日历应用程序 c++_您怎么说:最喜欢的移动日历应用程序?

日历应用程序 c++_您怎么说:最喜欢的移动日历应用程序?

日历应用程序 c++

日历应用程序 c++_您怎么说:最喜欢的移动日历应用程序?

Earlier this week we asked you to share your favorite mobile calendar app; you weighed in and now we’re back to highlight the trends in your comments.

本周早些时候,我们要求您分享自己喜欢的移动日历应用程序; 您权衡了一下,现在我们将在您的评论中重点介绍趋势。

Overwhelmingly readers were pretty content with the native apps on their smartphones. The magic combination seemed to be a good native app, that synced with Google Calendar, and then possibly enhanced with a good homescreen widget. Dave writes:

绝大多数读者对智能手机上的本机应用程序非常满意。 神奇的组合似乎是一个不错的本地应用程序,它与Google日历同步,然后可能通过一个不错的主屏幕小部件进行了增强。 戴夫写道:

I use the native Android calendar app because I can quickly view my three calendars, my wife’s four calendars, and several calendars shared with family & friends. On my homescreen I use CalWidget (free in the Android Market) because I can easily see all upcoming events and the color coding of the actual event text helps differentiate which is mine.

我可以使用本机Android日历应用程序,因为我可以快速查看我的三个日历,妻子的四个日历以及与家人和朋友共享的几个日历。 在我的主屏幕上,我使用CalWidget (在Android Market中免费),因为我可以轻松查看所有即将发生的事件,而实际事件文本的颜色编码有助于区分哪个是我的。

Kerensky97 sticks to just the native app:


Used to love Pocket Informant but the native Calendar on Android is good enough that I don’t feel like paying for a “more feature rich” calendar is worth it. It covers all the major bases I need, adds in the ability for bringing together multiple calendars and auto syncs to the cloud rather well. If I eve need to make changes I can do it from Google on my laptop or from the calendar on my phone and know the changes will sync to my other devices.

曾经喜欢Pocket Informant,但是Android上的本机Calendar足够好,我觉得花钱买“功能更丰富”的日历是不值得的。 它涵盖了我需要的所有主要基础,并增加了将多个日历整合到一起以及自动同步到云的功能。 如果需要更改,可以从笔记本电脑上的Google或手机上的日历进行更改,并且知道更改将同步到其他设备。

Lest you think we only heard from Android users, iPhone users were just as happy using the native app and syncing to Google. DK123 writes:

除非您认为我们只收到Android用户的消息,否则iPhone用户对使用本机应用程序并同步到Google感到同样高兴。 DK123写道:

I use the native iPhone calendar. Syncs with my Google calendars. Google calendar on browser on desktop. I don’t see a need for any third-party calendar app for the iPhone.

我使用本机iPhone日历。 与我的Google日历同步。 桌面浏览器上的Google日历。 我认为iPhone不需要任何第三方日历应用程序。

For more application recommendations, hit up the original comment thread here. Have a question you want put before the How-To Geek audience? Shoot us an email at [email protected]

有关更多应用程序建议,请在此处点击原始注释线程。 您想向How-To Geek观众提出一个问题吗? 向我们发送电子邮件,网址是[email protected]

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/72765/what-you-said-favorite-mobile-calendar-app/

日历应用程序 c++