您应该购买哪款Apple Watch?

您应该购买哪款Apple Watch?

Apple now sells an Apple Watch at every price point. There’s the cutting-edge Series 6 Watch, the new and affordable Apple Watch SE, and the bargain-bin Apple Watch Series 3. But aside from their price tags, what’s the difference between these Apple Watch models? And which one should you buy for yourself, a friend, or a family member?

苹果现在在每个价格点都出售Apple Watch。 有最先进的Series 6 Watch,价格合理的新型Apple Watch SE和价格便宜的Apple Watch Series3。但是,除了它们的价格标签之外,这些Apple Watch型号之间有何区别? 您应该为自己,朋友或家人购买哪一个呢?

快速概述:6系列,SE和3系列 (A Quick Overview: Series 6, SE, and Series 3)

Before we get into the weeds, let’s do a quick overview of the Apple Watch Series 6, SE, and Series 3. These are the three wearables currently offered by Apple, and all three of them offer the fitness, health, and communication features that you expect from an Apple Watch. They’re available in GPS or LTE varieties, although cellular-connected Apple Watches (which are useful when you exercise without your iPhone) cost $50 extra. They’re all also water resistant and feature the digital crown.

在进入杂草之前,让我们快速概述一下Apple Watch Series 6,SE和Series3。这是Apple当前提供的三种可穿戴设备,它们全部提供了健身,健康和交流功能,您期望从Apple Watch获得。 它们有GPS或LTE两种版本,尽管蜂窝连接的Apple Watch(在没有iPhone的情况下锻炼时非常有用)要多花50美元。 它们也都是防水的,并具有数字表冠。

So how are the Series 6, SE, and Series 3 Watch different from one another? Here are their special features, along with their basic pricing:

那么6系列,SE和3系列手表之间有何不同? 以下是它们的特殊功能以及基本价格:

  • Apple Watch Series 6 ($400)

    Apple Watch Series 6 (400美元)

    • Highest Resolution Always-On Display

    • Blood Oxygen Sensor

    • Always-On Altimeter (Measures Altitude)

    • Heart Sensor with ECG and Irregular Heart Rate Notifications, SP02 readings

    • Fall Detection and Emergency SOS

    • Faster Charging

    • Family Setup Support


    Apple Watch Series 6 ($400)

    Apple Watch Series 6 (400美元)

  • Apple Watch SE ($280)

    Apple Watch SE (280美元)

    • Highest Resolution Display

    • Always-On Altimeter (Measures Altitude)

    • Heart Sensor with Irregular Heart Rate Notifications

    • Fall Detection and Emergency SOS

    • Family Setup Support


    Apple Watch SE ($280)

    Apple Watch SE (280美元)

  • Apple Watch Series 3 ($200)

    Apple Watch Series 3 (200美元)

    • Heart Sensor with Irregular Heart Rate Notifications

    • Emergency SOS

    • Runs the Latest Version of watchOS


    Apple Watch Series 3 ($200)

    Apple Watch Series 3 (200美元)

Now that we’ve covered the stand-out features for each Apple Watch, let’s go over some of their biggest selling points. You’ll find that the Series 6, SE, and Series 3 Watch all feature a modern design with fantastic health and communication tools, but you have to spend a bit extra to get some of the flashiest newest features.

既然我们已经介绍了每个Apple Watch的出色功能,那么让我们回顾一下它们的最大卖点。 您会发现Series 6,SE和Series 3 Watch均具有现代设计,并带有出色的健康和通讯工具,但您必须花一些钱才能获得一些最炫目的最新功能。

Everything You Need in an Affordable Package
您应该购买哪款Apple Watch?

Apple Watch Series 3 (GPS, 38mm) - Space Gray Aluminum Case with Black Sport Band

If you don't care about always-on displays or advanced health-tracking features, then the affordable Series 3 Watch is the way to go. It has all the basic fitness and wearable features you expect from an Apple Watch.

Apple Watch Series 3(GPS,38mm)-太空灰铝制表壳,配黑色运动表带

如果您不关心常亮显示屏或高级的健康跟踪功能,那么经济实惠的Series 3 Watch是您的不二之选。 它具有您希望Apple Watch拥有的所有基本健身功能和可穿戴功能。

设计选项:颜色,表盘和表带 (Design Options: Colors, Watch Faces, and Watch Bands)

您应该购买哪款Apple Watch?

Let’s start with style. Even the cheapest Apple Watch Series 3 looks cool and modern, thanks to Apple’s forward-thinking design and digital watch face support. And while the Series 3 has a smaller lower-resolution display than its successors (with the option for a 38mm or 42mm size), it still fits Apple’s flashy new 40mm- and 44mm-sized watch bands.

让我们从样式开始。 得益于Apple的前瞻性设计和数字表盘支持,即使是最便宜的Apple Watch Series 3也看起来很酷,很现代。 尽管Series 3具有比其后继产品更低的更低分辨率的显示屏(可以选择38mm或42mm尺寸),但它仍然适合苹果华丽的40mm和44mm新表带

The only problem with the older Apple Watch Series 3, aside from its smaller display, is that it’s about a millimeter thicker than the new Series 6 and SE watches. It also comes in only aluminum and black aluminum shells, while Apple’s highest-end wearable is available in gold, red, and navy colors.

除了较小的显示屏之外,较旧的Apple Watch Series 3的唯一问题是,它比新型Series 6和SE手表厚约一毫米。 它还只有铝和黑铝外壳,而Apple最高端的可穿戴设备则有金色,红色和海军色。

Unfortunately, the new SE lacks the red and navy color options. It also lacks the always-on display of the Series 6 Watch, which makes you look cool and allows you to quickly glance at your Apple Watch as if its an old-fashioned wristwatch. Otherwise, it’s visually identical to the new Series 6 Watch.

不幸的是,新的SE缺少红色和海军色选项。 它还缺少Series 6 Watch始终显示的显示屏,这使您看起来很酷,并且可以快速浏览Apple Watch,就好像它是老式手表一样。 否则,它在外观上与新款Series 6 Watch相同。

Modern Display and Swappable Watch Bands
您应该购买哪款Apple Watch?

New Apple Watch SE (GPS, 40mm) - Space Gray Aluminum Case with Black Sport Band

The affordable Apple Watch SE has the same bright display as the Series 6, along with colorful, interchangeable watch bands, an altimeter, and basic fitness features.

新款Apple Watch SE(GPS,40毫米)-太空灰色铝制表壳,配黑色运动表带

负担得起的Apple Watch SE具有与Series 6相同的明亮显示屏,以及彩色,可互换的表带,高度计和基本健身功能。

健身和健康追踪:为特殊功能支付额外费用 (Fitness and Health Tracking: Pay Extra for Specialized Features)

您应该购买哪款Apple Watch?

Health and fitness features are the great dividing point between the Series 6, SE, and Series 3 Apple Watch. As you can imagine, the expensive Apple Watch Series 6 has the most health and fitness features, including an ECG scanner and a blood oxygen sensor. But are those features with the extra money?

健康和健身功能是6系列,SE和3系列Apple Watch之间的主要区别。 可以想象,昂贵的Apple Watch Series 6具有最健康的健身功能,包括ECG扫描仪和血氧传感器。 但是这些功能是否需要额外的钱?

For most people, the cheaper Apple Watch SE and Series 3 offer plenty of health and fitness features. They can count your steps, track your sleep, and alert you if your heart rate goes out of wack. The cheaper Apple Watches can also send out SOS alerts and run apps like Spotify or Apple Maps. Of course, only the SE and the costly Series 6 Watch include fall detection, and the Series 6’s always-on display may appeal to some outdoor fitness geeks.

对于大多数人来说,便宜的Apple Watch SE和Series 3提供了许多健康和健身功能。 他们可以计算您的步数,跟踪您的睡眠,并在您的心律不正常时提醒您。 较便宜的Apple Watch还可以发出SOS警报并运行Spotify或Apple Maps等应用。 当然,只有SE和价格昂贵的Series 6手表才包含跌倒检测功能,而Series 6始终显示的显示屏可能会吸引某些户外健身爱好者。

Now’s a good time to think about display size. If you plan to spend a lot of time monitoring your health or checking your steps from the Apple Watch, then you may want to opt for the SE or Series 6 devices, which come in 40mm and 44mm form-factors.

现在是考虑显示器尺寸的好时机。 如果您打算花费大量时间来监视自己的健康状况或通过Apple Watch检查您的操作,那么您可能希望选择SE或Series 6设备,它们的尺寸为40mm和44mm。

On the other hand, you might want to go for the smaller and cheaper Series 3 Watch if you plan to pay extra for cellular support as it’ll help offset the cost. An LTE Apple Watch can play music or give directions while disconnected from your iPhone, which is handy if you’re a runner or bicyclist.

另一方面,如果您打算额外支付蜂窝支持费用,则可能希望购买更小巧,更便宜的Series 3 Watch,因为这将有助于抵消成本。 LTE Apple Watch可以在与iPhone断开连接的情况下播放音乐或指示方向,如果您是跑步者或骑自行车的人,这将非常方便。

The Latest, Fastest Fitness and Health Sensors
您应该购买哪款Apple Watch?

New Apple Watch Series 6 (GPS + Cellular, 40mm) - Gold Stainless Steel Case with Gold Milanese Loop

Apple's Series 6 Watch offers the latest health and fitness features, with faster ECG reading and a cutting-edge blood oxygen sensor. It also has a bright always-on display.

全新Apple Watch Series 6(GPS +蜂窝网络,40mm)-金色不锈钢表壳,带金色米兰环

Apple的Series 6 Watch具有最新的健康和健身功能,具有更快的ECG读取速度和先进的血氧传感器。 它还具有明亮的常亮显示屏。

那么Series 4和Series 5呢? (What About the Series 4 and Series 5?)

您应该购买哪款Apple Watch?

With all this talk of the Series 3 Watch, you can’t help but ask what happened to the older models—Apple Watch Series 4 and Series 5. Well, they’re discontinued! Production for the Series 4 Watch ended with the launch of its successor, as the products look nearly identical and are only slightly different from one another. Now the Series 5 Watch is going through the same process, but it may be worth buying if you can find it on sale.

谈到Series 3 Watch的所有讨论,您不禁要问一下旧型号Apple Watch Series 4和Series 5发生了什么。那么,它们已经停产了! Series 4 Watch的生产以其后继产品的发布而告终,因为这些产品看起来几乎相同,彼此之间仅稍有不同。 现在,Series 5 Watch正在经历相同的过程,但是如果您可以出售的话,可能值得购买。

The Apple Watch Series 5 is about the same price as the new Apple Watch SE, despite the fact that it has an always-on display and the ability to perform ECGs. It’s missing the Apple Watch SE’s always-on altimeter and the Series 6’s blood oxygen sensor, but it’s still a fantastic product that works with new Apple Watch bands.

尽管Apple Watch Series 5始终保持显示状态并具有执行ECG的功能,但其价格与新款Apple Watch SE的价格大致相同。 它缺少Apple Watch SE始终在线的高度计和Series 6的血氧传感器,但是它仍然是一款与新Apple Watch表带配合使用的出色产品。

Like the SE, But With ECG and Always-On Display
您应该购买哪款Apple Watch?

Apple Watch Series 5 (GPS, 44mm) - Space Gray Aluminum Case with Black Sport Band

The Apple Watch Series 5 has an always-on display and can perform ECGs---two features that are missing from the SE. If you can still find the Series 5 Watch, it may be worth buying.

Apple Watch Series 5(GPS,44mm)-太空灰铝制表壳,配黑色运动表带

Apple Watch Series 5具有始终显示的功能,并且可以执行ECG,这是SE所缺少的两个功能。 如果您仍然可以找到Series 5 Watch,那么可能值得购买。

翻译自: https://www.reviewgeek.com/54152/which-apple-watch-should-you-buy/