

Do you want to show your Faecbook timeline posts on your website?


By adding your Facebook updates to your website, you can keep users updated with real-time status and even boost your Facebook following.


In this article, we’ll show you how to easily display your Facebook timeline in WordPress.



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在WordPress中显示您的Facebook时间轴 (Displaying Your Facebook Timeline in WordPress)

We’re going to use Smash Balloon’s Custom Facebook Feed Pro to add our Facebook timeline to our WordPress website.

我们将使用Smash Balloon的Custom Facebook Feed Pro将我们的Facebook时间轴添加到我们的WordPress网站

First, you need to go to the Smash Balloon website and download the Custom Facebook Feed Pro plugin.

首先,您需要转到Smash Balloon网站并下载Custom Facebook Feed Pro插件

Next, you need to install and activate the plugin on your site. For more details, see our step by step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

接下来,您需要在网站上安装并**插件。 有关更多详细信息,请参阅有关如何安装WordPress插件的分步指南。

Note: There’s also a free version of the plugin, called Smash Balloon Social Post Feed. This works fine to display text and links from your timeline. However, it will not show photos.

注意:该插件还有一个免费版本,称为Smash Balloon Social Post Feed 。 这样可以很好地显示时间线中的文本和链接。 但是,它不会显示照片。

Upon activation, go to Facebook Feed » Settings in your WordPress dashboard. Here, you will need to connect your Facebook account.

**后,转到WordPress仪表板中的Facebook Feed»设置 。 在这里,您需要连接您的Facebook帐户。


Next, you need to decide whether to display a Facebook page or group timeline. We’re going to use our Facebook page.

接下来,您需要确定是显示Facebook页面还是组时间轴。 我们将使用我们的Facebook页面。

Note: You cannot display a timeline from your personal profile. This is due to Facebook’s privacy policy.

注意:您无法显示个人资料中的时间轴。 这是由于Facebook的隐私政策。


Facebook will then prompt you to agree and give Smash Balloon permission to access your Facebook account. Simply follow the on-screen prompts.

然后,Facebook会提示您同意并授予Smash Balloon权限以访问您的Facebook帐户。 只需按照屏幕上的提示进行操作即可。

You will then see the Custom Facebook Feed Settings page again, with a popup asking you to select which page to use. Click on the page you want, and then click the ‘Connect this page’ button:

然后,您将再次看到“自定义Facebook Feed设置”页面,并弹出一个对话框,要求您选择要使用的页面。 单击所需的页面,然后单击“连接此页面”按钮:


You should now see your page listed in the ‘Connected Accounts’ section of the Custom Facebook Feed configuration settings. Don’t forget to click the ‘Save Settings’ button to save it.

现在,您应该在“自定义Facebook Feed”配置设置的“已连接帐户”部分中看到您的页面。 不要忘记单击“保存设置”按钮进行保存。


Now, it’s time to go ahead and add the Facebook timeline from your page to your site. Simply open up the post or page where you want to put your timeline, or create a new post or page.

现在,该开始将Facebook时间轴从您的页面添加到您的网站了。 只需打开要放置时间线的帖子或页面,或创建一个新的帖子或页面。

It’s also possible to add your timeline to your WordPress sidebar, which we’ll cover later in this tutorial.


We’re going to create a new page by going to Pages » Add New. On the page edit screen, click on the (+) icon to add the Custom Facebook Feed block in the WordPress block editor:

我们将转到Pages»Add New来创建一个新页面。 在页面编辑屏幕上,单击(+)图标,将自定义Facebook Feed块添加到WordPress块编辑器中


You can see the preview of your Facebook feed straight away in the content editor. Go ahead and preview or publish your page to check it out on your site. Here’s our Facebook timeline:

您可以在内容编辑器中立即查看Facebook feed的预览。 继续并预览或发布您的页面以在您的站点上检出它。 这是我们的Facebook时间表:


We’ve added some styling to our timeline to make it look great on our site. Next, we’ll take a look at how to customize your own Facebook timeline using Custom Facebook Feed Pro.

我们在时间轴中添加了一些样式,以使其在我们的网站上看起来很棒。 接下来,我们将看一下如何使用“自定义Facebook Feed Pro”自定义自己的Facebook时间线。

使用Smash Balloon Facebook Feed Pro自定义您的Facebook时间线 (Customizing Your Facebook Timeline with Smash Balloon Facebook Feed Pro)

Custom Facebook Feed Pro lets you change all sorts of options about your timeline. Let’s go through some of the key ones.

自定义Facebook Feed Pro可让您更改有关时间轴的各种选项。 让我们看一些关键的。

Simply go to the Facebook Feed » Settings page in your WordPress dashboard.

只需转到WordPress仪表板中的Facebook Feed»设置页面。

Scroll down to the ‘Settings’ section, and you’ll see a few key options. For instance, you might decide you only want to display 5 posts:

向下滚动到“设置”部分,您会看到一些关键选项。 例如,您可能决定只显示5个帖子:


There are also lots of settings under the Facebook Feed » Customize page that you may want to try out. This page gives you lots of different options to choose from in different tabs.

您可能想尝试一下Facebook Feed»“自定义”页面下的许多设置。 此页面为您提供了许多不同的选项,可从不同的选项卡中进行选择。


To change how your timeline is laid out, simply click the ‘Post Layout’ tab. We’ve selected the ‘Half-width’ style for our posts at the top here. Don’t forget to click the ‘Save Changes’ button after making any changes:

要更改时间轴的布局方式,只需点击“发布布局”标签。 我们已在此处顶部为帖子选择了“半角”样式。 进行任何更改后,请不要忘记单击“保存更改”按钮:


Next, go to the ‘Style Posts’ tab to change how your posts are styled. We think the ‘Boxed’ style here looks great. We’ve given our posts rounded corners plus a shadow:

接下来,转到“样式帖子”标签以更改帖子的样式。 我们认为这里的“盒装”样式很棒。 我们给帖子贴上了圆角和阴影:


Again, make sure you save your changes before leaving the page.


在WordPress边栏中添加自定义Facebook时间线 (Adding Your Custom Facebook Timeline in WordPress Sidebar)

What if you want to display your Facebook timeline in your sidebar instead of in a post or page? You can easily do that with Custom Facebook Feeds.

如果要在边栏中而不是在帖子或页面中显示Facebook时间线,该怎么办? 您可以使用“自定义Facebook Feed”轻松完成此操作。

First, go to the Appearance » Widgets page in your WordPress admin area. Then, drag a ‘Text’ widget to wherever you want your timeline within your sidebar. Now, simply enter the shortcode [custom-facebook-feed] in the widget and save it.

首先,转到WordPress管理区域中的外观»小部件页面。 然后,将“文本”窗口小部件拖动到侧边栏中您想要时间轴的任何位置。 现在,只需在小部件中输入简码[custom-facebook-feed]并将其保存。


Your Facebook timeline will now appear in the sidebar on your website:



We hope this article helped you learn how to display your Facebook timeline in WordPress. You might also want to check out our articles on easy ways to increase your blog traffic and the best WordPress plugins.

我们希望本文能帮助您学习如何在WordPress中显示Facebook时间轴。 您可能还想查看有关增加博客流量最佳WordPress插件的 简单方法的文章。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress****。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-tutorials/how-to-display-your-facebook-timeline-in-wordpress/
