



Whether you’re interested in recording live TV using Plex or considering setting up NextPVR, you need a tuner card. But which form factor is best?

无论您是想使用Plex录制直播电视,还是考虑设置NextPVR ,都需要一张调谐卡。 但是哪种形式最好?

TV tuner cards for computers come in many shapes. There are USB cards, which you simply plug in. There are the PCI cards, which you have to install inside your desktop computer. And there are network cards, which you connect to via Ethernet. Which one should you choose?

用于计算机的电视调谐器卡有多种形状。 有一些USB卡,您只需插入即可。有一些​​PCI卡,您必须将它们安装在台式计算机中。 还有一些网卡,可以通过以太网连接到这些网卡。 您应该选择哪一个?

The answer is: it depends. Here’s a brief look at the different form factors.

答案是:这取决于。 下面简要介绍一下不同的外形尺寸。

PCI / PCI-e:整洁 (PCI/PCI-e: Neat and Tidy)


If you have a dedicated Home Theater PC (HTPC), or just a computer that you use as a media server, a PCI option like the Hauppauge WinTV-quadHD, above, might be a good idea. These TV tuners are installed inside the box, meaning everything is neat and tidy: just plug your antenna into your computer and you’re done.

如果您有一台专用的家庭影院PC(HTPC),或者只是一台用作媒体服务器的计算机,那么上面的Hauppauge WinTV-quadHD之类的PCI选项可能是个好主意。 这些电视调谐器安装在包装盒内,这意味着一切都整洁:只需将天线插入计算机即可。

The main downside: you have to install the card yourself, which means opening up your computer. It also has to be a desktop computer. You can’t use cards like these in a laptop, or a tiny computer like the Mac Mini. And even if you have a proper PC, these kinds of cards take up a PCI slot. Some GPUs use up multiple slots, meaning you might not be able to use both a PCI tuner card and a hardcore graphics card.

主要缺点:您必须自己安装卡,这意味着要打开计算机。 它还必须是台式计算机。 您不能在笔记本电脑或Mac Mini等小型计算机中使用此类卡。 即使您有一台合适的PC,这些类型的卡也会占用一个PCI插槽。 某些GPU会占用多个插槽,这意味着您可能无法同时使用PCI调谐器卡和硬核图形卡。

For most users, however, a PCI tuner card works perfectly.


USB:易于安装 (USB: Easy To Install)


USB tuner cards like the Hauppauge WinTV-dualHD, above, couldn’t be simpler. Just plug the tuner card into your computer, plug the antenna into the tuner card, and you’re pretty much done. You don’t have to take apart your PC, and you can even use this on a laptop or small PC if you want.

像上面的Hauppauge WinTV-dualHD这样的USB调谐器卡再简单不过了。 只需将调谐器卡插入计算机,将天线插入调谐器卡,就可以完成工作。 您无需拆开PC,甚至可以根据需要在笔记本电脑或小型PC上使用它。

The downside: these cards stick out the back of your computer, adding to the mess of cables and boxes there. You’ll have to manage those cables somehow.

缺点:这些卡伸出您的计算机背面,使电缆和盒子杂乱无章。 您必须以某种方式管理这些电缆

It’s a minor point, but one worth thinking about. In terms of performance you don’t really have to worry—USB 3 is more than fast enough to handle recording and streaming HD television. It really boils down to personal preference.

这是次要的一点,但值得考虑。 在性能方面,您不必担心-USB 3的速度足以处理录制和流式高清电视。 这实际上归结为个人喜好。

网络连接选项:随时随地 (Network Connected Options: Stick It Anywhere)


Finally, there are network based tuners, like the HD Homerun. These sorts of tuners might be the best choice available right now. You can put them anywhere in your house, so long as they can connect to your network. You can then watch TV on any device on your network: your HTPC, your phone, or your gaming console. It’s a flexible option, and devices like the HD Homerun are compatible with both Plex’s DVR functionality and Kodi.

最后,还有基于网络的调谐器,例如HD Homerun 。 这些类型的调谐器可能是目前可用的最佳选择。 您可以将它们放在家里的任何地方,只要它们可以连接到您的网络即可。 然后,您可以在网络上的任何设备上观看电视:HTPC,电话或游戏机。 这是一个灵活的选择,HD Homerun之类的设备与Plex的DVR功能和Kodi兼容。

Don’t underestimate how nice it is to put your box in a different place than your HTPC—it’s priceless if you’re looking to improve your TV reception. Your tuner card, and your antenna, can be in any room in the house, provided they can access your network. You just need an Ethernet connection (Wi-Fi may work but it’s not recommended).

不要低估将盒子放在与HTPC不同的位置上有多好-如果您想改善电视接收效果,那将是无价的。 您的调谐卡和天线可以在房子的任何房间中,只要它们可以访问您的网络。 您只需要一个以太网连接(Wi-Fi可以工作,但不建议这样做)。

