕的通知栏不是良好的用户体验。

In this article, we’ll help you pick the best WordPress notification bar plugins to boost traffic, get more subscribers, and increase sales.



在WordPress通知栏插件中寻找什么? (What to look for in a WordPress Notification Bar Plugin?)

There are plenty of WordPress notification bar plugins available in the market, but not all of them have the right set features you may need for getting the maximum results.


For example, some notification bar plugins are too simple and does not come with proper settings for allowing users to hide the notification. Others may not have the ability to add dynamic elements such as call to action buttons or countdown timers to boost urgency.

例如,某些通知栏插件太简单了,没有提供允许用户隐藏通知的正确设置。 其他人则可能无法添加动态元素,例如号召性用语按钮或倒数计时器,以提高紧急度。

Basically, you need to choose a floating bar plugin that aligns with your goal: increase traffic, show announcement alert, grow your email list, increase sales conversion, etc.


Here are some of the most important factors you need to look for when choosing a notification bar plugin:


  • Targeting and Cookie Settings – Your notification plugin should have targeting option that allows you to customize the message for different sections, and also remember what user has seen in the past to improve user experience.

    定位和Cookie设置 –您的通知插件应具有定位选项,该选项可让您自定义不同部分的消息,并记住用户过去所看到的内容以改善用户体验。

  • Dynamic Elements – A good alert notification plugin allows you to add dynamic elements such as countdown timers, multiple call-to-action buttons, animation effects, etc.

    动态元素 –良好的警报通知插件可让您添加动态元素,例如倒数计时器,多个号召性用语按钮,动画效果等。

  • Newsletter Integrations – If your goal is to grow your email newsletter, then you need to make sure that the sticky bar plugin integrates with popular email marketing services.

    新闻通讯集成 –如果您的目标是发展电子邮件新闻通讯 ,则需要确保粘性栏插件与流行的电子邮件营销服务集成。

  • Support options – Lastly, you need to make sure that there are support options available. Good support can save you a lot of money in the long run.

    支持选项 –最后,您需要确保有可用的支持选项。 从长远来看,良好的支持可以为您节省很多钱。

With that said, let’s take a look at our comparison of the best WordPress notification bar plugins.


1. OptinMonster (1. OptinMonster)

OptinMonster is the best conversation optimization software that comes with several marketing tools to help you turn website visitors into subscribers and customers.


It also includes a notification bar feature with dozens of beautiful templates. Their drag and drop builder allows you to customize the design or even create completely custom templates to match your brand. You can include things like a countdown timer, too.

它还包括带有许多精美模板的通知栏功能。 他们的拖放生成器使您可以自定义设计,甚至创建完全自定义的模板以匹配您的品牌。 您还可以包括倒数计时器之类的内容。


OptinMonster is great for notification bars that encourage action. It has advanced targeting features that allow you to personalize the message based on your goals and users’ past behavior.

OptinMonster非常适合用于鼓励采取措施的通知栏。 它具有高级的定位功能,可让您根据目标和用户过去的行为来个性化邮件。


You can also use OptinMonster’s notification bars to show an alert or message. If you’ve had to suddenly change your business hours, for instance, you can alert your website visitors to this.

您还可以使用OptinMonster的通知栏显示警报或消息。 例如,如果您不得不突然更改工作时间,则可以提醒网站访问者注意这一点。


Other use-cases include: creating a free shipping bar notice for WooCommerce, add a newsletter opt-in form, create a discount alert bar, redirect traffic to a landing page, and more.


Below are some real example screenshots from their floating bar gallery:



Aside from just notification bars, you can use OptinMonster to create all sorts of different popups and alerts including spin to win gamified opt-in forms, exit-intent popups, fullscreen welcome mats, and more:



Not to mention, there is no other solution that offers more personalization and targeting features than OptinMonster. Take a look at some of their targeting rules:

更不用说,没有比OptinMonster提供更多个性化和定位功能的解决方案。 查看他们的一些定位规则:


2. SeedProd的通知栏专业版 (2. SeedProd’s Notification Bar Pro)

SeedProd is best known for its ‘Coming Soon’ page plugin. However, they also have a floating bar plugin, called Notification Bar Pro.

SeedProd最出名的是“即将推出”页面插件 。 但是,他们还有一个浮动栏插件,称为Notification Bar Pro。

You can buy Notification Bar Pro as part of the SeedProd bundle.

您可以购买Notification Bar Pro作为SeedProd捆绑包的一部分。

With SeedProd’s Notification Bar Pro, you can design your notification bar however you want. It shows a live preview of your notification bar as you design it. This makes it easy to tweak it to look however you want.

使用SeedProd的Notification Bar Pro,您可以根据需要设计通知栏。 它在设计时显示通知栏的实时预览。 这样可以很容易地对其进行调整以使其具有所需的外观。


You don’t have to show your notification bar on every page of your site. Instead, you might choose to show it on just the home page. You could also allow or exclude specific pages.

您不必在网站的每个页面上都显示通知栏。 相反,您可以选择仅在主页上显示它。 您还可以允许或排除特定页面。

It’s very quick to build and tweak your notification bar with SeedProd. If you want to go further than the wide range of built-in options, then you can also add custom CSS to style the floating bar.

使用SeedProd可以快速构建和调整通知栏。 如果您想进一步了解各种内置选项,则还可以添加自定义CSS来设置浮动栏的样式。

There’s a limited free version available, too, called WordPress Notification Bar. This doesn’t offer all the features of the full version, but you might like to try it out if you’re just getting started.

还有一个有限的免费版本,称为WordPress Notification Bar 。 它不提供完整版的所有功能,但如果您只是入门,则可能要尝试一下。

3. TrustPulse (3. TrustPulse)

TrustPulse is a little different from the plugins we’ve looked at so far. It offers a real-time social proof notifications, letting your users know what’s happening right now on your site.

TrustPulse与到目前为止我们看到的插件有些不同。 它提供了实时的社交证明通知,让您的用户知道您网站上现在正在发生的事情。

This can be a great way to take advantage of the FOMO effect while building trust around your brand.


When someone visits your site, TrustPulse will show a small notification bar that lets them know who’s buying your product right now, or who’s bought it recently. This is a powerful form of social proof that is proven to increase conversions.

当有人访问您的网站时,TrustPulse将显示一个小的通知栏,让他们知道谁现在正在购买您的产品,或者谁最近购买了该产品。 这是一种强大的社交证明,已证明可以增加转化。


It works with all top eCommerce platforms including WooCommerce. You can also set up TrustPulse to track other types of interactions. For instance, you could use it to show a notification when someone joins your email list.

它可以与包括WooCommerce在内的所有*电子商务平台一起使用。 您还可以设置TrustPulse来跟踪其他类型的交互。 例如,当有人加入您的电子邮件列表时,您可以使用它显示通知。

TrustPulse is incredibly easy to use out of the box. However, there are plenty of features you can customize if you want to. You can easily change the message, colors, and images used in your notifications, for instance.

TrustPulse易于使用,开箱即用。 但是,您可以根据需要自定义许多功能。 例如,您可以轻松更改通知中使用的消息,颜色和图像。

It also gives you lots of useful analytics, showing you which pages are delivering the highest conversion rate.


There’s even a free version, which lets you show notifications for up to 500 sessions (visits from users).

甚至还有一个免费版本 ,它可以让您显示最多500个会话的通知(来自用户的访问)。

4. WP Notification Bar Pro (4. WP Notification Bar Pro)

WP Notification Bar Pro offers multiple different notification types. You can use it to build your email list, grow your social media following, advertise sales, and more.

WP Notification Bar Pro提供了多种不同的通知类型。 您可以使用它来建立您的电子邮件列表,增加您的社交媒体关注度,宣传销售等等。

This is a great option if you want to show something a bit unusual in your notification bar. For instance, you can use WP Notification Bar Pro to show your latest posts or even posts that are related to the one the user is on.

如果您想在通知栏中显示一些不寻常的内容,这是一个很好的选择。 例如,您可以使用WP Notification Bar Pro显示您的最新帖子,甚至显示与用户所在的帖子相关的帖子。

You can even display a search form or social media buttons in your notification bar.


WP Notification Bar Pro lets you create multiple notification bars. You can set their priority so the most important one always displays on a given page.

WP Notification Bar Pro可让您创建多个通知栏。 您可以设置其优先级,以便最重要的优先级始终显示在给定页面上。

You can also split test your bars to see which performs best. You can track your views and clicks, too.

您也可以对测试条进行拆分测试,以查看效果最佳。 您也可以跟踪您的观看次数和点击次数。

5.你好吧 (5. Hello Bar)

Hello Bar is a well known and popular notification bar plugin for WordPress. It’s easy and straightforward to use. If you’re a complete beginner, it could be a good option.

Hello Bar是WordPress的知名和流行通知栏插件。 它简单易用。 如果您是一个完整的初学者,这可能是个不错的选择。

Like with OptinMonster, you can use Hello Bar to add users to your email lists, as it integrates with popular email marketing services.

与OptinMonster一样,您可以使用Hello Bar将用户添加到您的电子邮件列表中,因为它与流行的电子邮件营销服务集成在一起。

As well as notification bars, Hello Bar lets you create other types of popups such as sliders and even popups that take over the whole screen.

除了通知栏外,Hello Bar还允许您创建其他类型的弹出窗口,例如滑块,甚至是占据整个屏幕的弹出窗口。

There’s a limited free version of Hello Bar available. You’ll need to create an account with Hello Bar in order to use it.

Hello Bar有一个有限的免费版本。 您需要使用Hello Bar创建一个帐户才能使用。

The free version doesn’t give you as much control over your notification bars as the full version. You’ll still be able to make some basic design changes using it, though.

免费版不像完整版那样让您对通知栏的控制更多。 不过,您仍然可以使用它进行一些基本的设计更改。

Note: You won’t be able to remove the Hello Bar branding unless you pay for a premium plan at which point OptinMonster is a much better option at the price.

注意:除非您为高级套餐付费,否则OptinMonster在价格上会是一个更好的选择,您将无法删除Hello Bar品牌。

6.简易通知栏 (6. Easy Notification Bar)

Easy Notification Bar is a simple, free option. You can just install it on your site and get started straight away.

Easy Notification Bar是一个简单的免费选项。 您只需将其安装在您的站点上即可立即开始。

It doesn’t have all the options you’ll get from other plugins, but you can still do basic things like type in your text, choose a font size, add a link, and customize the colors.


Unlike many of the other plugins here, Easy Notification Bar only offers a floating bar. It doesn’t let you create other types of popup too.

与此处的许多其他插件不同,Easy Notification Bar 提供一个浮动栏。 它也不允许您创建其他类型的弹出窗口。

If you just want to put an alert on your website, it could be a great option. For instance, if you run a restaurant and want to alert customers to a temporary closure or change in business hours, this plugin might be all you need.

如果您只想在您的网站上发布警报,那可能是个不错的选择。 例如,如果您经营一家餐厅,并想提醒客户暂时关闭或营业时间变更,则可能只需要此插件。

It’s completely free, and there’s no premium version. If you’re on a tight budget after the other costs of building a WordPress site, then this could be a good plugin to start with.

它是完全免费的,并且没有高级版本。 如果您在建立WordPress网站的其他成本之后预算紧张,那么这可能是一个不错的开始。

7. WPFront通知栏 (7. WPFront Notification Bar)

WPFront Notification bar is another simple plugin that lets you create notification bars in WordPress. You can place the bar at the top or bottom of the page.

WPFront通知栏是另一个简单的插件,可让您在WordPress中创建通知栏。 您可以将条形图放置在页面的顶部或底部。

You can set the bar to automatically close and/or have a close button for your visitors. You can also configure when the bar appears, for example you might set a start and end date for it.

您可以将栏设置为自动关闭和/或为访客提供关闭按钮。 您还可以配置显示条的时间,例如,可以为其设置开始和结束日期。

WPFront Notification Bar is completely free and regularly updated. As with Easy Notification Bar, there’s no premium version. One key drawback with this plugin is that you can only create a single notification bar at a time.

WPFront通知栏是完全免费的,并定期更新。 与Easy Notification Bar一样,没有高级版本。 此插件的一个主要缺点是您一次只能创建一个通知栏。

8. Divi通知栏 (8. Divi Notification Bar)

Divi by Elegant Themes is one of the most popular drag & drop page builder for WordPress.

Divi by Elegant ThemesWordPress最受欢迎的拖放页面生成器之一

Aside from letting you create custom landing pages, Divi also allows you to easily create and add notification alerts in your pages with their easy drag & drop interface.


Although it doesn’t come with the powerful personalization and targeting features like OptinMonster, it is still a suitable solution for basic needs.


专家精选:哪个是WordPress的最佳通知栏插件? (Expert Pick: Which is the Best Notification Bar Plugin for WordPress?)

In our opinion, OptinMonster is the best WordPress notification bar plugin because of it’s large template selection, easy to use design customizer, advanced personalization / targeting features, and hundreds of integrations with popular email marketing services & CRMs. Not to mention, it also gives you a whole range of other marketing tools like popups, slide-ins, fullscreen welcome mats, gamified spin a wheel opt-in forms, and more.

我们认为, OptinMonster是最佳的WordPress通知栏插件,因为它具有大量的模板选择,易于使用的设计定制程序,高级的个性化/定位功能以及与流行的电子邮件营销服务和CRM的数百种集成。 更不用说,它还为您提供了一系列其他营销工具,例如弹出窗口,插入式广告,全屏欢迎垫,游戏化的车轮选择形式等等。

If you’re looking to display social proof notifications, then TrustPulse is an ideal solution.


We hope this article helped you learn about the best WordPress notification bar plugins. You might also want to take a look at our expert list of the best business phone services and must have WordPress plugins for small business.

我们希望本文能帮助您了解最佳的WordPress通知栏插件。 您可能还需要查看我们的最佳商务电话服务专家列表,并且必须具有适用于小型企业的WordPress插件

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress****。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/showcase/best-wordpress-notification-bar-plugins-compared/