apple tv 开发_最后是否是购买Apple TV的好时机?

apple tv 开发_最后是否是购买Apple TV的好时机?

apple tv 开发

apple tv 开发_最后是否是购买Apple TV的好时机?

When Apple dropped the price on its third generation Apple TV to $69, we still recommended holding off until Apple released a new version. The new Apple TV has arrived, so today we’re going to discuss whether we now think it’s time to make the jump.

当苹果将其第三代Apple TV的价格降至69美元时, 我们仍然建议推迟,直到苹果发布新版本。 新的Apple TV到货了,因此今天我们将讨论是否现在认为是时候进行跳跃了。

The new Apple TV marks a dramatic technological leap over its predecessor. The old, or third generation, Apple TV had an A5 processor with 512 MB of RAM, and Apple TV OS 6.1, which is a modified version of iOS.

新的Apple TV标志着其前身的重大技术飞跃。 旧的或第三代Apple TV具有带512 MB RAM的A5处理器和Apple TV OS 6.1,后者是iOS的修改版本。

Today’s new Apple TV, or fourth generation, sports a snappy A8 processor with 2 GB of RAM and 32 GB or 64 GB of onboard storage. Additionally, it runs an entirely new OS or tvOS, which is based on the most current version of iOS.

当今的新Apple TV(或第四代)采用了配备2 GB RAM和32 GB或64 GB板载存储的快速A8处理器。 此外,它运行一个全新的OS或tvOS,它基于最新版本的iOS。

Additionally, the new Apple TV includes a brand new touch sensitive remote and has Siri baked in so you can look up information and issue commands using your voice.

此外,新的Apple TV包括一个全新的触敏遥控器,并装有Siri,因此您可以使用语音查询信息并发出命令。

Overall, the new Apple TV marks a huge improvement over its predecessor, but at $149 for the 32 GB model, and $199 for the 64 GB version, it’s considerably more expensive than even the third gen Apple TV at its original $99 price point.

总体而言,新的Apple TV标志着其前代产品进行了巨大的改进,但32 GB型号的价格为149美元,64 GB版本的价格为199美元,与第三代Apple TV相比,其原始价格为99美元,价格要高得多。

So then, should you buy one over something like a Roku, Amazon Fire TV streaming box, or the simple, yet highly effective (not to mention cheap) Google Chromecast?

那么,您是否应该购买Roku,Amazon Fire TV流媒体盒或简单却高效(更便宜)的Google Chromecast等产品呢?

硬件–相同但不同 (The Hardware – Same but Different)

The new fourth generation Apple TV has the same shape (cuboid), width, and depth as the old version but is about one inch taller.

新的第四代Apple TV具有与旧版本相同的形状(长方体),宽度和深度,但高约一英寸。

apple tv 开发_最后是否是购买Apple TV的好时机?
Almost the same but taller.

As with the previous version, it is well made, solid, black, and fairly nondescript. The only indication that the device is operating is a white LED on the front of the device.

与以前的版本一样,它制作精良,纯色,黑色且相当无描述。 设备正在运行的唯一指示是设备正面的白色LED。

apple tv 开发_最后是否是购买Apple TV的好时机?
The new Apple TV sports the same outputs minus optical audio.
新的Apple TV播放相同的输出,减去光学音频。

The new remote marks a drastic change from the old skinny silver remote that we loathed so much. That said, though it is different (and wider, which is easier to hold if you have large hands), it’s really not a tremendous usability improvement. It’s still small and skinny and awkward if you have large hands; not as awkward as the original remote, but still awkward.

新的遥控器标志着与我们讨厌的旧的瘦银色遥控器相比,发生了巨大的变化。 就是说,尽管它有所不同(并且范围更广,如果您有大手的话,握起来更容易),但实际上并没有太大的可用性改进。 如果你有大手,它仍然很小又瘦又笨拙。 虽然不像原来的遥控器那样笨拙,但仍然很笨拙。

apple tv 开发_最后是否是购买Apple TV的好时机?
The new remote is wider and more comfortable to hold than the old remote, but it’s far from perfect.

There’s also the fact that it’s very easy to hold the remote upside down if you’re not paying attention. Beyond that, however, it’s an expensive piece of hardware (retailing for $79) and doesn’t feel remarkably well-made. Additionally, it needs to be charged via a Lightning port at the bottom. Not a huge deal, but it would be nice if you could just set it on top of the Apple TV and charge it inductively.

还有一个事实是,如果您不注意,很容易将遥控器倒置。 然而,除此之外,它是一块昂贵的硬件(零售价为79美元),而且做工也不佳。 另外,它需要通过底部的Lightning端口充电。 没什么大不了的,但是如果您可以将其设置在Apple TV的顶部并对其进行感应充电,那就太好了。

Further compounding its problems is the fact that the top of the remote functions as touchpad, which is how Apple has decided users will enter text. If the old remote was frustrating to use for this purpose, then the new Siri Remote (as Apple is calling it) is downright tedious. You can adjust its sensitivity, but no matter what you do, it is still a lesson in patience.

令其问题更加复杂的是,遥控器的顶部用作触摸板,这就是Apple决定用户将输入文本的方式。 如果旧的遥控器无法实现此目的,那么新的Siri遥控器(如Apple所称)将非常繁琐。 您可以调整其敏感度 ,但是无论您做什么,这仍然是耐心的一课。

apple tv 开发_最后是否是购买Apple TV的好时机?
Entering text on the new Apple TV is hands down its worst feature.
在新的Apple TV上输入文字是其最糟糕的功能。

As we mentioned, you can use the new remote to interact with Siri. Simply press the microphone button on the device and it will call upon the digital assistant, which you can then use to look up movie information, sport scores, the weather, and much more.

如前所述,您可以使用新的遥控器与Siri进行交互。 只需按设备上的麦克风按钮, 它将调用数字助手,然后您可以使用该数字助手查找电影信息,体育比分,天气等等

apple tv 开发_最后是否是购买Apple TV的好时机?
In addition to a Menu and Play/Pause button, the new remote lets you summon Siri, adjust the volume on your TV, and turn your TV on/off (if supported).

Finally, the new remote can double as a game controller, though you can add a third-party game controller since the Siri Remote probably isn’t going to give you the kind of control and satisfaction that a dedicated gaming device would.

最后,新的遥控器可以兼作游戏控制器,尽管您可以添加第三方游戏控制器,因为Siri Remote可能不会像专用游戏设备那样为您提供控制和满足感。

At the end of the day, the actual Apple TV box is a worthy technological upgrade, and the remote is somewhat more comfortable to use, but we’re not entirely sure it’s as revolutionary as they would like us to believe. Still, let’s discuss the interface before drawing any final conclusions.

归根结底,实际的Apple TV盒是一项值得技术升级的产品,遥控器使用起来更舒适一些,但我们不能完全确定它是否像我们希望的那样具有革命性。 尽管如此,让我们在得出任何最终结论之前先讨论一下界面。

接口–更快,更完美 (The Interface – Faster and Polished)

If there’s one saving grace (and it’s a big one) to the new Apple TV, it’s tvOS, which is light, fast, and a pleasure to use. The previous interface was clunky, dark, and slow, but this new one is a fantastic improvement.

如果新的Apple TV有一个节省的余地(而且很大),那就是tvOS,它轻巧,快速且易于使用。 以前的界面笨拙,黑暗且缓慢,但是这个新界面是一个了不起的改进。

apple tv 开发_最后是否是购买Apple TV的好时机?
The new interface is fast, smooth, and a pleasure to look at.

The new Apple TV doesn’t come preloaded with the plethora of channels like the previous version. Instead, it now features an app store, which lets you download apps such as Netflix, WatchESPN, YouTube, and much more.

新的Apple TV并未像以前的版本那样预装过多的频道。 相反,它现在具有一个应用程序商店,可让您下载Netflix,WatchESPN,YouTube等应用程序。

apple tv 开发_最后是否是购买Apple TV的好时机?
Instead of adding channels to your device, you now need to install apps.

Additionally, you can also add games to your device, which is an attractive option for many people who might not be hardcore gamers, but might still enjoy passing the time playing a title or two.


apple tv 开发_最后是否是购买Apple TV的好时机?
The new Apple TV already has a lot of games available, with more appearing all the time.
新的Apple TV已经提供了很多游戏,并且一直在出现更多游戏。

Overall, the new Apple TV interface is a pleasure to use. Unlike the old version, this one flows and pops without any apparent lag or stutter. Moreover, it includes pleasant sound effects that are downright Nintendo-esque.

总体而言,新的Apple TV接口使用起来很愉快。 与旧版本不同,此版本可以顺畅地播放并弹出,而没有任何明显的滞后或卡顿。 此外,它还具有任天堂般的令人愉悦的音效。

If the new Apple TV has one saving grace that propels it to the top of the streaming box heap, it’s its new operating system.

如果新的Apple TV具有一种节省功能,将其推到了流媒体盒顶部,那就是它的新操作系统。

有前途和有趣,但并不便宜 (It’s Promising and Fun, but Not Cheap)

The biggest thing going against the new Apple TV is the price. It’s not cheap, especially when compared to the competition. The ever-popular Roku starts out at $49 and even the top of the line Roku 4 HD player is $129.

新款Apple TV遇到的最大问题是价格。 它并不便宜,特别是与竞争对手相比。 广受欢迎的Roku的起价为49美元,最高端的Roku 4 HD播放器的价格为129美元。

Meanwhile offerings by Amazon top out at $139 for the gaming edition, which includes a dedicated gaming controller. Furthermore, lest we forget, you can always pick up a Chromecast for $35, which may not be quite as powerful, but is still extremely versatile.

同时,亚马逊的游戏版最高售价为139美元,其中包括专用的游戏控制器。 此外,唯恐我们忘记了,您总可以花35美元买到Chromecast,虽然功能可能不那么强大,但功能仍然非常丰富。

Still, the new Apple TV does feel like the company is finally starting to get it, and we find ourselves using the device more and more in lieu of our trusty Chromecast.

尽管如此,新的Apple TV确实感觉该公司终于开始获得它了,我们发现自己越来越多地使用该设备来代替我们值得信赖的Chromecast。

That said, it’s still not a cordcutter’s dream. If you don’t have a cable or satellite subscription, you’re not going to be able to use apps such as WatchESPN, FX, or the History channel, so we’d be hard-pressed to recommend it based solely on those type of offerings.

话虽如此,这仍然不是钳工的梦想。 如果您没有有线电视或卫星电视订阅,则将无法使用WatchESPN,FX或“历史记录”频道之类的应用程序,因此我们很难仅根据这些类型推荐它产品。

Still, this being so early in the product cycle, we see good things and an enormous amount of potential with it. The interface, while already fast and much improved, can only get better, though we would hope that Apple would figure out something to do with the woeful text-entry method.

尽管如此,在产品周期的初期,我们仍然看到了美好的事物以及巨大的潜力。 该界面虽然已经很快并且得到了很大的改进,但是只能变得更好,尽管我们希望苹果公司能够找出与可悲的文本输入方法有关的东西。

你应该买一个吗? 大概。 (Should You Buy One? Probably.)

At the end of the day, we think that you should base your Apple TV buying decision on whether you already own a streaming device and are looking to upgrade, but also whether you like Apple products. While the latter factor won’t exclude you from enjoying the Apple TV, the fact remains that the experience is still a whole lot more complete if you don’t mind buying into the ecosystem.

归根结底,我们认为您应该根据是否已经拥有流媒体设备并打算进行升级以及是否喜欢Apple产品来决定是否购买Apple TV。 尽管后一个因素不会使您无法享受Apple TV的服务,但事实是,如果您不介意购买生态系统,体验仍然会更加完善。

On the one hand, this device is very solid and bursting with promise. On the other, $149 or $199 is quite a chunk of change to pony up for it, but we’re inclined to say that it’s probably worth it, especially since it’s clear that Apple is putting a lot more time, thought, and energy into it.

一方面,该设备非常坚固并且充满希望。 另一方面,149美元或199美元是小马的零钱,但我们倾向于说这可能是值得的,尤其是因为很明显,苹果公司在此方面投入了更多的时间,思想和精力。它。

Our one glaring critique is that Apple is fleecing customers out of $50 for an extra 32 measly GB of flash storage, but that’s clearly Apple’s M.O. (and they’re certainly not alone in this practice). They do it with the iPhone and the iPad so why expect anything different with the Apple TV?

我们的一个明显批评是,苹果要让客户从50美元中赚取额外的32 GB的闪存,但这显然是苹果公司的MO(当然,在这种情况下他们并不孤单)。 他们在iPhone和iPad上做到了,那么为什么在Apple TV上会有什么不同呢?

Also, they apparently think the Siri Remote is worth $79, so don’t lose or break it.

此外,他们显然认为Siri Remote的价值为79美元 ,因此请不要丢失或破坏它。

Bottom line: if you won’t need the extra space, buy the 32 GB model, but if you plan on filling it with apps and games, swallow your pride and buy the 64 GB. If you are looking to upgrade or even buy your first streaming device, we recommend giving the new Apple TV some careful thought. With the inclusion of apps, games, and Siri, it’s clearly a contender that should be taken seriously.

底线:如果您不需要多余的空间,请购买32 GB的型号,但是如果您打算用应用程序和游戏填充它,请放纵您的骄傲并购买64 GB的型号。 如果您想升级甚至购买第一台流媒体设备,我们建议您仔细考虑一下新的Apple TV。 随着应用程序,游戏和Siri的加入,显然是应该认真对待的竞争者。

Got a question or comment you would like to contribute? Please leave your feedback in our discussion forum.

有您想发表的问题或评论吗? 请将您的反馈意见留在我们的论坛中。


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