


There was a time when moving from one place to another was a matter of utility. People did not Care About Us lyrics like comfort. Public transportation was dominating the landscape of movement and private transport was considered a luxury.
曾经有一段时间,从一个地方搬到另一个地方是实用性的问题。 人们并不在乎我们的歌词像安慰。 公共交通主导着运动,私人交通被认为是一种奢侈。
Today, we live in a world where people expect more than just the movement. They do not want to compromise on the aspects of comfort and convenience. They would like to be picked up from their doorstep and they would like to be dropped precisely in the place that they want to be.
今天,我们生活在一个人们期望不仅仅是运动的世界中。 他们不想在舒适性和便利性方面妥协。 他们想从他们家门口拿起,并希望准确地落在他们想成为的地方。
These transformations have given rise to the business of ride-hailing. There are a lot of companies that provide the service of transportation by picking people from one place and dropping them in a place of their choice.
这些变革催生了乘车业务。 有很多公司提供运输服务,方法是从一个地方接人并将他们放到他们选择的地方。
The constructive onslaught of Smartphones enabled with GPS made the business of ride-hailing efficient, profitable and delightful to the customer.

前景广阔的市场 (The Promising Projections & The Massive Markets)

The numbers are presenting the market growth and the projection, painting a very promising picture of the future then it comes to the business of ride-hailing. The market is expected to be worth about $220 billion in 2030. The growth will be at a staggering 20% CAGR from 2019 to 2030. 
这些数字代表了市场的增长和预测,描绘了非常有希望的未来前景,然后涉及到叫车业务。 预计到2030年,市场价值将达到2200亿美元。从2019年到2030年,CAGR的复合年增长率将达到惊人的20%。
2017 saw the ride-sharing applications surpass the traditional yellow taxis of New York when it comes to the number of passengers being served. Uber, the first name that comes to ride-hailing, is valued at $70 billion and has over 3 million drivers spread across 600 cities in 78 countries. 
2017年,在服务乘客数量方面,乘车共享应用程序超过了纽约的传统黄色出租车。 优步是打车服务的第一个名字,价值700亿美元,在78个国家/地区的600个城市拥有300万名驾驶员。
Regional players like Ola, Grab, Didi Chuxing and Careem have also tasted success parallel to Uber, and sometimes trumping the big U. This has only ascertained the fact that there is a market that is wide and still open to Uber-like apps.
像Ola,Grab,Didi Chuxing和Careem这样的区域性公司也已经获得了与Uber相似的成功,有时甚至胜过了U大国。这仅确定了一个事实,即存在一个广阔的市场,并且仍然对类似Uber的应用程序开放。 借助现成的应用程序解决方案和专业的出租车应用程序开发公司, Developing a ride-hailing app开发乘车应用程序
The floodgates to on-demand businesses have been opened because of cab booking services. The cab services follow different business models. Let us look at a few different aspects of these business models.
由于出租车预订服务,打开了按需业务的闸门。 出租车服务遵循不同的业务模式。 让我们看一下这些业务模型的几个不同方面。

经典(也许不是!)商业模式 (The Classic (Or Maybe Not!) Business Model )

What Uber did was nothing more than connecting and excess of demand with an excess of supply by creating an interface that streamlines the communication between the two. It was more than just an innovator -  it was a disruptor. It had shaken the basic perception of cabs.the company brought with it, a lot of new things that would go on to redefine a lot of businesses.
Uber所做的无非就是通过创建简化两者之间的通信的接口,将需求过剩与供应过剩联系起来。 它不仅是创新者,更是颠覆者。 它动摇了出租车的基本观念。公司带来了许多新事物,这些新事物将继续重新定义许多企业。

共享经济 (Sharing Economy)

In the year 2002, the sharing economy was discussed as a concept at Harvard. a lot of companies it not this business model but not uber. It had created a promising segment of the economy just by following this model. To this day, the skeleton of Uber business model remains the same.
在2002年,哈佛大学将共享经济作为一种概念进行了讨论。 很多公司不是这种商业模式,而是超级商业模式。 仅通过遵循这种模式,它就创造了一个有希望的经济领域。 时至今日,Uber商业模式的框架仍然保持不变。

浪涌定价 (Surge Pricing)

This is one of the most controversial features of Uber and been infamously replicated by most of the Uber clone apps. However, given the fact that the primary utility of the app is to provide safe transportation, surge pricing can be considered an important and relevant feature. It is not as unidirectional as it is thought to be. It takes into consideration a multitude of factors like weather, local events, traffic, demand, and booking patterns.
这是Uber最具争议的功能之一,并且被大多数Uber克隆应用程序臭名昭著地复制。 但是,鉴于该应用程序的主要用途是提供安全的运输,因此可以认为激增定价是一个重要且相关的功能。 它不像人们想象的那样单向。 它考虑了多种因素,例如天气,本地事件,交通,需求和预订模式。

面向所有人的模型 (Open-To-All Model)

It does not take a lot to be an Uber driver. Uber allows anyone to be a driver by just registering and submitting a verification by the local police. On the surface, it might seem like Uber has employed a lot of people. However, it is precisely where Uber cracked the code of profit. The drivers are responsible for the car and the maintenance. They function more like a contractor who gets played on a commission basis. In this way, uber avoids all the applications of employing such a massive number of people.
成为Uber司机并不需要很多。 优步只需要注册并提交当地警察的验证,即可允许任何人成为驾驶员。 从表面上看,Uber似乎雇用了很多人。 但是,正是Uber**了利润守则。 司机负责汽车和保养。 他们的职能更像是按佣金聘用的承包商。 这样,uber避免了雇用如此大量人员的所有应用。
This again has changed the perception of running a business. It has given rise to the notion that you do not have to own the services that you provide. You just need to own (or at least, have access to) the information about the people who provide the service!
这再次改变了经营企业的观念。 这引起了您不必拥有所提供服务的想法。 您只需要拥有(或至少可以访问)有关提供服务的人员的信息!

您还能做什么? (What More Can You Do?)

Uber is to on-demand location-based services is like how Newton's law was to put a man on the moon. The basic equation that governs the business has been unlocked by Uber. The only limits for the possibilities is imagination and the limitation in execution. Even within the realm of transport, there are a lot of possibilities that can use the framework of Uber.
优步按需提供基于位置的服务,就像牛顿的法律将人送上月球一样。 Uber已解开了支配业务的基本方程式。 可能性的唯一限制是想象力和执行力的限制。 即使在运输领域内,也有很多可以使用Uber框架的可能性。

班车服务 (Shuttle services)


Services like Urbvan and Shuttl have used this business model. They understand that there is a need for people to commute from their homes to their offices at specific times of the day. They also understand that there is some pattern in the concentration of homes and offices of people who are likely to avail of this service. In addition to that, they also have a good idea of the requirements of comfort and convenience.
Urbvan和Shuttl等服务已使用此业务模型。 他们了解人们需要在一天的特定时间从他们的家到办公室上下班。 他们还了解到,有可能会使用这项服务的人的住宅和办公室集中存在某种模式。 除此之外,他们对舒适性和便利性的要求也很了解。
This has resulted in the creation of vans that provide comfortable and punctual transportation to people who commute on a daily basis. Additional services like Wi-Fi and safety serve as attractive garnishes to these shuttle services.
这导致了货车的产生,它们为每天上下班的人们提供舒适,准时的交通。 Wi-Fi和安全性等其他服务是这些班车服务的诱人装饰品。

豪华交通 (Luxury Transportation)


There was a time when taxis where luxury. They would be available only in the airport. Today, when cabs have become mainstream, there is a need for some other mode of transport to fill that space of luxury. This is where companies like Wheely in the UK have fit themselves in. 
曾经有一段时间出租车很豪华。 它们仅在机场可用。 如今,当出租车已成为主流时,需要其他一些运输方式来充实豪华空间。 这就是像英国的Wheely这样的公司适应的地方。
Conveniences like advance booking, the holding of placards and the chauffeur-driven experience give it a luxurious feeling to the customers who want more than just a comfortable ride from the airport to their place of stay.

拼车 (Ride-Sharing)


There are some people who have retained their passion for driving amid the availability of the conveniences. Sometimes, they might move from one city to another with just them in the car. Some services like BlaBlaCar have capitalized on this crowd and have offered ride-sharing services. Instead of asking people to pay for the service, they present a case where they talk about taking a commission and paying to the original driver for sharing the fuel and wear-and-tear expenses.
在提供便利的同时,有些人仍然对驾驶充满热情。 有时,他们可能会只在车里从一个城市移动到另一个城市。 诸如BlaBlaCar之类的某些服务已经利用了这一人群,并提供了乘车共享服务。 他们没有要求人们为这项服务付费,而是提出了一个案例,他们谈论收取佣金并支付给原始驾驶员,以分担燃油和磨损费用。

扩展的可能性—示例 (The Possibilities of Expansion — The Examples )

Using the same business model, there have been companies that have shifted their own version of success stories in different companies.

交换 (Swvl)

This startup based out of Cairo in Egypt was founded in 2017 by a team of youngsters who worked with big names like Google, Uber and Quora. Expanding on the services offered by uber, provide a fleet of vans and passes that run between fixed locations and at a fixed time.
这家位于埃及开罗的创业公司由一群年轻人创立于2017年,他们与Google,Uber和Quora等知名企业合作。 扩展uber提供的服务,提供在固定地点和固定时间运行的货车和通行证。
It is nothing more than an extension of public transport. However, in a place like Egypt where public transport is not that developed, this service makes a lot of sense. The primary customer target includes corporate employees and women who get an enhanced sense of comfort and security.
它不过是公共交通的延伸。 但是,在埃及这样的公共交通不发达的地方,这项服务很有意义。 主要客户目标包括企业员工和女性,她们获得了更高的舒适度和安全感。

安全博达 (Safe Boda)

In Uganda, Uber is quite likely to be considered as a costly choice for people. Therefore, three Ugandans, Alistair Sussock, Maxine Dieudonne and Rapa Thomson, created a motorbike taxi service.
在乌干达,Uber很有可能被视为人们的昂贵选择。 因此,三名乌干达人,阿利斯泰尔·萨索克(Alistair Sussock),马克辛·迪乌多纳(Maxine Dieudonne)和拉帕·汤姆森(Rapa Thomson)创建了摩托车出租车服务。
Responding to the Government's concern over safety, Safe Boda pics extreme care in training the drivers. Each driver is provided with an extra helmet with a hairnet for the passenger.
为了回应*对安全的关注,Safe Boda在培训驾驶员方面采取了极为谨慎的态度。 每个驾驶员都为乘客配备了一个带有发网的额外头盔。

现成的应用程序解决方案的相关性 (The Relevance of Ready-made app solutions)

It is is no longer speculation -  ride-hailing services are here to stay for a long time and succeed as well. Anything said, there are a lot of opportunities for aspiring entrepreneurs to create their own ride-hailing band.
不再是猜测-乘车服务在这里可以保留很长时间并且也能成功。 不管怎么说,有抱负的企业家有很多机会创建自己的乘车乐队。 Uber clone appsUber克隆应用程序
These Uber clone scripts that are almost ready to be launched as a service. With the customization options, you can incorporate multiple business models and launch your app to perform services specific to a particular market.
这些几乎可以随时作为服务启动的Uber克隆脚本。 使用自定义选项,您可以合并多个业务模型并启动应用程序以执行特定于特定市场的服务。

翻译自: https://habr.com/en/post/473016/
