


Managing your competition is an important skill that you need to have as a company. The management of competition can either be done by letting go of a market because it is too much to handle. You can also consider either selling yourself to a competition in a particular local market or acquiring them. Different companies adopted varied strategies according to the moment’s and the market’s demands.

管理竞争是公司需要具备的一项重要技能。 竞争的管理可以通过放弃市场来完成,因为市场太多了。 您也可以考虑将自己推销到特定本地市场的竞争中或进行收购。 不同的公司根据当前和市场的需求采取了不同的策略。

专注于优步 (Focus on Uber)

Uber needs no introduction as a corporate or as a service provider. It has become synonymous with on-demand cab services and is slowly progressing towards providing many other services in the same fashion.

Uber不需要作为公司或服务提供商进行介绍。 它已成为按需出租车服务的代名词,并且正逐步向以相同方式提供许多其他服务的方向发展。

The phrase ‘Let's book an Uber’ has become common. In a decade, Uber has gained the status of a monopoly and has marked a prominent presence in more than 70 countries ever since its inception in 2009. However, it hasn't always been a bed of roses for Uber.

“让我们预订一个优步”这个词已经很普遍了。 自2009年成立以来,十年来,优步就已经获得了垄断地位,并在70多个国家/地区拥有显着的地位。但是,它并不总是成为优步的玫瑰花。

Uber has faced a lot of legal issues, some of them because of the legislature of the country, local drivers and passengers.


它的本地竞争对手 (Its Local Competitors)

Uber might be a global leader today but it does not mean the service giant does not have local competitions. Some of the competitors have been so influential, that Uber had to take extreme measures.

优步今天可能成为全球领导者,但这并不意味着服务巨头没有本地竞争。 一些竞争对手的影响力是如此之大,以至于优步不得不采取极端措施。

In 2016, Uber sold its China business to arch-rival Didi Chuxing for a deal worth $35 billion. Given the Chinese affinity for homegrown brands, Uber found it difficult to survive in the market. Didi Chuxing is also giving a tough time in Brazil, the second biggest market for Uber.

2016年,Uber以350亿美元的价格将其中国业务出售给了竞争对手竞争对手滴滴出行。 鉴于中国人对本土品牌的热爱,Uber发现很难在市场上生存。 滴滴出行在Uber的第二大市场巴西也度过了艰难的时光。

In Southeast Asia, Uber has had its fair share of competition as well. The biggest competitors are GRAB and Go-Jek. While GRAB operates out of Singapore, Go-Jek is the first Unicorn from Indonesia. Uber exited the southeast Asian Market by acquiring a 27.5% stake in GRAB.

在东南亚,优步也有相当一部分竞争。 最大的竞争对手是GRAB和Go-Jek。 GRAB在新加坡以外的地区运营,而Go-Jek是印度尼西亚的第一家独角兽公司。 优步通过收购GRAB 27.5%的股份退出了东南亚市场。

Even in India, there have been talks about Uber merging with local competition, Ola. Though, it is still in the drawing stage.

即使在印度,也有关于Uber与当地竞争对手Ola合并的讨论。 虽然,它仍处于绘图阶段。

In United States, Uber’s key market, the on-demand giant has also faced its fair share of competition. Its biggest competitor, Lyft has grown from 15 % to 22% in market share while Uber has dropped from 83 % to 74%.

在美国,Uber的关键市场,按需巨头也面临着公平竞争。 它最大的竞争对手Lyft的市场份额从15%增长到22%,而Uber的市场份额从83%下降到74%。

Careem-中东的优步 (Careem — The Uber of the Middle East)

There have been a few ride-hailing service providers who have managed to carve a market for themselves based on certain unique prepositions. Careem is one among them. It is a taxi service-providing app based out of Dubai and it has a strong presence in the Middle East. It operates in more than 100 cities out of countries like the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Jordan, Palestine, Iraq, Pakistan, Lebanon, and Bahrain. The company has a driver strength of more than a million and it was the first venture to cross the $1 billion valuation mark in the MENA region. Uber decided to merge with Careem and enter the Middle East market.

有一些叫车服务提供商成功地根据某些独特的介词为自己开拓了市场。 Careem是其中之一。 这是一款基于迪拜的出租车服务应用程序,在中东地区占有重要地位。 它在阿拉伯联合酋长国,沙特阿拉伯,科威特,约旦,巴勒斯坦,伊拉克,巴基斯坦,黎巴嫩和巴林等国家的100多个城市中运营。 该公司的驱动力超过一百万,是中东和北非地区首家估值超过10亿美元的公司。 优步决定与Careem合并,并进军中东市场。

进度 (The Progress)

The merger is in the advanced stages of talks right now. The ministry at the United Arab Emirates has made it clear that the merger will happen soon. The progress towards the merger is happening at a slow-yet-steady pace.

合并目前正在谈判的高级阶段。 阿拉伯联合酋长国外交部明确表示,合并将很快发生。 合并的进度正在缓慢但稳定地进行。

Uber获得了什么? (What has Uber Got to Gain?)

An acquisition of this magnitude is expected to benefit both the parties. There are a couple of benefits that Uber gains by merging with Careem.

如此大规模的收购有望使双方都受益。 Uber与Careem合并可以带来很多好处。

Uber went public early this year. One of the biggest requirements of an IPO is that you will need to have exhibited continuous growth as a company. However, with all the legal hassles and the handling of local competition, it hasn't been a smooth ride for Uber. The acquisition of Careem would have been expected to help in showcasing their consistency.

优步今年年初上市。 首次公开募股的最大要求之一是,您需要在公司中展现出持续的增长。 但是,由于存在所有法律上的麻烦和处理本地竞争的问题,对于Uber而言,这并不是一帆风顺的。 预计收购Careem将有助于展示其一致性。

The Middle East regions are known to be traditionally rooted. They have an affinity towards their homegrown brands. It might not be easy for an international player to penetrate the Middle Eastern market.

众所周知,中东地区具有传统根源。 他们对自己的品牌有浓厚的兴趣。 对于国际企业来说,要打入中东市场可能并不容易。

With this acquisition, Uber is capitalizing on the popularity and the brand value that Careem has built over the years. The merger will help Uber in getting better revenues, market share and above everything, probably in creating an open culture towards accepting international brands in the Middle East.

通过此次收购,Uber利用了Careem多年来建立的知名度和品牌价值。 此次合并将帮助优步获得更好的收入,市场份额,最重要的是,可能会建立一种开放的文化,以接受中东的国际品牌。

这对市场意味着什么? (What Does it Mean for The Market?)

The merger will be nothing less than a union of two different worlds and cultures. It will create a situation where companies with two different backgrounds can exchange ideas and cultures. The merging of Uber and Careem will pave way for future collaborations between companies that have been hesitant to do so because of cultural differences.

合并无非是两个世界和文化的结合。 这将创造一种情况,具有两个不同背景的公司可以交流思想和文化。 Uber和Careem的合并将为由于文化差异而犹豫不决的公司之间的未来合作铺平道路。

This will also help in improving the connectivity in the MENA region. Since the best brains from both companies will work together, we can also expect delightful innovations for the customers.

这也将有助于改善中东和北非地区的连通性。 由于两家公司的最佳人才将一起工作,因此我们也可以为客户带来令人愉悦的创新。

对员工意味着什么? (What Does it Mean for the Employees?)

The employees of both companies will be brought close to understanding the work cultures of each other. They will have a lot to learn from each other, especially in technology, marketing and customer service.

两家公司的员工都将彼此了解彼此的工作文化。 他们将相互学习很多,尤其是在技术,市场营销和客户服务方面。

True to the statement that many hands make light work, a lot of operations can be expected to become smooth and efficient. This will increase the appeal of the workplace and the satisfaction of the employees.

正如许多手可以轻松工作的说法一样,可以预期许多操作将变得平稳高效。 这将增加工作场所的吸引力和员工的满意度。

对市场意味着什么? (What Does it Mean for the Market?)

There might be a few aspiring entrepreneurs who would want to explore the possibility of creating a new ride-hailing application. The void left by this merger will give a lot of room for another business to enter and prosper.

可能会有一些有抱负的企业家想探索创建新的乘车应用程序的可能性。 这次合并留下的空白将为另一家企业进入并繁荣提供很大的空间。

结论 (The Conclusion)

The merger of Uber and Careem is expected to create a massive impact on the taxi-hailing ecosystem of the MENA region. This will also serve as a major testbed for Uber when it comes to handling mergers and acquisitions.

Uber和Careem的合并预计将对中东和北非地区的出租车打车生态系统产生巨大影响。 在处理合并和收购方面,这也将成为优步的主要测试平台。

However, the biggest impact can be expected where new local competitions sprout. With the availability of

但是,在新的本地竞争兴起的地方,可以预期最大的影响。 随着可用性

优步喜欢应用程序开发 (Uber like app development)

, it is not a big hassle for competitors to enter the market guns blazing.


翻译自: https://habr.com/en/post/463355/
