

A few years back, the primary mode of communication for a team was via mailing lists (for example, those old Python mailman lists — remember those?) As time passed, Google Groups came to the rescue, and managing threads for team communications became a lot easier. Teams all around the world began to use it, and most were happy with its features.

几年前,团队的主要交流方式是通过邮件列表(例如,那些旧的Python邮递员列表-还记得吗?)随着时间的流逝,Google网上论坛得以抢救,管理团队交流的线程成为一种容易得多。 世界各地的团队开始使用它,并且大多数人对其功能感到满意。

In recent years, however, tools like Redmine and Trello have arrived, providing greater control over projects — with features for project management a step ahead of forums.


At IMG, IIT Roorkee, we used Google Groups as our primary mode of communication, until we realized the time had come to take it to the next level. That’s when we decided to go with Slack.

IMG Roorkee的IMG上,我们使用Google网上论坛作为主要的交流方式,直到我们意识到将其提升到更高水平的时候了。 那时我们决定选择Slack

Slack is a collection of chat rooms, both public and private. It helps confine all your team communications to one place. If that was all it did, it would still be very useful, but it does so much more! If you’re interested, here’s an excellent article on the backstory of the app.

Slack是公共和私人聊天室的集合。 它有助于将您所有团队的沟通限制在一个地方。 如果这就是它所做的一切,它仍然会非常有用,但是它会做得更多! 如果您有兴趣,可以在此应用的背景资料中找到一篇很棒的文章

入门 (Getting Started)

If you are the team lead, just head over to Slack and create your team. You can then invite your team members.

如果您是团队负责人,则直接前往Slack并创建您的团队。 然后,您可以邀请您的团队成员。


You can create public or private chat rooms, with the option of one-to-one messaging as well. There are mobile and iOS apps, which keep you connected on the go.

您可以创建公共或私人聊天室,也可以选择一对一消息传递。 有移动和iOS应用程序,可让您随时随地保持联系。


Here’s a bonus — you can customize almost everything. For instance, this is our customized message while the app is loading.

这是一个奖励-您几乎可以自定义所有内容。 例如,这是我们在加载应用程序时的自定义消息。


“Channel i” is the name of our intranet portal, hence the message.

“ Channel i”是我们的Intranet门户的名称,因此是消息。

搜索 (Search)

One reason why I prefer Gmail over any other email is its powerful search feature. With Google Groups, all the communications were confined to my inbox — and searching for something was very easy.

与其他电子邮件相比,我更喜欢Gmail的原因之一是其强大的搜索功能。 借助Google网上论坛,所有交流都仅限于我的收件箱中-而且搜索内容非常容易。

I dedicate a section of this post to search because the search feature of Slack is very useful. Just one search box lets you search everything that is visible to you, including attachments.

我将这篇文章的一部分专门用于搜索,因为Slack的搜索功能非常有用。 仅一个搜索框即可让您搜索所有可见的内容,包括附件。


自定义通知 (Custom notifications)

You receive a notification when someone mentions your name, or when someone mentions all the members in a channel (@channel), but you can go one step ahead and set up notifications for keywords.

当有人提及您的名字或有人提及频道( @channel )中的所有成员时,您会收到一条通知,但您可以向前走一步并设置关键字通知。


One downside is that this can create a lot of notifications, especially when you use a smartphone app. However, you can tone them down by lowering your notification level in ‘account preferences’.

缺点是,这可能会创建很多通知,尤其是在使用智能手机应用程序时。 但是,您可以通过降低“帐户首选项”中的通知级别来降低它们的音量。

使用情况统计 (Usage Statistics)

If you’re an admin of your team, you have access to usage statistics about your team.



Unfortunately, you’ll need to upgrade to a paid plan if you need detailed stats. But the free version gives you enough for a small team.

不幸的是,如果您需要详细的统计信息,则需要升级到付费计划。 但是免费版本为小型团队提供了足够的资源。

第三方整合 (Third Party Integrations)

What takes Slack to the next level is the ability to add third party services. Slack recognizes that it’s just a communication tool and teams would depend on other services (like GitHub, Asana, Buildbot or Dropbox) for their day to day activities. By enabling these third party integrations, Slack helps you connect to all these services from a single place.

将Slack提升到更高水平的是添加第三方服务的能力。 Slack意识到这只是一种交流工具,团队的日常活动将依赖于其他服务(例如GitHub,Asana,Buildbot或Dropbox)。 通过启用这些第三方集成,Slack帮助您从一个地方连接所有这些服务。


Here are three of my favorites.


1.聊天机器人Hubot (1. Hubot, the chat bot)

At IMG, we have integrated Hubot, the programmable chat bot made by GitHub. Slack has support for Hubot, and you’ll need to know a little CoffeeScript to make custom commands.

在IMG,我们已经集成了Hubot ,这是GitHub制造的可编程聊天机器人。 Slack支持Hubot,您需要了解一点CoffeeScript才能创建自定义命令。

You’ll need to deploy Hubot to Heroku and then add the third party integration on Slack. Here’s a list of steps you can follow. You could have a look at GitHub’s documentation to deploy it to Heroku. We call our bot “Hodor”.

您需要将Hubot部署到Heroku,然后在Slack上添加第三方集成。 以下是您可以执行的步骤列表 。 您可以查看GitHub的文档以将其部署到Heroku 。 我们称我们的机器人为“ Hodor”。

You can make your bot do simple things like list the top ‘x’ articles on HackerNews.

您可以让您的机器人做一些简单的事情,例如在HackerNews上列出最重要的“ x”文章。


Or add a mustache to someone.



You can program your bot to do some fun things to. Remember iRobot?

您可以对您的机器人进行编程,使其做一些有趣的事情。 还记得iRobot吗?


All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Let’s play Hangman now, shall we?

所有的工作,没有玩耍,使杰克成为一个愚蠢的男孩。 让我们现在玩Hang子手吧?


2. GitHub-通过Slack跟踪您的存储库 (2. GitHub — track your repositories through Slack)

Often, developers integrate a mailing list with their Git repositories, which leads to a mail for every new commit. With Slack, you can integrate it with the application. All you need to do is specify which repositories to monitor, and select the the channels that are linked to the updates.

通常,开发人员将邮件列表与其Git存储库集成在一起,这会为每次新提交生成邮件。 使用Slack,您可以将其与应用程序集成。 您需要做的就是指定要监视的存储库,然后选择链接到更新的通道。

Activate GitHub under Integrations in Slack, and connect a GitHub account to it.



After you have connected a GitHub account, you can link repositories (and optionally branches too) to a channel and select the events that trigger a message. In this case, we go with the default events. Here’s how the updates appear:

连接GitHub帐户后,您可以将存储库(也可以选择分支)链接到通道,并选择触发消息的事件。 在这种情况下,我们使用默认事件。 更新显示如下:


3. Google云端硬盘-轻松共享文件 (3. Google Drive — share files easily)

Another useful third-party integration is a cloud-based file sharing system. Sharing files among your team mates is a necessity, and if your team uses Slack, why open a different service for sharing files?

另一个有用的第三方集成是基于云的文件共享系统。 在队友之间共享文件是必要的,如果您的团队使用Slack,为什么还要打开其他服务来共享文件?

Integrating Google Drive is easy. All you need to do is activate the integration and connect a Google account.

集成Google云端硬盘非常容易。 您需要做的就是**集成并连接一个Google帐户。


Once you’ve successfully integrated it, all you need to do is paste a link to the file, and anyone on the channel can access it.



Slack can also be integrated with Dropbox, for those teams that prefer Dropbox over Drive.


更多第三方集成 (More third party integrations)

Slack provides more than 60 third party integrations at the time of writing this, and they are continuously adding more! Therefore, it’s not feasible to cover all of them. However, I will mention a few more that may be important for the functioning of your team.

在撰写本文时,Slack提供了60多个第三方集成 ,并且它们还在不断增加! 因此,覆盖所有这些都是不可行的。 但是,我会提到一些对您的团队运作可能很重要的信息。

Many developers use Travis CI to inspect any code that is pushed to the central repository. This helps in the process on continuous deployment. Slack provides an integration to link a channel to Travis CI and post the messages of the inspections on every push.

许多开发人员使用Travis CI来检查任何推送到*存储库的代码。 这有助于持续部署的过程。 Slack提供了一种集成,可以将通道链接到Travis CI,并在每次推送时发布检查消息。

Sentry is a service which logs errors in your applications. This integration helps in reporting real time errors in Slack.

Sentry是一项在您的应用程序中记录错误的服务。 该集成有助于报告Slack中的实时错误。

Pingdom is a tool that checks the uptime for your website. You can configure Slack to get Pingdom reports and post them on a channel.

Pingdom是一种检查网站正常运行时间的工具。 您可以将Slack配置为获取Pingdom报告并将其发布到频道上。

Many organizations (SitePoint included) use Trello for project management. You can add this third party integration to link your boards to Slack. Asana, an alternative for Trello, is also available on Slack.

许多组织(包括SitePoint)都使用Trello进行项目管理。 您可以添加此第三方集成,以将您的板链接到Slack。 Aslack是Trello的替代产品,也可以在Slack上获得。

最后的想法 (Final Thoughts)

Slack is a wonderful tool. If you don’t use all its features, it could function as a great chat application, but at its full power, it’s just so much more. It may be too early to say this (since Slack launched just over a year ago), but Slack seems like it’s here to stay.

Slack是一个很棒的工具。 如果您不使用其所有功能,它可能会充当出色的聊天应用程序,但如果发挥其全部功能,它的功能将更多。 这么说还为时过早(因为Slack一年前才推出),但是Slack似乎将继续存在。

You may still be using Google Groups or ancient mailing lists, but I hope I have made you realize what you are missing without Slack. So when are you trying it out?

您可能仍在使用Google网上论坛或古老的邮件列表,但我希望我已经使您意识到没有Slack时您会丢失什么。 那么您什么时候尝试呢?

Do you use Slack? What are your favorite integrations and customization tips?

您使用Slack吗? 您最喜欢的集成和自定义提示是什么?

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/supercharge-slack-powerful-workplace-collaboration/
